switch - für immer punkcast

switch - für immer punkcast

Der Punkcast ist ein Live-Mitschnitt & die Weiterentwicklung von "Switch - Für immer Punk".

LIBERTY MADNESS---> actings- text 2

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and also my speech was quiet but so surely,i´ve spoken from the bottom of my heart, there, where i ve found myself again and made this decision, to... leave him all behind.
well, so since then,suddenly something happend- in him. in his heart and behaviors. through this talk he knewed now whats up, he was able now, to notice, watch my prism, and if he wants, to work on his "negativity"... free willy well...he became a (second) chance. so he started also in his time, to change and reflect and to grow on this, his life-and also our appointment of leading this lovely pub. in harmony <3

- the bad but true thing is, that he must have had to be or act like this, so that i can come back again into my own light, that i start to HANDLE, let go- and also for what i stand-to myself,break through and leave unsuitable thinking-believing patterns which borders me or keep little .to come home.
there are always two of it- the one who does- the one who allows- (HOW LONG?!)

through dominic, i was connected now with my heart AND brain. he showed me, how to re-set my own, healthy boundaries; freed me off my old,wounded and not longer useful ties. therefor i am him so much thankful! it is a big gift he made me with his treatments, mirroringsalarms in front of me-and iam very happy, being now able observing my ego-storieees-even i and he went through hell-yeah but its so well being me. my own dream became my own healingjourney- AUTSCHIWAHWAH!! BUT ALL UNDER THE BLESS OF MUSIC (and many more) <3

well, we still live in different worlds-i´m learning and growing still with and through him and about me- or the world- with what i can live and accept-or tolerance or not. i try find out while observing situations,when it is time for being patient and silent, or when it is time to communicate. to clear.
(some things what lies inside of me.)
also his love to this pub is a great supermariostar and developmentjourney for the ghost of- so nobody jumps without reason into the life ha--
even we should may have some different views of everwhat but the "big one love" keeps us doing this together-
the eye height level found way back! cause i´ve spoken not from unreleased patterns- i´ve reached him directly into the soul-level- and he
was open for it.

being honest to yourself and others may be firstly hard and full of fear and the end isnt clear
letting go is hard, too
but holding it is HARDER!
it costs a lot of energy and time
lets be kind he
,my friendo <3

the band,once from the near villages from heilbronn in germany,doesnt exist anymore unfortunately- i think it was the first cd they brought out- only 5 tracks but they really can save sooo many times life! biiig thanks for you great lovely guysss!
definitely forever a favorite life-vest song of mine
hope you ll can enjoy oi oi oi

rats nibbling remnants
as you can see they´re fine with it
though the malls are made of ignorance
forcin you to take what they leave
patience is precious but common lets see through it
where your fun ends mine starts to begin


so go on point your finger
stare holes in my face
spit some oil in the fire
dirty tongue suckin at your glace
breeding ground found at the edge of civilization
throwing the skit out of our canalisation

its in my brain
its in your brain
injected projected
the human machine
its in my veins
its in your veins
the hatred and the pain



