switch - für immer punkcast

switch - für immer punkcast

Der Punkcast ist ein Live-Mitschnitt & die Weiterentwicklung von "Switch - Für immer Punk".


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21 03 2021
TEACH ME HOW TO TRUST MY HEART MY MIND MY INTUITON MY INNER KNOWING THE SENSES OF MY BODY THE BLESSINGS OF MY SPIRIT TEACH ME TRUST THESE THINGS SO THAT I MAY ENTER MY SACRED SPACE & LOVE BEYOND MY FEAR AND THUS WALK IN BALANCE WITH THE PASSING OF EACH <3 -GLORIOUS SAN- LAKOTA PRAYER- <3 thank you mr gregg braden for sharing this- on this day.. * siehst, hörst du vllt auch das da manchmal zeichen sind, im aussen? das alles miteinander wirkt für einen und da ist? zb.manchmal bekommt man ne sms zu nem gewissen zeitpunkt, oder jemand fremdes läuft an dir vorbei und sagt iwas... was dann supercool is für dich! also, es macht iwas mit dir- das zu mehr aha! effekten führt und einen weiser und bewusster macht! VOLLGUT! * you see, listen sometimes also, that sometimes, you get a sms from a beloved, or friend or some stranger walks by and just says some sentence or word, which is just supercool for you also there for you- well, does something with you- like one get more wisdom, awareness how everything does effect to one-coopoerates-
* when i was a child, i´ve seen and observed, how my mum ate every single ricecorn from her plate. also the rest, which sticks on the pot she´s scattered and scratched always to us. she answered then to my question:" kizim, if you once think of the hands and peoples, who have raised up this ricecorn with their love- and how it had reached us. let us thank mother earth, which made it us this gift. not all children have got enough food in their stomachs." this felt in real very deep in my heart these moment- so, i´ve made it or and make it same-until today last week she´ve told us how it has come to her: also she was little and have let some rests of riceseeds on the plate. my grandpa looked gentle to her and meant to her:" my lovely child, current there live 30 millions residents in turkey. ( 1953).. imagine once, that all 30 millions residents let their riceseeds on the plate." her eyes got so huge wide open- she draw that 30 million riceseeds in her inner eye and this was so over gigantic much, that she have decided since this moment, never ever waste one single ricecorn again and be attentioned. <3
ps.irgendwann habe ich erfahren, dass man das alu von dem pappbecher entfernen muss und dann in den gelben sack entsorgt- sonst kann die liebe maschine nicht recyceln // ps. somewhen i´ve known, that one has to release the aluminium from the plastic cup to dispose- otherwise the lovely machine cannot recyle
* YEAH! wir werfen wir keinen müll mehr in die natur!
* please dont we throw waste no longer into nature!
* lütfen biz tabiata artik cöp atmayalim!
* blitzblitzblitzableiter <3 //* lightning conductor, arrester <3 //* yildirim-kiran <3 //* heute leider nicht mehr erhältlich//* today unfortunately no more availabe //* bugün ne yazik ki, bulunmaz artik //* danke das ich springen, klettern, tanzen, fliegen und stehen kann!! //* thanks that i can spring, climb,fly, dance and stand !! //* tesekkür ederim, atlaya bildigim icin, tirmanmam icin, uca bildigim icin, dans edebildigim icin, durmam icin!!
* bitte nutze das für dich! * please use this for you! * bunu kendin icin kullan!
*ich wünsche dir was schönes, dass du etwas besonderes megatolles für dich auf dem boden findest! wann war das, als du mal was tolles auf dem boden iwo gefunden hast? es ist nur so, dass ich immerwieder so tolle sachen finde! *i wish you something beautiful, that you will find for yourself something special megagreat somewhere on the ground! when and what was it, when you have some something nice on the ground? its just that i do find so lovely things there! *sana cok güzel bir sey dilerim, her hangi bir toprakta olan senin icin cok özel güzel bir sey bulmanin! ne zamandi, neydi sen bir defa yerde buldun birsey?
* in die hände klatschen ab und zu und zu applaudieren tut soo guuut!
* to clap there and then your hands and make applause is sooo goody!
* bazen ellerinle alkis etmek coook iyi geliyor yahuu!


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a very special one for me- here with my soulpiratesister arun rad ab gnom <3 and music which she like a lot & has escorted her in her life-
we know and love each other about reams of years- she is one, who stands all time behind me-in unconditional love, even we do not see us that often! we stay in telepathy- she supports me when-or what ever is-we´re stealing horses together- alone the thought of her makes me smile and i get trust back into myself, when i feel myself maybe weak- i´m very happyglad found her in my life-

she is a brilliant punktankgirl,full of heart & soul & life wisdome,always positive so lovely,creative,strong and is the very best mum of her beautiful fairygirl manon zora li <3 which teaches us so much!! and became recently a young grandma! she makes also tatoo´s and my arm was her first testarm one :)

for me she is for what PUNK stays, in person- <3 one for all all for one

i´ve asked her about an ultimative song, which is one lifevest- she told, there are a lot of, but nina hagen is the one, which throws her back into the time when she started to listen and got embossed with music- there´s then no special song, just like she do feel then at the moment from nina-

