switch - für immer punkcast

switch - für immer punkcast

Der Punkcast ist ein Live-Mitschnitt & die Weiterentwicklung von "Switch - Für immer Punk".


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19 12 2021 2300 <3

* "doubts
this i have written, with chalk, on a huge blackboard by, for my lovely all braincelles <3 ive asked my inner child, if it want and would like to draw something for them, too- my inner child have painted them a picture- on it you could have seen a red heart, besides a sunflower- and blue was the background <3 i love my forestmysticgarden / meditation
it is much more better now! also a bath with salt was very appreciating!
if that had effected on the doubtcleaning, too?

for what do you feel ahshamed, mother?
1990 :" under no circumstances i´ll go with you like this to the city! immediately you´ll go and change your dress on something else!"
this happened a lot, partially until today- and even f.e. 2003 by my first friend, i wasn´t free to wear what i´ve wanted to,listen to guns
n roses, when we´ve had a shoeshop, what was my personally favour. admitting, sometimes im dressed bit unusual,it was also once a silently tornt into pieces long menunderwearpant.. but all pieces, do have got still their own history and worth for me. 2021 i´ve seen a nice couple, they´ve walked hand in hand. and he´d looked lovingly at her. thereby ran slowly a lot of tears over my cheeks. my heart tightend together. and i´ve recognized, until i´ve never been was taken by the hand from someone.
if ever somewhen someone will take me like this so kindly by my hand and look so after me? * gefährten der hoffnung * hope companions
this ive asked my lovely therapist, when i´ve told her about my last days how they went.. she answered:"no, this is not at all ridiculous to get sad about- holding hands is something very beautiful- but this is quite normal, sibel-
your mum never had given you the feeling, that you are quite right and precious, just exactly how you are. she felt ashamed for you, never
took you by the hand. holding hands means also: im with you, i stay for and by you. so you´ve never known this feeling. so, this is why you can not imagine this." "under new beneficial tears " ok, and so it will maybe change, when i work on my self-worth?- fall in love with all what i am how i am,
respect myself ?" she nodded kindly with her nice smile at me-
again, with this i do not want to condemn my lovely mama. she´s done the best she can. and iam in the awareness, that she hasn´t got the
knowledge then- it may serve here just illustration what these patterns could make with you in childhood in the adulttime- why something
doesn´t work or happens again- and maybe the one or other knows such situation... or is a mum or dad-


"eh hey hülya, aeh- there is a mouse!"
"hae? what? where, noo!"
"na look once there!"

outrage on the eve of a sunday in september 2021

read full text at wwww.bermudafunk.org /switch fuerimmerpunk <3

in www.you could find some good sites of dear humans which can translate the language of the animals, or of colours or of plants message they ve got for youif youre open for this of course and pay attention on such things which arise to you- animals are very funny and the best and they have got their own tricks to can reach you- they give you so much- this is full beautiful. being one.
may they may day?? :)
ach, love

thanks for listen and your precious time!!

there´s much love to give,


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....cause it makes so much fun....


here another golden medicine songs mixed wildely through..
a red thread of mine
my oh my i have found so much records again here and there..waow- and ive missed it to play and listen to them

these are the last days of the pub data77112 where i do record the sets
it feels so weired- ive lived there so very f**king much 15 years long and now time has come to leave this
wonderful planet
at the end of this 2021
with an crying and with an laughing eye-

it is a pleasure being able doing this, loudly, listen and make a shake to it while (the last time the lovely neighbour pharmatist came to the door and asked me to turn lower please the music uh) and to can offer it on this electronical century way
follow the joy, dearest reader

hope you can enjoy somehow,too

and thank you!!