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hey salve!!
it is 23:23 oh clock at a third sunday and i jumped out of my breath into the bermudafunk studio 1 ! the first time after 4 years i came too late- (1h by car from my home) in such case, the lovely data processor starts automatically the latest show of mine-in this first 23minutes you could listen when my guest dominic was there-we a have a pub together-love, the universe brought us there together just in time, when i was in need to find a business partner. and this is for me, i think for him too- a very huge challenge! cause, we are so different from our creatures, where 2 worlds crashes into one-
in this show, honestly i dont felt well with him, cause in these times, ive recognized, that i was on my changing, "enlightening" way- and he was still grim and very nerved, also by me. also i´ve listened today out, my own "wrong"attitudes,my unnatural and unpleasant behavior and conversation against him, buh uhuh!
i found out, that we are showing us each other with our opinions,behaviors, patterns,beings, attitudes many things, which each of us haven`t got integrated, or were not awared yet in ourselves. it was just like that i couldn`t believe and understand there the many different ways and signs of love-
yeah, the moment came, where i´ve woke up and found finally the button of my selfloving in me again! so. i was walking in my peace and learning directions being- but had always to balance his negative vibes he sent out around him- also i was
still injured by his talks he had behind me to others, i found out- but my "blind heart" couldnt believe what happened and i was not brave enough yet to tell him this.
and he thought about me things, which were misinterpreted- well, cause i´m mirroring him also the things he dont wants to look at. we weren´t able to find a way of healthy communication. we were not longer at the same eye height- neither as business partners, or friendship, nor man and woman level.
1.5 years it took time, that i´ve had mistreated myself- i´ve disclaimed my self and for what i stand for. every word he said, or i- was "wrong"- we´d "discussed" about superstupid things u would never discuss- it was very suffocating sometimes and ended up, that we don´t wanted to see us each other- but had to work together! aaahh also the pub and his guests suffered through this disrespectful, sick way- for so long- :/ i wonder, how long it needs time sometimes, until i can heal or act.( but well come on hey,stay cool, taylan!) so, but why the hell i should need such someone in my life anymore?
in these months i´ve made a lot of healjourneys to myself- i´ve reflected everything and healed my wounds of my childhood in the roots-which have brought me into this situation and being. yes, the journeys and insights, were very hard but heartily. i became aware why we act like we do and what the deeper reason is behind why we discuss about bullshits. the day was born.shortly before christmastime 2018,the playoffs of my truth to myself and to dominic.first then i could stood bravely against at my fear, to loose a friend, a partner, someone who i could have once trust in and love somehow.it was a sudden by accident call of him.he knows me well and could listen in my voice thats something wrong..we must be soulfriends. so,then it came the point of my portal day-i felt ready since few days.. but waited for a suitable moment but he also wanted to talk.i´ve told him everything what is going on inside of me- my feelings, his treatments, that we are not the same as we once were, his behaviors, all everything what stands ironly between us and also the existing and reason of the pub data 77112. waouw! one urgent time in my life, where i was or had to be, so much honest and directly- what a chance to grow. while having this conversation i´ve thought my heart will could explode now any time mon diéu!! but my inner lovely soul was at the same time so silent.,,,aeh FULLTEXT NEXT EPISODE SWIPE IT huch !!:)


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normally i try to avoid repeating tracks,because we have these wonderfull millions of songs- but here in this show is a song, jude-the inner me- which came just along in my ears again last weeks like yike!- since ca 2015 ive listened it first time-but it is still my medicine- thanks to all the music world-/evolution/love
*i could notice by this original moments i´ve taken- some different emotions-or easyness with in the state of my behaviors im or other piecesparts of mine- are in , how i tackle aehm and that our innerliving joy is always there- to make it easy- hey,ey,it is allowed to be easy, even we have to
go into a inner dark cellar sometimes to see, whats going on up there- to ketch-up!

* it is less, WHERE a man touches his lady, that she feels safe, but much more HOW he does it. it is less HOW he touches, what effects that she opens to him, but WHY he does it.it is less WHY he touches her but much more, WHO he had decided to be,in this moments, hours, days, weeks before this touch.it is less his TOUCH what counts,as much more the energy of his intention.there is no method which conquers the world, it is only the CHOICE to bail the potencial. and there is no TEKNOLOGY, which leads into, that a woman looses all her inhibition, it is alone the ENERGY of his intention.this kind of man attracts a certain kind of woman, one with strong borders and which is also on the search for her highest potential. to open up yourself completely the partner, is the highest treasure,which you can yield
graham r white
*es ist weniger, WO ein mann seine frau berührt damit sie sich sicher fühlt, sondern viel mehr WIE er es tut. es ist weniger WIE er berührt, was bewirkt dass sie sich ihm öffnet, sondern WARUM er es tut. es ist weniger WARUM er sie berührt sondern viel mehr, WER er sich entschlossen hat zu sein, in diesen momenten, stunden,
tagen und wochen vor dieser berührung. es ist weniger seine BERÜHRUNG die zählt,als viel mehr die energie seiner ABSICHT. es gibt keine METHODE die die welt erobert es ist einzig die WAHL sein potenzial auszuschöpfen.und es gibt keine TECHNIK die dazu führt, dass eine frau all ihre hemmungen verliert, es ist allein die ENERGIE seiner absicht. diese art von mann zieht eine bestimmte art von frau an, eine mit starken grenzen,auch auf der suche nach ihrem höchsten potential.
ich dem partner vollständig zu öffnen,ist der größte schatz, den man einbringen kann >>>