*ive asked if she´s living out her sadness if there is one: "of course,what may otherwise happen? you have to live this also in any case!"

her hippy parents, took her in age of maybe 11 to a nina hagen/ stefan remmler concert here in this building we are, alte feuerwehrwache, mannheim <3 -they embossed her too, whith their very wild, craze,sometimes tragic lifestyle-

"i think everything comes like it should come"

(OH DEAR! just now ive listened. i remembered we met there shortly in this show aaaah <3 a hello from juergen torunsky!! he was the loviest uncle at bermudafunk which always supported me with his great heart from the beginning! r.i.p. dear juergen,thank you so much!
i´ve asked:"what is the thing you worry about in universe?"
"i dont like fanatics- i dont like them slowly more at all- they should all turn a bit on their brain- "what could we do therefore?" "nothing-i try since i am on earth- only the environment, we must try to stay authentic and loyal against oneself, take responsibility- everybody which pushes the own thing is punk. also politicians which stand for their truth even against other politicans- everybody tries being punk."
some faschos had pissed upon my pup´s windows one time...we talked about peace or what is to do.. "we will piss on the legs of fanatics, if they want to suck. i dont want to convert someone, they didnt saw another land than germany, maybe trashtv, they are blinded-we can only hope and walk in own little steps against. in the past i was a lot of demos, but now im older, bones brake faster-so, but keep on doing this, folks!"
"on what do you rely?" " my feeling-from my experience if they were +/- ive put out always the positive- at least today im the one who i am & im very content for. keep gutfeeling/ bodyfeeling-" /"some got lost themselves." "finding out through questioning" "your lifevest?"" my 15 year old daughter is my lifevest <3"
"trust is like a paper, when it get crumbled, there it will never be like before?" "this i was asked a lot of time, even my broken finger.nothing is like before. ironing by paper? 1 little step may be get whole again. positivity*

we both are like äffle&pferdle / 2 comic charaktersTV/ARD/ :D JOKE: monkey asks the horse:" what is the difference between gratis & in vain?" " i was at school gratis & you in vain."
" we have got only one hour. when the hour is joyful, this is a lot. not the measure of time decides- but the measure of joy in it." rainer maria rilke

i am very lucky with all of my life, friends, family,this studio, that i can be there.. !!

- letting go of some things which one could, should- that something & a lot of wonderful can take seat-

sleep later good! dream something colorful*

thank you very much for listening!

love youuuuu!!


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21 02 2021
DANGESCHÖÖÖÖN!!"// " HELLO, LOVELY, TINY,SWEET,MEGAKICKASS,WONDER-BUTTONNNN! THANK YOUUUUUU!!" ==> gratefulness- inventors, happenings, eventualities..= reliefs, deaths..what all is possible with an little button,hheeee
youuu!! // * you- dont hesitate -this said my love to me, when i was asking for help <3 this i must internalize in somethings yet/ //* du, zögere nicht! das muss ich in manchem noch verinnerlichen/// -dies hat mir meine liebe gesagt, als ich nach hilfe fragte <3// * sen, cekinme! -bunu bana sevgilim söyledi, yardim ihtiyacim olduyu zaman <3 bunu bazi seylerde daha cok benimsemem gerekiyor * was bewunderst du an dir?//* what do you admire on yourself?//* kendinde neylere hayran kaliyorsun sen? * date yourself <3 //* kendinlen bulus / *recently i´ve noticed the budgie in me- i saw myself speaking some sentences so loudly and energetic loaded, "kind of being angry"- also i do repeat them two times or so-like also an authist does- i wanted to know, what "they" want to tell me-may it be emotions from the past, which lay inside still? dont know, why we must find or stigmatize somethings or give it a name-hm its just being?!anyway they are pieces of my personality- i just love them! iam happy, being also a canary! on instagram recently i´ve met and follow a lovely doc of parrots <3 he wrotes also this:* budgie: try, to explain their problems with noise and tone. generally they learn a lot of languages..papaganveteriner- öz vet line kanatlii veteriner izmir klinigi, turkey* for me it is interesting knowing myself with all the "me´s" inside- also it let sense, and shows me, to feel or put myself in other peoples- behaviour´s or state of beings (f.e. authists)- meet in, with love and respect, be more insightfully with them. sense just the unity. sameness. i believe everyone has got parts living in.<3 iam very glad how i was equiped how my parts are portioned and im allowed to express me.

