welcome to
switch-für immer punk you!
19 september 2021
unfortunately i stood 2 x much long in traffic jam :) the beginning of this show:
show from june until 08:38 min and show from juli until 12:40 min then...
* aus japan oder china: entscheide immer so als wäre es das letzte mal!
* from japan or china : decide always like it would be the last time!
* japonya yada cin den : herzaman son kez olarak kararini ver!
* spüren, niemals urteilen
* sense, never judge
* hisset, hic hüküm verme
* du versperrst dir durch deine ablehnung einige annahmen.
empfindungen, menschen, gefühle, ereignisse, glück, seligkeit
* you blockade yourself through your denial a few receivings.
perceptions, humans, feelings, happenings, luck, blisssss
* das hätte man auch anders machen können
* this one had could do it also different
* bunu da birisi baska yapabilirdi
* du hast dich aufgegeben,auch wenn du dich aufgibst, ich tu´s nicht- <3 friends
* youve gave up, also when you give up onto you, i wont - <3 friendos
* bedien´dich! selbstbedienung
* help yourself! self- service
* aussichtslose kämpfe
* futile fights
* auto stop system
* was magsch du?
* what do you like?
* des ist so hart manchmal ge, ..was ist was ....wann...thx.
* this is so hard sometimes, ge,--what is what....when... thx.
* das wars wert
* this it was worth
* manchmal vergisst man, dass man es mit besonderen menschen zum tun hat. weil sie zum alltag gehören
* sometimes you forget, that youre involved with special humans. cause they belong to daily routine
* machs nicht noch schlimmer
* dont make it even more evil
* for this feeling to end
* unwissendheit wird zu monstern. führen zu monster verletzungen
* necsience become monsters. lead to monster violations / * noch mehr schatten- geh in dein herz- es heisst nicht, dass du es für gut heißt-
loslassen is viel sehr im licht als festzuhalten
* even more shadow- go into your heart- it doesnt mean, that you name it for good-
letting go is much more in light as to hold on
* eat/ do not eat
* smoke / do not smoke
* buy / do not buy
* say hello / do not say hello
* read / do not read
* walk / do not walk
* cry / do not cry
* give / do not give
* trust / do not trust
* watch / do not watch
* wait / do not wait
* be angry / don´t be angry
* smile / do not smile
* fuck off / do not fuck off
* drink / do not drink
* try / do not try
* laugh / do not laugh
* take care / do not take care
* fall again / do not fall again
* listen / do not listen
* designate / do not designate // markieren
* use / do not use
* hugg / do not hugg
* look / do not look
* call / do not call
* kiss / do not kiss
* try / do not try
* repeat / do not repeat
* ......
* there
* 2018
something to remember
you do not want to feel or and
how do you feel then?
wish you a best autumntime!
thanks so much for tuning in here!
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