einen brief findet man auch jahrelang später auf nem speicher..
a letter you could find also years later at the top or cellar of in a house..
bir mektup seneler sonrada cat kati da bulabilirsin..

i wish you clean thoughts*

the addition => livelifeportals show (19072020)

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*dort, im herzen, wirst du lernen,dir selbst und denen zu verzeihen, die dich damals verletzt haben. weil du es damals nicht besser wusstest, und auch sie nicht.
nur hier, in deinem wahren sein, kannst du neu kreieren, mit deiner energie - die grösser ist als schuld, grösser als schmerz, grösser als angst, grösser als wut, die
grösser ist als scham, und das grösser ist, als unwürdigkeit

*there, in heart, youll learn, to forgive yourself and those who mistreated you. cause then you didnt know it better and like also those ones not. just here, in your
central scene, your heart, real being, you can create new things, with your energy- which is greater than fault, greater than pain, greater than fear, greater than anger, which is greater than shame and that is greater
than unworthiness.
* ..just some petty sentences, which harms, hurts a little child soul could be like:
*"oh come on, take learn a lesson on your brother!" *you´ll never can make this!"
"how often i have to say this to you, (stupid)!?" *" dont cry now!"."go into your room, i dont want to see you now!"... isnt such a bit dreadful? <3

*umarme dein inneres kleines kind, du wirst sehen , wie gut das allen tut! das es jetzt auf dich zählen kann...mein papa hat mir mal ein foto vergrössert und eingerahmt und es mir geschenkt--da bin ich 7 jahre alt vllt..es kam mir komisch und fremd vor es aufzuhängen..seit 3 jahren hab ichs mir iwie ins schlafzimmer gehängt-wenn ich im bett bin, seh ich es..und das tut mir gut, hab ich erst letzt realisiert!! ICH ERINNERE MICH! <3 danke!!!! irgendwann vor 5 jahren hat mein kleiner neffe nen schwarzen fleck mit ner autolacksprühdose draufgemacht! jetzt hab ich den fleck weg gemacht. oh love *

*hugg your inner child once, youll see how good this is for all. now it can count on you... my dad years ago made a blow-up from a foto when i was a child, framed it and gave it to me. since few weeks i just realize, how good this is for me today to look at it-cause firstly it was somehow alien to me to hang it on the wall..now the place found space in my bedroom where i can see it/myself- I REMEMBERING <3 thx!!! (my nephews sprayed on this foto glass with a blackcarspraycan- now i washed it away- oh love*

live life 19072020

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WHOU!! irgendjemand dreht an der uhr!
someone is turning at the clock!

- JIM MORRISON- (sings this in a song)