* sagen wir das so 2x/ say we this so 2x * was bringt mich eher weiter? // * what does help on me rather?
*"STOP!! identifizieren! identifizieren sie sich!" NEIN!!! des-identifizieren sie sich!" JETZT!!!"OK!!! // *" STOP! IDENTIFY! IDENTIFY YOURSELF!" NOOO!! -DIS-IDENTIFY YOURSELF! NOW!!!" OK!!! * big challenge: when something really does not feel harmonious? when our body-sense says us definitely:" NO! NOT! NEVER!" and when we´re just leaving the comfortzone? what is my being, what is my ego? its said, also my experience is this, the ego loves it to make out of all everything a problem - IT thinks- and thinks....- though, do i know, if its corresponds with the truth? my being, makes me calm and free, i sense security- connectivity, with all that is. or i say also my trinity to it <3 my bodymewisdome/my i am spirit/ my soul- keeps alive automatically my wonderluxurybody it feels wide on in me- a steppe- also a thought- winded by just from the nothing- it is bit scary sometimes,acting blind, but also exciting,cause i dont know, how it may end up- and how nice it feels, if you´ve just done something different as usual?! a little more of freedom, find yourself acrossed own limits gave a little more piece of your true nature- ya- isnt this adventure, hey?! <3 whereby thoughts based dated from the ego are often very oppressive- it stresses- "A MINISTRY OF FEAR"- my stomach moves in together- my stomach simply dont liiiike iiiiiit! old thinking models avoid - the to want avoidingthings- a damaged clock is important twice a day- pass over *be calm. there are many ways to calm a negative energy without suppressing or fighting it. you recognize it, you smile to it,and you invite something nicer to come up and replace it; you read some inspiring words, you listen to a piece of beautiful music, you go somewhere in nature, or you do some walking meditation. thich nath han <3

*tomorrow, the creator gives us a new day/night- maybe make it right


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*the heart will find what/who it loves .*kalp sevdigini bulur*

was it today 05 02 2021, my wish of giving, healing,sharing, touching,
remembering myself,
and maybe you.
its the 21 of july in 2019 and you´re back into now!!
* was, wenn du dich morgen plötzlich in einen marienkäfer verwandeln würdest und das für andere wärst? oder in eine zecke? // welches tier würdest du gerne sein
* what,if you would transform this night yourself into a lady beetle and you would be for others? or into a tickkk? what kind of animal you would like to be? //* ne olur acaba, sen bu gece bir ugur böcege dönüstürürsen ve insanlara biri olursan yada bir keneye? hangi hayvan olmak istersin? // *einfach machen was richtig ist. einfach lassen, was nichts bringt. einfach leben, was man fühlt. einfach lieben, den man liebt. einfach ist nicht leicht. einfach ist am schwierigsten. GELLL??? :) simply do what is right. simply let, what to be no use. simply live, what you feel.
simply love, who you love. simply is not easy. simply is the most difficult. ISNT ITTTTT??? :) //*hey, sen git soguk suyun altinda bir düsün * hey, go and think again under the cold water * hey,geh und denk darüber unter kaltem wasser nach //*ich habe ein lied für die blumen gesungen *ive sang a song for the flowers *ciceklere bir sarki söyledim // * gehts du vor die türe?* are you going forward of the door?* kapidan cikacakmisin? //* der gedanke kommt ein bischen zu spät * this thought came a bit too late * bu düsüncü biraz gec gelmis //* ist deine to do liste immer die selbe? * is your to do list always the same? * vielleicht kannst du sie in eine to fun liste switchen * maybe you could turn it into your to fun list?// im thinking too much too much too much...* if you´re aware of your breath, then you dont think doesnt work together so then touch your hands, drive your attention to your body- feel them, sense life is now - eckhart tolle *ich denke zuviel ich denke zuviel ich denke zuviel.. * eckhart tolle: "wenn du deiner atmung bewusst bist, dann denkst du nicht geht nicht gleichzeitig lenke deine aufmerksamkeit in deinen körper, berühre deinehände, deine füsse, spüre sie das leben ist jetzt." * ay cok düsüniyorum ay cok düsüniyorum ay cok düsüniyorum nefes alinman bilinc altindaysan eger, ozaman düsünmessin beraber olmiyor o zaman ellerini tut, oksa, ayaklarini, dikkatini vücütuna ver, hisset onu hayat simdi -eckhart tolle //* an aborigini believes, that they have entry into telepathy, cause they never lie, not even bend the truth. do accept half-truths or raise an assertion without substance no single lie and therefore they have nothing to hide. they havent fear, to open their ghost for new and they are always ready to share their knowledge to others. if for example a 2 years old child watches another child playing with a toy and tries to catch the toy, it will immediately feel the eyes of the adults on it. immediately it will know, that what it wanted to do, to take the toy unasked away, it will not be hided away and is not well seen for good. the other child will learn at the same time to share and will experience, that it is not goodie to hang the heart on subjects. this child will experience, how much joy it is to play. the memory of it has stamped in. urgent and desireable is the feeling of happiness, not the subject. // ALBERT EINSTEIN said one time:" everyone is a genius! but if you judge a fish accordingly on to, if he can climb upon a tree, he will believe his whole life, that he is stupid." SEBASTIAN FITZEK supplemented: "conversly do not block yourself from doing it, to climb on a tree, just because others believe that you are a fish. do not listen to them who say:" you cannot do this!" be fishes, who want to climb on a tree. //*hast du heute schon viele tolle dinge gesagt? *did you say many nice things today? *bugün fazla güzel seyleri söyledin mi?.