in a world, in which you can be anything,

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with special guests ARUN & STEFFEN <3 arun is my supersoulpiratesister and steffen is her beloved amigo* // ich schätze ihre erfahrungen sehr//i appreciate their experiences very much* QUESTIONS: did you have ever got a walkman? if yes, how old you were? which mc youve listened first? how did you felt? - arun: "yes! thats because i cant listen so well today- when i was 9,10 or 11 years, my dad gave me a black suitcase in snakeoptic, there he´d putted a walkman inside with mc´s neue deutsche welle / new german wave which was then current since then i´ve started to dance with the walkman through the streets- " // steffen:(was born and grew up in the east of germany til 1989´) " yes, when i got 30 years-ive listened first david hasselhoff- i´m a huge knight rider fan- still with music it is more superior to live" // with who is dead, you would like to speak or name 3 historical personalities you would invite for dinner? arun:" leonardo da vinci - whereby i dont know if we talk the same language?but there then exist translators :) ...he´s got invented a lot and have done things which are important for drawings and his art- and who else? it is so difficult, cause there are so many! yo, and both grandma´s -- i think i have to make a party then!" steffen:" i dont know really with who- actually with all- with my mum and/ my grandma" // * what is a thing, you´ve tried once, and you would never do it again?
arun" sit in a swingboat on a parish fair!! it made a lot of rollovers- and i was very skinny- so the securityiron doesn´t suited good-ive could have been sliding through, without shit :) and after that my siblings and i craweld under the swingboat and picked up all the things which the other persons had lost once and took the spoils at home" steffen:" this is too spontanious! let me think a while about!" / * who was until the most craziest person, you´ve met yet? arun:" nina hagen or and my mother" steffen :" my girlfriend arun :)"// *did you have had yet one complete another look? arun : " yes, when i was a model- ive got long hairs- and when i had to put on the boutique´s clothes, that was just not me" steffen: " when i was a funeral director- into suit, took out the piersings, hairs cut- yes, and jacket- but after few times it got more better- we could wear bomberjackets then- ive worked there about 4 years- and got many experiences and learned a lot -about death-and that i can accept death also-cause i didnt checked the death until- thats why i got a funeral director-and it also helped me to get over and come closer about the death of my (step-)mother- this experience should actually everyone do one time in life-even maybe not everybody is fit for this-but as you see, death is still a taboo-theme-- and if one would check this out, how it is managed there, then.." arun:" i never could do this- but i salute on to this a lot!" /"why did you get off this job after 4 years?" steffen:" cause it was too much- too much death- too much death of kids- (the usual ways of death or also very unusual and special craze ways of dying- and of course, to get back my freetime- cause it is a 24h job!" // * what represents a good partnership? arun & steffen:" trust, a lot of fun and a lot of love, a lot of kisses, and a lot of laughing and yes,actually blind trust"

hey you, thanks for your precious time and listen!
have a good time!

ciaoo <3


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i´ve found by removing some golden vinyls-
why not take a break
why not take a soundevent
and also a listenimpression and conceptually abstraction

recorded at data77112 planet


tones were recognised by greek philosopher aristoxenus (375-335 BCE), who called them "tensions"

Der Begriff „Ton“ stammt von Tonus, der latinisierten Form des altgriechischen τόνος, tonos, „Spannung“ zum Verb τείνειν teinein „spannen, an-,
ausspannen“. Die Bedeutung des Wortes variiert je nach Kontext. Mehr zur Komplexität der Beschreibung, Analyse und Wahrnehmung von Tönen ist in zahlreichen
Beiträgen zu finden. Neben Universalien der Musikwahrnehmung und objektiven Aspekten wie Tonhöhe, Klang, Tonheit, Obertöne, Klangspektren werden Aspekte der
subjektiven Perzeption z. B. unter Hörtypologie, auditiver Wahrnehmung, Musikpsychologie, Tonhöhenwahrnehmung und Psychoakustik erläutert. Die atonale Musik ist
nicht tonlos, geräuschlos, lautlos, klanglos oder gar unhörbar; das Wort atonal bezieht sich vielmehr auf ein fehlendes Tonalitätssystem.

the definition "TONE" to date back to TONUS, the latinized from of oldgreek τόνος, tonos,"tension" to verb τείνειν teinein "strain", tense-remove".
the meaning of the word varies up to context. more to complecitiy of description, analyse and perception of tones is found in numerous dues. beside universals
of musicperception and objective aspects like pitch, sound, critical band rate, overtones, soundspectrums aspects were explicated of subjective perception, for
example under auditorytypology, auditive sense, musicpsychology, tonepitchsense and psychoaccoustic. the atonal music is not soundless, silent, unhearable, or even
inaudible; the word atonal relates in fact of a missing tonalitysystem.


ok, these informations arises from wikipedia.

thanks for listening and your trust and a lot of
fun with these shortlong 62 minutes and 10sec

ciao bella balla balla bello ciao ciao!!