erlebt hab ichs selbst unter vielen anderem...in tolle worte gefasst ist das meiste von marika-
war die liebe da, als du sie am meisten gebraucht hast? warum ist das so wichtig?
fühlst du dich manchmal hilflos?
du bist ein teil mit dem kosmos, weisst du das?
"hat mama mich vergessen?" was du in deiner kindheit über dich gehört hast, was du nicht alles kannst, ist eine lüge. deine eltern, lehrer wussten es nicht besser, weil auch sie so oder noch schlimmer erzogen oder behandelt wurden.zb.wusstest du, wie ein elternteil reagien würde oder hattest du angst manchmal was zu sagen?
vllt gab es ein ereignis, zb. deiner mutter,deiner mama´s oma..- dass sie eiskalt gemacht hat. sie war auch nicht mehr in der lage,(dir) liebe zu geben. du hast gelernt, das andere es besser wissen, und hast dir nicht mehr vertraut.
jede unserer erfahrung ist einzigartig-gab es ein schlimmes erlebnis, und niemand war da, der dich dort gehalten hat? warst emotional verlassen da gestanden?
daraus enstehen schutzmechanismen- im herzen und auch im körper und seinem, deinem zellbewusstsein: FREEZING/STARRE - WUT - ANGST
seelenanteile deiner, werden in solchen situationen abgespalten- verlassen den körper- darauf folgen

BUILDINGCLEANING FOLLOWS YOU NOW!! was the love there,when you have needed her the most? why it is so important? you´re feeling sometimes helpless?
you are a piece with the cosmos, you know this?"mum, do you have forgotten me?"
what you have been listen about you in your childhood, what all you can not do, is a lie.your parents, teachers, didn´t knew it better, cause they also grown up like this or have been more treaten full of desaster.f.e. you knew how your parents would react/or you had fear sometimes telling things? maybe there was such a bad
happening, which have made, f.e. your mum got freezed. or her mum. she got icecold. also she was not more able to give you love.you have learned, that others do know it better, and youve started not to trust yourself anymore. every our experience is unique-was there a very bad happening- and nobody was there, who didnt hold you then?so, you´ve stood there emotional left?
out of it do arise protectivemechanisms- in hearts and also in body and your cellconsciosness: FREEZING/ ANGER / FEAR
soulpieces from you, do split in such situations- they´re leaving your body- on this follows disorientation / deathyearning / pain
hey! du! you! vollfulltext available on

i wish you´ll find the magic there which lies in every moment * ciaoooooo*


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*die letzte zeit muss ich immerwieder an alle gehirnzellen, die es so gibt,weltweit denken. 8,E20 WIEVIEL DAS AUCH IMMER SEIN MAG??!!also, ich habe einfach mal so grob geschätzt in den rechner 8milliarden x 100 000 000 000 eingegeben
trilliarden glaub! ich grüsse alle gehirnzellen!
ewie wesso? ich weiss es nicht

*the last times, i´ve had to think again and again on all braincelles, which are so existing worldwide. 8,E20 HOW MUCH IT MAY BE?? trilliardes? i´ve typed in the machine rough estimated 8 milliards- multiplied with 100 000 000 000!
i greet all braincelles! somehow why?idontknow

*gecenlerde yineden hep tüm beyinhücreleri düsüniyorum, tüm dünyadakileri.
8,E20 CIKTI! KAC SA ARTIK??!! trilyion?? yani,kaba tahminimilen 8 millyar kere 100 000 000 000 makinayi sordum! hepsine selam begin hücrelere!
bir sekilde niye? bilmiyorum
yine SOK!--*
wieder SCHOCK!--*
again SHOCK!--*

HALLOHALLO!!was hab ich getan??
was hast du getan??
was haben die getan??
ne yaptin sen??

HELLOHELLO!! what have i done??
what have they done??
ne yaptin sen??

ALOALO!! ne yaptin sen??
onlar ne yaptilar?
ne yaptin seeen?

"es tut mir leid, ich dachte nicht daran, dass ihr daran vielleicht zerbrechen könntet! :/ ich habe meinen eigenen (un)mut euch zahlen lassen - verzeihung!
danke, dass ihr da nochmal darüber nachgedacht habt- meine lieben!" an(div.)
braincells <3

manches ist nur die aus-wirkung-folge-effekt nicht der grund-

"i am sorry, i did not thought about on, that you could maybe shatter on that! :/
i have let payed you my own bravery and resentment ---forgiveness!
thanks, that you have thought again on this- my beloved." talked to my (diverse) braincelles <3 some is just the effect-order of events-effect not the reason-