fantastic journey through the galaxy! good night mannheim, world, YOU <3


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* lachen bricht alle widerstände * gülmek her direncigi kirar* laughing bursts all resistance - mark twain - <3 your life vest under your seat / ihre lebensrettungsweste befindet sich unter ihrem sitz* your life vest is located in you / deine lebensrettungsweste befindet sich in dir * das leben ist zu kurz für irgendwann
* life is too short for somewhen * aaauuuwww!! wie fantastisch bist du denn bitte?? /YOOO! how fantastic are you hey?? /ayyyyyy! ne kadar harikasin sen?
* ein punkt. ein pünktchen. wie gross und klein es sein kann- was es alles möglich macht. was es beendet oder beginnt. pah!auw! * a dot. a doty. how big and how little it can be-what it all can make possible. what it all ends up or starts- ha! pah! wow! * bir nokta. bir noktacik. nekadar büyük yada kücük olabiliyor- neyleri yapabiliyor bu! neyleri sona getire biliyor neyleri baslata biliyor! wow!!
* BOAH! DAS IST KEIN 5 MINUTEN EI!! * BOAH! THIS ISNT A 5 MINUTE EGG!!* EYVAH! BU 5 DAKIKALI BIR YUMURTA DEGIL!! * entspannen wir uns hey, wir leben hier im luxus - millionen tun das gerade jetzt leider immernochnicht! also, versuchs! geniess es! (/deinen hotdog-fullveggie pizza-oder den weltbesten eierkuchen ..)
wenn du dem beachtung schenkst, was du nicht hast, wirst du niemals genug haben- schenkst du dem beachtung, was du hast, wirst du immer genug und noch mehr haben. ---wir manifestieren--- bleiben wir dankbar,hm-?! * lets relax hey, we are living here in luxury -millions do this at the moment unfortunately stillnot ! so, try! enjoy this! (./.your hotdog, fullveggie pizza or your eggcake)
if you lay your attention on things you havent got, you ll never have enough- if you give attention of what you have got, youll always have enough and even more- lets stay grateful, hmm?- *sakin olalim, burada lüx hayatin icinde yasiyoruz- milyonlar hala yasiyabilemiyorlar- eyvallah- tadini cikar!* (/peynirli pideni, annen varsa eger, onun yaptigi köftesini,yada fulveggi pizani!)
olmayanlara takdir edersen eger, ozaman hic bir sey yetmiyecktir sana,olanlara takdir edersen eger, ozaman herzaman yeteryinceye kadar herseyin olacak ve daha cok olacaktir- minnetar kalalim,hm
* wie oft geht die sonne auf?* how often rises up the sun? günes kac defa uyanir?
* i love yesterday! i love yesterday! i love tomorrow! i love tomorrow!i love now! i love now! heart heart.beating beat beatingbeatingbeatingbeat inngbeat innnggg
wwwowww!!how much you let through!how much is saved and stocked in you!
how much aches you ve took OMG! how much you resist!how much i can learn from you! how you can transform! how strong a grenadeauuuuwww you are! how precious you are!how characteristic independend and punk you are! how you all manage,lead! give me super advices,tooo! how you smile! on me! on all! how youre smiling on monkeys in the jungle oh how you can be with all connected! OMG HOW HUGE ARE YOU? what a lovely trans-in-formation center! the hearts of my beloved-will they still beating one more morning? OHH THANK YOU! _O_
im your huge fan, oh (my) so lovely, golden heart- you wonder- was ist für dich alles so verdammt wertvoll? what is for you so all damn precious? senin icin neyin cok degerlidir? alles ist immer nur jetzt. jetzt! everything is always only now. now! hersey herzaman simdidir. simdi! wie oft vergessen wir das? how often we do forget this? kac defa unutiyoruz bunu? here A VOICE FROM THE BACK/INSTAGRAM: i sit before the sunset i watch the iridescent, orange, red disc, slowly descend to the horizon.i a enraptured by the beauty, i feel the warm of the last few rays, on my skin,the sun though, has long since passed below the horizon.we live, always in the memory of things.our experiences the memory of the event. enjoy the illusion, it´s all you have. a voice from the back about the here and now/ OOUHHHWW ciaoo! <3


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helloooo! this show was live made ==> 20.january 2019
i wish all /everything : satisfaction, joy, energy, hold, time for thinking, curiosity, abandon, nice colleagas,serenety, party, time for you, adventurelust,
reflection, available aims, support, self-assurance, a suitable surroundings, attention, comfort, selftrust, survey, daring, caution, patience, inspiring
meetings, alertness, a standpoint, surprises, distance, good food, good sleep, protection, speakingjoy, good listeners, muse,stamina, new perception, your
own tempo, relaxing, scepticism, backing,power of resistance, challenge, comeonupHE!