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sorry! im working on it fully playing the tracks!!

* is there no time for romtantic? * keine zeit für romantik? romantik zamani yokmu?* forbidden high 3 // verboten hoch 3 * lächeln alles wird gut, smile, everything will be goody* permanent maker //thank you!! * does your mum believes in aliens?
* zyklus / * cycle /
* nicht zu interpretieren
* nicht zu interpretieren
* nicht zu interpretieren
* not to construe
* not to construe
* not to construe
* not to construe * in your wishes lies the answer, within youre gonna searching diving into yourself, youll get parts in yourself which are not yet
integrated//* in den wünschen liegt die antwort, indem du weiter in dir forschst, kommst du auf anteile in dir, die noch nihct integriert sind
* niemand muss seinen inneren schmerz alleine begegnen* nobody must face its inner pain on its own* --sonst hätte ich ein leben als käfiglegebatteriehenne gewählt
* otherwise i would have had chosen a life as a cagelaybatteryhen * wirst du mir das iwann vorwerfen?* will you blame me somewhen this? * im not an emotional trashcan
* ich bin kein emotionaler mülleimer* keine rückmeldung* no reply* die liebe steuert- vor allem im leiden. mii kah* love navigates- especially in harm. mii kah
* do you have got a concussion*hast du eine gehirnerschütterung?
?? * nach paragraph 28 L 58 B6B StGB gilt hiermit die dei ehe als gescheitert und geschieden- pahhhh! alles ein traum- es ist so lächerlich iwie so vieles- was wir menschen tun //* in conformity of paragraph 28L 58 BGB StGB counts herewith the (your) marriage as failed and divorced- PAHHHHH! all a dream- it is so ridiculous somehow so much- what we humans do
i ask myself, if the sound, which comes out of the medium, here from the personal computer right now,
then ive put in the speakers in he so, and if the sound does feel this, that he/she/it is at the moment transfering??


and my ears engage then something with my braincelles and body
????!!!!!?????!!!!!!! WHOUUUHOUUU huuuuuuu!1! mei! my inner magnetic compassss maybe you read in german,some english and turkish
on www.scifi77112.wordpress.com also, i am glad, that ive got all my 10 fingers on my hand
also, palms are almost greatrankbossfrank he.-
but 10 fingers hey-----auuuuuuwwwwwww!

.(.should be easy check.. cheeers
manche schaue ich an, un dfrage mich, ob sie noch
fähig sind zu fühlen.
das´manchmal gruseligtraurig

bazilari baktiyimda
onlar duygusal olabilirlermi daha acaba
bu cok tatsiz

some i watch and have to think
are they possible still to feel-
thats sad for me

nimm nur das in dein herz auf,
was du für dich als wahrheit akzeptieren kannst

only load/take in your heart
what you can accept as truth

so viele tolle sinne
so many great senses


reichen deine kräfte dafür aus?
gücün yeterli mi?
are you sure your power is enough for that?

*"vertrau mir noch 1 x !"
* "güven bana 1 defa !"
* "trust in me 1 time!"

s kann alles so schnell gehn
oder sich eewig lang ziehn

it could all be so fast
or elongates eeternally

now ive must actually say something
but excuse me, i must end up stop finish now

jetzt müsst ich eigentlich was sagen
aber es tut mir leid, ich muss jetzt aufhören

*bist du daheim??
* are you at home??
* evdemisin??

read it in german: www.bermudafunk.org....or ask a friend speaking german..or wait...

so, this would be the place of one a supersupersupersuperbeautiful body of thought black on white penned, written from my girlfriend katja m roth. i do meet her sometimes one time in a year or zero time in a year but...<3 sometimes she´s sending me a message on FB-

often i stay with open mouth and rocky heart in front of the screen.
sometimes i must look up a word. she´s the best, thanks for you, katyes!


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halli hallo! switch-fuerimmerpunk! 2300 pm 17 shocktober 2021!!

* zieh deine mundwinkel nach oben
und schenke dir ein lächeln /* draw your corners of your mouth upstairs
and give yourself a smile / * dudaklarin birlestirdigi noktalari yukariya cek
ve kendine bir gülümseyi hediye et
thanks to mady morrison!