"kusuruma bakmayin, düsünemedim hic, bununlan kirilabilirsiniz diye!:/
size kendi cesaretimi ve usancigimi ödetirdim!! affedersiniz!
tesekkür ederim, bir kez daha düsündügünüz icin- sevgililerim!" (cesitli) beyin hücrelerime söylemistim <3 bazi, sadece sonuc etkisi-nedeni degil-
"wenn du durch eine harte zeit gehst
und alles gegen dich zu sein scheint
wenn du das gefühl hast, es nicht mehr
eine minute länger zu ertragen,
weil diese die zeit und der ort ist,
wo sich die richtung ändert. -Dschalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi-

"if you´re going through hard times
and everything seems is against you
if you´ve got the feeling,it not longer
stand on it for one minute,
cause these is the time and the place,
where the direction is changing.
-Dschalal ad-Din Muhammad ar-Rumi- a persian sufimysticpoet (1207 - 1273)
susanne hühn:
* in der selbstliebe nährst du dich 3 x selbst, bevor du etwas weitergibst.
1x damit du selbst versorgt bist
2x reserve
3x zum weitergeben

*in selfloving you nurture yourself 3 times on your own, before you give/pass something
1 time that you are served on your own
2 times reserve
3 times to impart
+schlafe mit viel leichtigkeit und freude im herzen ein.

+fall asleep within much easyness and joy in your heart.

+ cok rahatigla ve nese ilen uykuya dal

we need to spread love now more than ever

dankeschön fürs zuhören! thanks for listening! dinledigin icin tesekkür ederim!

full text from the show on www.bermudafunk.org <3 aaauuuwww!!

15092019 a little bit me

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push buttons for full text available at www.bermudafunk.org- switch-fürimmerpunk!

* wenn es etwas gibt, das du sagen möchtest- wenn es etwas gibt, das du sagen solltest...
* if there is something you want to say..- if there is something you should say...
* birsey söylemek istersen eger.. birsey söylemen gerekiyorsa eger...

* ich wollte dich nicht damit verletzen, ich habe dir nur meine meinung gesagt
* i didnt wanted to hurt you withit, i ve just told you my opinion
* ben seni üzmek icin söylemedim, sadece düsündügümü söyledim

* bin ich jetzt in deiner achtung mächtig aufgestiegen? bin ich jetzt in deiner achtung mächtig abgestiegen? wesso?
* am i now rised up mighty in your respect? am i now relegated mighty in your respect? why?

* "man findet sich selber indem man in die gegenwart kommt"- sagt eckhart tolle
* " you ll find yourself as if you come into the present." says eckhart tolle
* "simdiki zamana gelirsen, kendini bulursun." eckhart tolle söyliyor

* die überlegenheit- fühlt man sich etwas oder jemandem überlegen, hört man auf fragen zu stellen
* the superiority - if you feel someone or somewhat in superiority, you stop to ask questions
* üstünlük - herkimseye yada herhangi bir seye üstünlük gören, daha soru sormuyiyor

* aman, simdi barisi düsünme!
* oh, denk jetzt nicht an frieden!
* oh, now dont think on peace!

* goodbye trouble, goodbye pain, goodbye stress, goodbye anger--- i dont forget now invite silence in my life
* tschüss sorgen, tschüss schmerzen, tschüss stresss, tschüss ärger-- ich vergesse nicht ruhe in mein leben einzuladen
* alasmagladik endiseler, alasmagladik acilar, alasmagladik stres, alasmagladik
öfke--- sessizligi hayatima davet ediyorum
* you can feel, where universe wants to install / insert you! your bodyknowledge does talking to you all time, not??
* every human can be so happy and creative how much he she it allows to themselfes
do you have a look sometimes in your wroted down notes?
sometimes the answer lies for your next step for the thing you wanted to do also in your old dustied diary. or somewhere deep in
seven milliards of people and you are unique :)

why not drive directly into the unknown?

keep smiling, YOU <3
MERCIIIIII for your magic touch!!!