* was möchtest du und warum?* what do you want and why?* neyi istiyorsun ve neden? * wonach sehnst du dich und warum? * for what you are craving and why?* neye hasret kaldin ve neden?* was möchtest du unbedingt erleben und warum?
* what do you want absolutely to live live and why?* neyi mutlaka yasamak istersin ve neden?* was hindert dich daran und warum?* what does stops you therefore and why?* ondan seni ney uzak tutiyor ve neden?* was bist du bereit dafür zu tun und warum tust dus nicht?* what you are willing to do for it and why you dont do it?
* onu kazanmak icin neye hazirsin ve neden yapmiyorsun?=> the angst wenn du ein warum hast, kannst du alles schaffen was du dir wünscht when you have a why, then you can create everything what you desire korku- bir nedeniyi yakaliyorsan eger ozaman isteklerini herseyi basarirsin from amanda <3

* es passt nicht in meine mission * it doesnt suit into my mission
* hmmmmmmm weisch was? den lkw fahrer, der dich nervt vor dir, den habe ich gesehen. letzten monat sonntag nacht wars um halb1 in der nacht, er blinkte in richtung edeka. <3 * hmmmmmmmmmm eyy ive seen the trucker, which is annoying you directly in front of you. it was last month on sunday at 00:34 oh clock in the night,he was blinking in direction of your supermarket.<3 * hmmmmmmmm biliyormusun? kamyion söförüyü gördum, hani o seni su an önde olan seni strese sokan, onu.gecen ay da pazar gecede saat 00:34 görmüstüm o zaman senin süpermarketine sapmisti <3 * du bist gegen sovieles- wofür bist du? * youre against a lot - for what are you? * cok seye karsisin -neye dik durursun?

the intelligence of the heart plays one urgent role, both for the direct body level and of the emotional and mental level.it is an urgent factor of inner serenety in our heart there are existing about 40.000 brainsimilar cells, called sensoric axones which are building an axone web a little brain in the heart, including capacity for remembering, the ability for processing informations and a direct entrance to intuition and to sub-consciosesness.recent scientific reserved news gregg braden, usa writer of new age literature <3 your heart sends out a lot of informations to your brain. the aim is to harmonize both- it is a powerful alliance- the key for deep intuition, for our sub-coinscousness, yo, it´s the communication with yourself also, it is a model of new-composition, a better memory of heart and brain it supplies a more simple entrance for that, what we almost know, but eventually have forgotten.

*HELLO! AT THE END OF THE SHOW I TELL HOW TO CONNECT!!COLLECT YOUR LIGHT! this space wasnt enough to writeee *)
the full text you could find at https://bermudafunk.org/sendungen/sendungen/switch-fuer-immer-punk.html?r=v&ts=1550358000

* vergebung erlöst immer beide
* forgiveness unbans always both
* af etmek herzaman ikisiyi kurtarir
embrace yourself shortly nowww <3


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you are the sunshine!! *ATME! *BREATH! *NEFES AL! * WO BIST DU LICHTMEISTER?* WHERE ARE YOU LIGHT MASTER?* ISIK USTASI NEREDESIN? * fenster!öffnedich!*window! open- sesame!* pencere! acil! * was war das netteste, das du heute zu dir selbst oder anderen gesagt hast? * what was the kindest thing, youve said to yourself or to others? * bugün en kibar neyi söyledin sen kendine? yada digerine?
* überlegsch-- kolleg´- consider-- colleague <3 düsünürsün arkadasim...*
* "i´ve got lost in you- if i come close it is a farewell or it is a dream-"
# "will my love be good for her- when im not well being with me on my own-when im
not good for on myself-" * "..it is like watching from far above,like swimming deeply in the big sea, like holding a hand in the dark, im damaged inside, what-if i love you so much? im happy-it is no fairy tale- the end of the road isnt known yet- it is a miracle-
if you are going to go one day- dont say goodbye to me- if you will love me one day, mereley dont quit it!"

* willst du irgendetwas rückgängig machen?* do you want to rollback something?

* bekomme ich jetzt die chance alles besser zu machen?
* do i become now the chance to make it all better?

* datei im ziel ersetzen?* file replace in aim?* diese datei überspringen?* leapfrog this file?* information für diese beiden dateien vergleichen?* compare the informa tions of this both files? * ehrliche antwort?* honest answer?* dürüst cevap? * mit-gefühl ändert alles* sympathy changes everything* sempati herseyi degirsir
* jeder sollte ne schaukel im wohnzimmer haben! * everyone should have a swing in the living room! * salinca oturma odasinda her eve lazim!

