*the heart will find what/who it loves .*kalp sevdigini bulur*
was it today 05 02 2021, my wish of giving, healing,sharing, touching,
remembering myself,
and maybe you.
its the 21 of july in 2019 and you´re back into now!!
* was, wenn du dich morgen plötzlich in einen marienkäfer verwandeln würdest und das für andere wärst? oder in eine zecke? // welches tier würdest du gerne sein
* what,if you would transform this night yourself into a lady beetle and you would be for others? or into a tickkk? what kind of animal you would like to be? //* ne olur acaba, sen bu gece bir ugur böcege dönüstürürsen ve insanlara biri olursan yada bir keneye? hangi hayvan olmak istersin? // *einfach machen was richtig ist. einfach lassen, was nichts bringt. einfach leben, was man fühlt. einfach lieben, den man liebt. einfach ist nicht leicht. einfach ist am schwierigsten. GELLL??? :) simply do what is right. simply let, what to be no use. simply live, what you feel.
simply love, who you love. simply is not easy. simply is the most difficult. ISNT ITTTTT??? :) //*hey, sen git soguk suyun altinda bir düsün * hey, go and think again under the cold water * hey,geh und denk darüber unter kaltem wasser nach //*ich habe ein lied für die blumen gesungen *ive sang a song for the flowers *ciceklere bir sarki söyledim // * gehts du vor die türe?* are you going forward of the door?* kapidan cikacakmisin? //* der gedanke kommt ein bischen zu spät * this thought came a bit too late * bu düsüncü biraz gec gelmis //* ist deine to do liste immer die selbe? * is your to do list always the same? * vielleicht kannst du sie in eine to fun liste switchen * maybe you could turn it into your to fun list?// im thinking too much too much too much...* if you´re aware of your breath, then you dont think doesnt work together so then touch your hands, drive your attention to your body- feel them, sense life is now - eckhart tolle *ich denke zuviel ich denke zuviel ich denke zuviel.. * eckhart tolle: "wenn du deiner atmung bewusst bist, dann denkst du nicht geht nicht gleichzeitig lenke deine aufmerksamkeit in deinen körper, berühre deinehände, deine füsse, spüre sie das leben ist jetzt." * ay cok düsüniyorum ay cok düsüniyorum ay cok düsüniyorum nefes alinman bilinc altindaysan eger, ozaman düsünmessin beraber olmiyor o zaman ellerini tut, oksa, ayaklarini, dikkatini vücütuna ver, hisset onu hayat simdi -eckhart tolle //* an aborigini believes, that they have entry into telepathy, cause they never lie, not even bend the truth. do accept half-truths or raise an assertion without substance no single lie and therefore they have nothing to hide. they havent fear, to open their ghost for new and they are always ready to share their knowledge to others. if for example a 2 years old child watches another child playing with a toy and tries to catch the toy, it will immediately feel the eyes of the adults on it. immediately it will know, that what it wanted to do, to take the toy unasked away, it will not be hided away and is not well seen for good. the other child will learn at the same time to share and will experience, that it is not goodie to hang the heart on subjects. this child will experience, how much joy it is to play. the memory of it has stamped in. urgent and desireable is the feeling of happiness, not the subject. // ALBERT EINSTEIN said one time:" everyone is a genius! but if you judge a fish accordingly on to, if he can climb upon a tree, he will believe his whole life, that he is stupid." SEBASTIAN FITZEK supplemented: "conversly do not block yourself from doing it, to climb on a tree, just because others believe that you are a fish. do not listen to them who say:" you cannot do this!" be fishes, who want to climb on a tree. //*hast du heute schon viele tolle dinge gesagt? *did you say many nice things today? *bugün fazla güzel seyleri söyledin mi?.
fantastic journey through the galaxy! good night mannheim, world, YOU <3
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