17052020 open

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* HÄ? AAAAAH! JA! SCHAU DIR DEN KNALLER AN! da, hier, eindeutig!
n supermario stern-
für dich! siehst du ihn?
* HAE? AAHHHHH! YES! COME TO THE BOMB!there, here, clearly
n supermario star-
for you! you see him?
* hae? AYYYYY! EVET! BOMBAYA GEL!al, burda, belli bir süpermario yildiz-
senin icin! görüyormusun onu?

* wenn freundlich zu pflanzen sprechen, ihnen beim wachsen hilft-
stell dir mal vor, was passiert, wenn wir nett zu wildfremden menschen sind-
* if friendly to plants speaking helps them by growing
imagine once, what will happen, if we are friendly to wildunknown humans
* dostca konusmak otlara büyümekte yardim ediyorsa
bir hayal et, ozaman ne olur, tamamen yabanciyalara dostca olursak
comp time / zeitausgleich
"eine andere sprache versteht sie nicht..." manchmal laufe ich dann nochmal zurück zu meiner einen gehirnzelle / gedanken, die da mich aufhälte ich lief weiter, weil kein bock.. und dann doch wieder rückwärts zu ihr :) war cool. dann haben wir uns angeschaut und kommuniziert
manchmal verstehe ich es erst viel viel später aber dann ist´s so, dass es nicht immer nötig ist, stehen zu bleiben oder zurückzugehn
weil friede un so.bei (m)einem thema, das genügend ausreichend beleuchtet wurde und nur kleine zweifel noch sind und sie sich und der gedanke,
transformieren wird, weiss das sie muss- gehen muss,darauf aber vielleicht gar keine lust hat zu so zum beispiel eine: "was machen wir?" ich:"wir machen nichts- ich geh." das ist hart aber herzlich daraufhin schreibe ich ihr sofort eine postkarte auf der geschrieben steht: "bon voyage! komme gut an!" es ist möglich, dass gehirnzellen angst haben, genauso wie wir manchmal, angst vor dem unbekannten,doch es gibt keinen grund- denn da ist liebe (ich liebe meine
gehirnzell..)habs abgecheckt- es wird einfach nur besser und besser so...

manche themen sind fertig gestellt bearbeitet gesafed
aufgelöst auflösungen AUFSTIEGSERLAUBNIS denn nur die geschichten unseres kopfes halten den schmerz lebendig
an solchen orten will ich nicht bleiben
<3 ich winke ihnen goodbye! ***"another language she does not understand..."
sometimes i walk then again back to mine- one braincell/ thought, which was delaying me but i walked on, cause..i got bored ...and then however again i stepped backwards to her :) was cool. then we´ve looked at each other and communicated sometimes i understand first much much later but then it´s so, that it isn´t always needed, to stop or go backwards cause peace an so..by one theme, which was gonna enough adequate lightened and there are maybe just still little doubts or so--and she and the thought,gonna get transformed, knows that she must- must leave but on this she´s maybe not so amused and in the mood
so for example one braincell asked:" what we are doing?"
me:" we do nothing -i go." this is hard but heartily- hereupon i write her
immediately a postcard on this is wrote "bon voyage! arrive well there!" it´s possible that braincelles has got fear, also like we do have sometimes, fear for the
unknown-- but.. there is no need to- cause there is love (i love my braincell..)
i checked it out- its becoming only better and better and so.. some themes are completed handled got secured cause only the stories in our mind keeps alive the pain dissolved dissolveings * RISE PERMISSION! on such places i dont want to stay <3 i wave goodbye!