* "EJECT PLEASE" said the carradio to me to a cd * "AUSWERFEN BITTE" hat mir das autoradio gesagt zu einer cd * "FIRLAT LÜTFEN" arabararadyo bana söyledi bir diske
*versuch das bitte zu verstehen /* try this please to understand/ * "bunu anlamaya calis lütften /* UNERMESSLICH/ * hiçbir sinirlama getirmeden/ * IMMEASURABLE

1990 sunday noon

my both sisters hülya and funda and me came along to have a seat down at the setted table. my dad came as much often three minutes later, he washes before eating minuteslong thoroughly his velvety workinghands in the kitchen.
everyone have started to eat. yet when i´ve came in the room and have smelled the fish in the oven, my stomach gone turned badly badly ugly.
my mum noticed my wrinkled nose and have said:" this fish was today a special offer at the market place. you´ll gonna eat him." "no mama! if i will eat this fish,
i will throw him out!"i feel queasy while!" she´ve ignored me. hell- bent to touch the fish under no circumstances , i´ve fished around in the salad and ive pricked carefully a potato, which layed beside the fishfilet and have slided it in my mouth. she also have tasted after fish. ive retched nearly. "eat now the fish, sibel!" inside there are a lot of vitamines, which we all do need." commanded me my lovely mum with an expression in the voice, where was no escape. "NO!"! pleadful ive looked to my dad, he´ve said:" kizim, en azindan bir deneyiver!" "my girl, at least have a try on it!" "no, baba, when i do this, i know that i have to throw out!" he ´ve shrugged his shoulders and have turned to his meal and mentioned:" bir sey söyleyemem kizim, anneni duydun, bir denemekte var, balik cok güzel oldu.." " i cannat say something my girl, you´ve listened your mum, its about to try, the fish is delicious.."
ive shaked my head. also like me she, my mum has looked angry at me and have said:" you´ll wont get up from the table before you´ve not eaten the dish!"
funda have said:" oh let her mum, when she dont like it!" hülya have said:" oh come on, sibel, you´ll be successful!"
mum was silent.
meanwhile all had finished their dishes. cross armed in front of my breast ive sat down sullen at the table in front of the plate.
my sisters stood up and soon mum to wash the dinnerwares. baba finished somewhen also, looked at me a bit compessionate and have tapped me softly at my shoulder
with the words:" hadi, come on, ... then you can jump again." and went to his work again.

surely one hour later ive sat there the same as- my mum came along and have said nothing new.
cause i´ve wanted to have somehting more from the day and have noticed, that i´ve had no chance after her, ive overcame myself and have holded my noise after the
second bite and have eaten this accursed fish almost, jumped up, slammed vociferous the plate in the kitchen with the words to my mum:" oldu mu simdi? like, is it
now ok?" and have left angrily the kitchen. ca. 5 minutes later ive found myself at the toillette and throwed my soul out the body.
mum have made me wordless a tea with lemon and fresh peppermint. in her face i´ve could saw, how she feels sorry for me.

my mum never ever forced me again to something.
in june 2021, thursday forenoon
pleaded eyes look at hülya- " ok, i drive then--- oh man, sis, i dont know how i should do this???!" " youll be successful, it will be beautiful at waterspring, then youll make ready the pub data 77111, go to the therapist and then youll be back home- there we will have coffee with funda, she´d said,
she buys sweets- and you can go a bit later into data again..dont hesitate and call me whenever something is..!"

read full text here www.bermudafunk.org



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welcome to
switch-für immer punk you!
19 september 2021
unfortunately i stood 2 x much long in traffic jam :) the beginning of this show:
show from june until 08:38 min and show from juli until 12:40 min then...

* aus japan oder china: entscheide immer so als wäre es das letzte mal!
* from japan or china : decide always like it would be the last time!
* japonya yada cin den : herzaman son kez olarak kararini ver!