* dont judge the process too early! * be-verurteile den prozess nicht zu früh!

in this show ive felt very strange-in my head i couldnt found suitable words. blackout-
in the afternoon it started being weired inside yet- so when i arrived, martin from the operatin tracks sat in the studio 1-normally they are in studio2,and i´m on my own there 1hour before calming down there..sometimes its ok when this happens- well, ive knew flexibility through this happenings (:)- but this sunday i couldnt calm simply down- and all the letters, words disappeared-i couldnt find silence in myself and the things ive wanted to say just made spontanious holidays- even music or breath couldnt resist and change my gone overboard thoughttrain-buhuuu-this was my perception-
on the way home i´ve listened to the show and noticed- that if i wouldnt have had excuses or references for my feeling or behavior -nobody would thought about such statement! however at the stroke-insight- i was glad, that the show isn´t that weired how much my mind had create it_ huge huge! --im practicing--

* ich würde gerne diese unterhaltung beenden * iwould like to finish this conversation * bu konusmayi son vermek istiyorum * habe den mut, du selbst zu sein * have got the brave, being yourself* cesurlu kendin, icinde nasiliysan oldugun gibi ol * frieden, freude, zusammenfinden, neubeginn * peace, joy, coming together, new beginning * wenn du eine blume anschaust, was siehst du in ihr? schaut sie vllt anders aus, als wie vor 3 monaten?* when you look at a flower, what do you see in her? does she looks maybe different today as before 3 months?
* bir cicege bakarken, icinde neleri görüyorsun? * erlaube dir genau hinzuschauen, hast du einen anderen umgang? * allow yourself, to look exact closely, do you have another handling? * macht, ohnmacht, schöpfermacht! kracht durch hey! * force, blackout, divine creativity! breaks through hey!

* its a lot to say and nothing at the same time,


full text readable at www.bermudafunk.org // switch-fuerimmerpunk!


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*folgendes hab ich wiedergesehen, ich habs vor 5 jahren in mein tagebuch geschrieben gehabt- " wenn euch ein fokus bewusst wird, der nicht mit dem schöpfer ausgerichtet ist, und keine liebe schafft, wisst, dass dies ein produkt euerer alten realität ist, es ist eine euch umgebende "blase"- die platzen muss.
löscht sie auf ewig --------- JETZT*! ------------- PÄNGGG! // xylophon <3

entschlossenheit und willenskraft- empfindsamkeit is angesagt- is voll im trend."
- ein liebevoller rat aus dem universum -
yo, das is wohl zeitlos, danke! <3

* i saw, ive just wrote down 5 years ago and now ive met it again:
*"when you notice one focus, which is not aligned from the creator, and produces no love, know, that this is a product from your old reality, it is a surrounding bubble which have to burst. delete it eternal----------NOW*! -------PÄNNNGGGGG!
determination and willlingness - sensivity, touchiness is now really full on vogue."
- this is a lovely advice from the universe- yo, this is probably timeless, thx!

* recorder mobile : neighbourkids, neighbour noise,eggmanbus
* W A R T E M A L !
* W A I T S H O R T L Y (hang on) !
* B I R D A K I K A

* ... so hab ich das nich...---
* ... öyle ben bunu... ---
* so i don´t have had...---

* ist das zu fassen?
* is that to believe?
* gercektenmi?

* DU MUSST FUNKTIONIEREN! GEFÜHLE SIND EHER LÄSTIG! dürfen sie sein? * YOU HAVE TO FUNCTION! FEELINGS ARE RATHER ANNOYING! may they allowed to be? maydaymaydaymayday come please! * SEN CALISMALISIN! * the sweet fruitflies- are there and then again my current flatmates--sooomany they are not, but some hey! they love just fruits and so stuff i eat, too, sometimes the stuff needs time until landing evenings in the bio-waste-container, and somehow i let them there faina little rest of kiwi..they just love it mega!- indeed sometimes they are all gone without a trace! until ive searched them in the kitchen- they hang on at the window or at the spicery area! one time there was applesqish in a tupperware- after i have washed it, as i wanted later to dry- i saw one sitting on them! wwaoouww-what a sense of taste they have got! sometimes its really bit tricky with them, some are kind crassls insistent haha-or at the weirdest places-suddenly they appear sporadic and i m happy about my great reflexes-not that i was their reaper yet- they forced or teached me through this being even more ultra attentioned and slower in my doingsss- im too fast sometimes-i prewarn them always, that it also is possible, that i could kill them by accident, sometimes im also clumsy oaf, that they please also take attention with me- as i sat on the open window on thursday afternoon, i saw, how a fruitfly flew beside me out- hahha- and ciao amigo! and but one flew inside! one with little bigger wings than the others- one flew out, turned in the loop back towards me and directly into my face/nose hey, like it wants to play or attack me softly i´ve felt really like in a comic, then absolutely accurate transverse the fruitfly flew over by my left ear-ssssuuummmm-i had to laugh out loudly! SO A FLYER!!! :D
* i am very glad, that i have the luck of all senses- so i thank so much all everything which makes it possible, that there exists music and artists in any art- what would we
be without?? they are *healers*
it is a great gift to drive and get in touch with your emotions through with it --> precious moments*

to cry is fine / sezen aksu
* to cry is fine
while tears are running down from your eyes
never, do not shame
to cry is anger,crazy hate
is love in the peaks,unsatisfaction gladness
is owerpower grief, short is life
and it is your breath, your breath
to cry in this temporary life
is existence in spite of everything
to cry is thousands feeling which is lived
humanely and enthusiastic,it is a beautiful thing
to cry in your black world
is what you still in love and feel
is to be exist with your all beauty and ugliness
is your existence, your existence