* what, if this one sentence wouldnt have exist?
this could be a sweet sentence or a painful sentence
how would have run your life then?
how does this feel to you?
sense into yourself, if you want to
feelings are carriers
you will know it!
la la ala lalalala

*just go oon now shortly, open your window--- <3 thanksssforlistening!!
full text on www.bermudafunk.org.switch-fuerimmerpunk! 17052020

16november2014 glowing

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*VEERY LESS ENGLISH/NO TURKISH*MEDICINE MUSIC!!*FULL ENGLISH TEXT ON: www.bermudafunk.org/ switch-fuerimmerpunk-16.11.2014

(not)(easy) to keep my smile-
these times it is very difficult- the world stucks full of fear and boundedness- and it also depends on the grasp of all we humans and everyone has got it on
them own. i wish i was more able to express, explain myself, that i dont scandalise or do scandalise? what i do really want--but it is sometimes a lonely way
im walking and i know, that i am not alone on it, but..i feel there often so oh..alone. i speak always- equal where i should be, from my heart, and not from my mind.
cause, i was asking once 1 braincell something-and then she lied to me! truly!cause the thing wasn´t so..some braincells do lie. dont believe everything what they
may say.it is sometimes so gabby our brain. but i love them also, they must exist and they do just testing me!

so it is sometimes hard for me, when i notice, that some are activated like on a caps lock key- for them really it just exist the "EAST"- there are also at least
the west, north and south-but they keep on the east-and when you then come and tell something different, then they become fear or they dont know how to handle
withit. and i dedicate this show tonight for my heart.it experiences so much and it is an discrete organ and works for so many times for me..it is wonderful, like

during the last 2 days ive been just crying. it was awful-but i remembered about in the last years,it was late summer, ive met FIRST TIME one dark night
outside a glowworm- it was so beautiful <3 and i ve remembered,what it has said to me:"what lies in the shadow,can effect undedected & uncontroled." and i´ve
started to light the unseen,things, which aren´t so nice. and thats why it is difficult, to protect my smile. thats why i play today some songs of this wonderful
album from volagé/fr, which heals me & have seen them live in mannheim.

*once i silently woke up from an sms who arrived in the morning.it was a message from a friend, who sent me a song, to start into the day right!before you go and wash
yourself..stand up..it was so goody!
* some questions i´ve asked once myself, i just shoot them out now into the space & see whats happening:
*with what or who you are often together? a chewing gum, a person,a cigarette..* you miss something? * does revenge also do not comes into the same with a
lection? *do you live in cosiness? *what is your biggest worry in whole universe? *what was the most nice words somebody said to you today?*what was the most
beautiful thing you´ve lived this summer?*what was the last, which inspired you? *motivated you?* do you have got any expectations?*what you would like to be
asked fain?* have you made something against you´ve thought you never would do this?*what should the children absolutely learn at school? *on what you do rely?
*do you have got a favorite sneaker- so forever one? mine is asics/tokyo mid runner/wh/blu/rd- but he doesn´t exist anymore :/ no much demand, yo, cause
everything ends/begins up still with money honey- how shame.* what can i respect? * you think someone stitched the grim reaper? if yes, what you mean, what
this could have been?* some has got a loong best-before- date i find uh.* what do you know about love?what do you say?* do you listen to someone always fain
always? * wherefrom you take your power? *and health?* what is your fave comic?*what is your rescue-vest?* i recommend QIGONG/THAICHI-always i do shoot the bull everyone of it-to get into balance between mind/body- but hey ey,i think im more healthier than others, i feel so refreshed, also my bones and joints
say thank you to me..without movement nothing runs.

* ey! kiss once a coconut! it is so coolbossi!
*on some days i do not speak with no one.. also, a story i´ve wrote,after my dad told me and a divisionsmaneuvre- them you will find and listen at another upload =

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* frage dich in jeder schwierigen situation, was würde der stärkste, der mutigste und der liebevollste teil meiner persönlichkeit
jetzt tun?

contains also these letters...

* ask yourself in every difficult situation, what would your strongest, the most brave and the most tender part of my personality
would do now?

* zor olan anlarda
kendine soru ver, yani senin en güclü, en cesaretli ve en cok sevgi dolu oldugu kisiligim parcasi ne yapar simdi?

* es dauert nur 3 sekunden " ich liebe dich" zu sagen
aber ein ganzes leben, um es zu beweisen --wenn ich da an meine neffen und nichte denke zb... ouh mann ey, love ich möchte eine gute tante sein. es ist nicht so leicht?