* spüren, niemals urteilen
* sense, never judge
* hisset, hic hüküm verme
* du versperrst dir durch deine ablehnung einige annahmen.
empfindungen, menschen, gefühle, ereignisse, glück, seligkeit

* you blockade yourself through your denial a few receivings.
perceptions, humans, feelings, happenings, luck, blisssss


* das hätte man auch anders machen können
* this one had could do it also different
* bunu da birisi baska yapabilirdi

* du hast dich aufgegeben,auch wenn du dich aufgibst, ich tu´s nicht- <3 friends
* youve gave up, also when you give up onto you, i wont - <3 friendos

* bedien´dich! selbstbedienung
* help yourself! self- service

* aussichtslose kämpfe
* futile fights
* auto stop system
* was magsch du?
* what do you like?

* des ist so hart manchmal ge, ..was ist was ....wann...thx.
* this is so hard sometimes, ge,--what is what....when... thx.

* das wars wert
* this it was worth

* manchmal vergisst man, dass man es mit besonderen menschen zum tun hat. weil sie zum alltag gehören
* sometimes you forget, that youre involved with special humans. cause they belong to daily routine

* machs nicht noch schlimmer
* dont make it even more evil

* for this feeling to end
* unwissendheit wird zu monstern. führen zu monster verletzungen
* necsience become monsters. lead to monster violations / * noch mehr schatten- geh in dein herz- es heisst nicht, dass du es für gut heißt-
loslassen is viel sehr im licht als festzuhalten
* even more shadow- go into your heart- it doesnt mean, that you name it for good-
letting go is much more in light as to hold on

* eat/ do not eat
* smoke / do not smoke
* buy / do not buy
* say hello / do not say hello
* read / do not read
* walk / do not walk
* cry / do not cry
* give / do not give
* trust / do not trust
* watch / do not watch
* wait / do not wait
* be angry / don´t be angry
* smile / do not smile
* fuck off / do not fuck off
* drink / do not drink
* try / do not try
* laugh / do not laugh
* take care / do not take care
* fall again / do not fall again
* listen / do not listen
* designate / do not designate // markieren
* use / do not use
* hugg / do not hugg
* look / do not look
* call / do not call
* kiss / do not kiss
* try / do not try
* repeat / do not repeat
* ......
* there
* 2018
something to remember

you do not want to feel or and
how do you feel then?

wish you a best autumntime!
thanks so much for tuning in here!


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18 07 2021

hey hey dear you!
everytime i listen to music. i can feel something. memories, hopes, something without words. it must be love.

ive been late for 9:10 minutes live in the studio 1 in mannheim/ alte feuerwache <3- bermudafunk.org to switch.fuerimmer punk.
one hour before ive been deciding to go there i sat in the car from my sister huelya, she drove me to my car...and she showed me her beloved song. this was a trigger for me to simply step into my car- cause i wanted to play this song. we both had to cry while listen it- so...i didnt knew what to say, to play to do- when i came there, jo, the beloved operating traxx man from the studio2 which sends at 22 oh clock live there, was so gentle that when i came into the studio he drove all computers online <3 as always a so nice person in my lifetime <3
on this sunday my friends calua and jannik have sent me a picture with them and ive asked them for a beloved song... well... one you could listen to <3 friends

humility- is one of the things i notice and learn- more deeper. i feel ashame of some last radioshows of how i am, what or how i speak- oh this damn judging..it feels like that iam just scratching on surfaces in somethings- which is a chance to grow on-

it is still not possible to be silent.im restless.
i wish i would grow, understand, learn faster- get answers of my questions.

big big thanks to my family, friends and the whole unknown big earthsoul and thank you!
in this times i had to think of all those ones, which havent got nobody, or a place to lean on. i wish them that they feel loved.
we are.
oh mann.

ciao! and thanks for listening!


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sun 20 06 2021

i have a tongue, but i cannot speak
i have eyes but i cannot see
i have ears but i cannot listen

hi you,
to be in the studio, also for the last ones since winter, i dont know how it could happen. "normally" i wasnt allowed to drive with the car- cause these times ive didnt get sleep- was awake over than 24 hours.. but...somehow the love, the drive in, magic or whatever is included in music and "me" pushed me ahead there- i have to say, that the shows always felt good on me, after i did - god and the angels know how i went there and back- its like a dream. im not proud of it- just very very thankful.