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18 OCT 2020
* fine liner
* i am peaceful, i am passionate, i am progressing * ich bin im frieden, ich bin hingebungsvoll, ich bin fortschreitend* ben huzurluyum, ben feda ediyorum, ben ilerliyorum *MOBILE RECORDER 07102020* questioned myself this september:
"..aber was hast du davon, wenn du nicht ehrlich bist?
was hast du angst zu verlieren?
ohne ALL IN-
was ist das?"
*questioned myself:
"..but what have you got from on it, when you are not honest?
of what you are afraid to lose?
without ALL IN-
what is that?"
*kendime sordum:
"ama cikarin nedir, dogru dürüst olmazsan?
neyi kayipedeceksin diye? ondan mi korkuyiyorsun?
tüm pokerden kartlari masaya koymassan, herseyi riske atmazsan-
nedir bu?
* "das muss nicht sein!" *" this must not be!" * "bu gereksiz!"
* "schön, dass du X mal deine meinung gesagt hast- das tut nämlich sonst keiner!"
klar ist es nicht toll, wenn man zb. kritisiert wird, etwas gesagt bekommt, dass dem ego üüüberhaupt nicht hören will und gefällt!
doch grenzen setzen und mal tacheles reden, wenn es um dich und deine bedürfnisse, gesundheit geht- geben inneren frieden- und es ist
egal wer dir gegenübersteht. du bist wichtig! teile ehrlich deine gefühle.
und dem anderen bietet man so auch die möglichkeit, etwas neu zu betrachten.
zum wachsen? wenn dieser offen ist. ohne regen kein regenbogen

* "nice hey, that you have said to X once a piece of your mind- that scilicet does nobody else!"
- cleara it isnt great to get for example critizided, something that your egO absolutely dont want to listen und dont like- but to set borders and talk straight, when it goes about you and your needs, healthyness- leads to inner peace- and it is equal who is staying in front of you. you are important! share honestly your feelings.
and the counterpart you serve so, to see something in another view- * "werfen sie´s in den müll!" * "throw it into the trash!" *" cöp kutusuna ati verin!"

*wie hättest du es denn gern? * how you would like to have it then so? * nasil istersin sen yani? * glaube ich das tatsächlich? * am i believing this really? * bunu gercekten inaniyormuyum? * dient dieser glaube denn, was ich sein möchte? * does this thought serves for that what i wanted to be? *bu düsüncü benim nasil olmak istedigiyime yariyormu?

* danke dass es jetzt kalt ist- danke das es jetzt warm ist-
* danke dass das wasser jetzt kalt ist- danke das das wasser jetzt warm ist-
* danke dir, (klares) wasser

* thanks that it is now cold- thanks that it is now warm-
* thanks that the water is now cold - thanks that the water is now warm-
* thank you, (clear) water

* minnetarim simdi soguk diye- minnetarim simdi sicak diye-
* minnetarim simdi su soguk oldu diye- minnetarim simde su sicak oldu diye-
* (tertemiz) su, sana tesekkür ediyorum

* please do not close this window * bitte schliess nicht dieses fenster * lütfen bu pencereyi kapatma

* tau mal auf, hm?!
* unfreeze once hm?!
* erimek. yani sen. biraz. hey ne diyon?!

* ich lasse alles los, was mich bremst
* i let all go, what is braking me
* beni neyi frenliyorsa, ondan vedalasiyorum
* ich bin bereit für die beförderung! das neue zu empfangen
* i am ready for the transport advancement! to receive the new
* nakliyata hazirim ben! yenilikler hosgelsinler

ciao! in the story i tell about my experience i´ve had, also with the mother nature- so i must add,here, that everyone has got its own way which its soul made out for you in this life-different fortunes-experiences- i mean, i could have been even get ripped into 1001 pieces of this rottweilerdog!! if my soul,the fantastic great intelligence living inside, would have had another plans with "me" to grow on this situation, then this could have happend similiar

<3 vielen dank fürs zuhören!! thanks a lot for listening! dinledigin icin cok tesekkür ederim


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* imagine now a cute hedgehog- and it is sooo much big like in average 12m long, 6m high and nearly to 7tonnes of wheighty. the head would be about 1,25 meter long and the spikes reaches nearly 15 centimeters. would a hedgehog be as huge as this- would you then think more often on a hedgehog, when you are gonna drive through a forest by car -or similar vehicles? would you then think about them? or foxes or deers or any other beautiful/h creature which could arise suddenly from the nothing but
another world reality-mh, cause it is living outthere? and would you drive kindly slowly like at fastest by 50 km/h through then?
imagine the scene, what else you could see all around, by driving slowly there
of course, maybe an animal seeks for suicide on its self..
-i dont know he..
death-when? soon? ah! then!
then, it was definitely the face you love too
or- you dont like animals??