* it takes only 3 seconds to say:" i love you!"
but a whole life, to show it --hmmm when i think of example of my nephews and niece ey, love-- i wanted to be a good aunt. its not that easy?

* sadece 3 dakika sürüyiyor " ben seni seviyorum!"
ama bunu ispat etmek icin tüm bir hayat gerektir. mesela yegenlerime düsünürsem ayyy- onlari acayip cok seviyorum, iyi bir teyze olmak istiyorum, ama okadar da kolay degil?

there are soo many options and ways to meditate- -i was allowed to met out on myself an art to meditate.

these are the words of deepak chopra, one mega writer: listen once:
" meditation has got a lot of advantages
the biological benefits are: it sinks the bloodpressure and pulse, improves the heartfrequencyvariability, improves the immunereaction, refines selfregulation, reduces
inflammantions, which do arise from chronical illness-meditation increases our lifespan, this are the biological advanteges-
but then also there exists psychological advanteges: - better relations, more experience from love and pleasure joy fun - but at least the point is self-knowledge,
to find yourself aside of any constructs.
so there is no replacement to meditation. actually we should live in this state."

then the brainless furiosness from our thinkingtrain another possibility to un-fold- to evolve. ooor your true self may come to in sight.
you dare? you free yourself? heal yourself? do you want this?


Über diesen Podcast


hey there! my name is sibel and i speak that, what i think/feel: only the truth about my view, what happens/ed, what made me happy or unhappy or what have made me again healthy... about such things i talk sometimes with greateful guests which i met and know and not

i do speak in german --but also translate some lyrix in english and in some turkish* (could also be co(s)mical for you*)

presently during the show plays/ runs all music genres, tracks, which have safed me already my life, where you can dance or dream or flipp out maybe on it.

the punkcast is a LIVE- recording directly from the BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // usual studio 1 *// alte feuerwache in mannheim/ germany <3 & the future trend of switch-fuerimmerpunk-- or sets ive played or live shows....or ...

so you can expect everything - i try to get across, what being PUNK means to me.


to have nearly around your speakers or 13 KW isnt that bad within *)
much thanks for your precious time & listeningthingding***

on air: sibel taylan

my fountains/coaches are among others: *whole musicworld,*inventors&artistworld,*mother earth with all its beings,to name some: eckhart tolle, dalai lama, deepak chopra, dr.joe dispenza, anni wallstein, louise hay, gregg braden,younity,silkeschäfer,thichnathhan,animals,plants, bruce lipton,stones,carriers, myths *ghostworld,*otherworld,*our all ancestors and..poets..my own experiences; MANY MORE and YOU!! %


hallole!! ich heiße sibel und ich spreche das, was ich denke/fühlen tu: einfach die wahrheit über alles, was mir passiert(e)/ich erlebt habe schon/mich traurig oder glücklich oder wieder gesund macht. darüber quatsch ich dann manchmal auch mit tollen leuten, die ich kennengelernt habe. teilweise

dabei läuft musik aus allen genres, tracks, die mir das leben gerettet haben schon!! wo man tanzen oder träumen kann oder ausflippt vielleicht dabei-

ich spreche in deutsch-- und manche texte auch in englisch und in bischen türkisch :D
(es könnte etwas ko(s)misch vllt sein für dich *)

der punkcast ist ein LIVE-mitschnitt & die weiterentwicklung von "switch - für immer punk"--direkt aus dem BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // alte feuerwache// studio 1 // in mannheim <3 .. live shows, live musik sets oder....also kannste mit allem rechnen – ich versuche rüberzubringen, was für mich PUNK sein bedeutet.

ACHSO-- einen kopfhörer parat liegen zu haben oder 13 KW is nicht das schlechteste dabei*)

vielen dank für deine wertvolle zeit und zuhören!!
bleib neugierig,

von und mit Sibel Taylan


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