* do you know about the blue room, somewhere in the lovely endless galaxies in universe? imagine once, this is a supermariostarmessage to you- in fact, there exists a blue room there and everything in him is so really cool blue when you come in, the walls, the ceiling, the ground---so, and sometimes you cant speak to someone you wanted to speak,want to clear something maybe, because he or she or it lives in another world or is alive-it doesnt matters-maybe the circumstances, oppositions,
are not suitable to speak with this person at the moment- or you have fear to tell,or you are angry,or the room isnt in between- or you cant come clear with your child also maybe.. whatever but you have a question or ask perhaps for your gone into the wild grandma-so, but if it is also maybe the case that it is, feels urgent to let go-
then ahm..so do you know about kühlwalda? she is a toad, the close one of catweazle, the magician!- so then you take with you, in yourself someone you trusted in, maybe merlin, or your protectionangel yo, simply some creature you´re trusted in- and beg this one for protection, when you step into this room- it sounds more spooky than it is, my friendo so, then you simply call this one you wanted to speak- think of this one, and ask simply :hey, you- could i have a talk with you,please? and thats almost always the case, cause this is the soullevel-and our souls are so extremely wise- you will notice them one in any case-
and there, you can say all everything! you can let go all out! all honestly-
you can run a riot- you can blare and shout against this one, you could tell about your sufferings with this someone, or of course the opposites..or you can
ask for an advice, you could also run against the walls, make a declaration- you can apologize, too-- like me, cause i´ve killed unwanted unawared a tiny ant-
wäh--all everything you have got in or on your heart, my dear- you could even meet yourself there or your fear or drug and you are protected and safe there!
and you will recognize, how it will change- also in the outside! how you will find peace in there- we can communicate like this, too-
please, dont have fear- because there is someone whos protecting you-
i practise this also, and i feel always much better- and you will see- you will get the answers, maybe a call,changings, maybe a change with this person
..something will happen in the outside- in any case it goes about your freedom inside yourself-- maybe you sleep not well or so---yo,and when you´ve been finished- then just say in peace thanks a lot for the call and talk with this someone or thing,creature..and also by your trusted one, for its guiding and protection- and then you can again outside this coolio blue roomy and leave it- it is very cool and easy there-
i wish you all good dreams and also daydreams!
this information was for your braincelles--with a lovely greeting from your sensory axions-dingdingding


Über diesen Podcast


hey there! my name is sibel and i speak that, what i think/feel: only the truth about my view, what happens/ed, what made me happy or unhappy or what have made me again healthy... about such things i talk sometimes with greateful guests which i met and know and not

i do speak in german --but also translate some lyrix in english and in some turkish* (could also be co(s)mical for you*)

presently during the show plays/ runs all music genres, tracks, which have safed me already my life, where you can dance or dream or flipp out maybe on it.

the punkcast is a LIVE- recording directly from the BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // usual studio 1 *// alte feuerwache in mannheim/ germany <3 & the future trend of switch-fuerimmerpunk-- or sets ive played or live shows....or ...

so you can expect everything - i try to get across, what being PUNK means to me.


to have nearly around your speakers or 13 KW isnt that bad within *)
much thanks for your precious time & listeningthingding***

on air: sibel taylan

my fountains/coaches are among others: *whole musicworld,*inventors&artistworld,*mother earth with all its beings,to name some: eckhart tolle, dalai lama, deepak chopra, dr.joe dispenza, anni wallstein, louise hay, gregg braden,younity,silkeschäfer,thichnathhan,animals,plants, bruce lipton,stones,carriers, myths *ghostworld,*otherworld,*our all ancestors and..poets..my own experiences; MANY MORE and YOU!! %


hallole!! ich heiße sibel und ich spreche das, was ich denke/fühlen tu: einfach die wahrheit über alles, was mir passiert(e)/ich erlebt habe schon/mich traurig oder glücklich oder wieder gesund macht. darüber quatsch ich dann manchmal auch mit tollen leuten, die ich kennengelernt habe. teilweise

dabei läuft musik aus allen genres, tracks, die mir das leben gerettet haben schon!! wo man tanzen oder träumen kann oder ausflippt vielleicht dabei-

ich spreche in deutsch-- und manche texte auch in englisch und in bischen türkisch :D
(es könnte etwas ko(s)misch vllt sein für dich *)

der punkcast ist ein LIVE-mitschnitt & die weiterentwicklung von "switch - für immer punk"--direkt aus dem BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // alte feuerwache// studio 1 // in mannheim <3 .. live shows, live musik sets oder....also kannste mit allem rechnen – ich versuche rüberzubringen, was für mich PUNK sein bedeutet.

ACHSO-- einen kopfhörer parat liegen zu haben oder 13 KW is nicht das schlechteste dabei*)

vielen dank für deine wertvolle zeit und zuhören!!
bleib neugierig,

von und mit Sibel Taylan


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