since june i ve recognized, that im totally unable to "function" like i did. im in a great depression or everwhat - and that i dont know who or what i am- every anything makes no sense -anymore- to me- i live in fear and shame than in trust and love- everything i know or made, cant help me now. i dont know who to trust in - what i couldshould believe- how to help me out of this. cannot hold myself- if my family wouldnt be there for me, i must go directly into a hospital- cause i cant live on my own- and all in this,
everything turned into broken glass-the car, the home, the relationship with my friends and the world, the thought of what i will work or do after the closing of my / our pub at the end of the year, i cant create or make things, think clear or i am not concentrated- i m sad of all this and what ive lost.
i only hope and beg that it will come back- that i will be again creative and have a reason and sense to wake up-

from all the things i do love i´ve got disconnected- or it feels like that-
whatever will happen- it took 2 months to upload this-
yeah- this is a hell way into a aim- haaa-- i only know, that im totally identified with in the ego and yeah, i hope for the face in the mirror, which i dont want to see these times- while im writing this i see myself- and could throw outttttt- ahhhhh
once my friend anna wrote me a snippet:
"everything will be good at the end
if its not
its not the end!"
thanks a lot for listening!

www.bermudafunk.org, switch-fuer immer punk! you could read more about the meanings of the music i have played...

i wish you the very very very fucking best*

ciao, s


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hai!hey! ho!
ein sehr sehr tolles wort- wo ich aktuellst am herausfinden bin, es zu verstehen, es -wieder- zu fühlen, bewusst vollständig in liebe zu sein --vollständig chaos is grad nämlich in mir // one very very awesome word- where i´m currently on discovering, to know it, to feel it -again, to be entirely/complete aware in love--entirely, complete chaos scilicet is in me currentc// cok güzel mir kelime- onu arastirimayadayim, onu anlanmlak, onu his etmekte -yineden, bilincimlen, sevgi ilen beraber onu olmak istiyorum--tamamem kaos un icindeyimde...
* wo bewege ich mich weiter, wo bleibe ich starr? * where do i move on, where i stay rigid? * nerede hareket devam ediyorum ben? nerede bükülmez kaliyorum?
* frische luft repariert soviel, hey <3
* fresh air repairs so much, hey <3
* serin, taze hava cook seyi tamir ediyor ya <3
HANDBREMSE / HANDBRAKE / EL FRENI * autotüre * cardoor * arabakapisi
* once as i´ve parked with my car, have setted tight the handbrake, was still bad ass happy about the brilliant song out of the canister, wanted to get out the car to unload it, there i´ve opened in absolute inattention simply zackclick the cardoor- cause hurry, cause move on, cause fastfastfast, cause too too too eh :/ in this moment ive noticed suuuuuuperbadass, direct beneath my foot which stood already on the street, a man in the best years in full bicyle outfit, moaning and bit much bothered but glad
respireingly TEETHS ON EDGES IN WITH ME ashened we´ve looked at each other- in all latest emergency braking of him!! OH AUW OUR GUARDING ANGELSSS!!
immediately, honestly i´ve excused me and i was so very so very mega gratefuuul heeey! out of breath he´ve said: "yea yeah yeah hey, always the same! look watch out simply, human!" he countered and have started almost to drive off- i´ve swallowed hard and i´ve said thank you again and again and again into the nothing and to all, for no very evil crash happening and that i´ve come out of this JUST ONLY with a shock scare. since then i truly watch mindful and alwaysalwaysalways when i do open the cardoor- or the co-driver, left over the shoulder firstly- i´ve read that the view into the sidemirror is insufficient cause of the dead corner within. sooo,my lovely dear sister hülya gave me a tip,a little golden trick: the so said DUTCH REACH!- is supereasy as genius: open the door on your beloved car simply with the right instead of the left hand. cause automatically we have to turn more in our torso, automatically one makes a shoulderview- many of car drivers do forget about the shoulderview, although it could be vitally important essentially for a biker!! this "DUTCH-REACH" grip grasp is in holland requiered from every nonlocal student yet- i like this- where else so?
BELLY BREATHING for a super feeling! superadvices from chirochiro.de/instagram <3 did you know, that abdominal breathing belongs to daily routine?
* silent abdominal breathing
* activates the parasympathetic ..- our relaxed nervoussystem! * massages your organs and carries about a proper blood circulation * activates a proper digestion
* carries about a tranquil heartfrequency/ * train abdominal breathing and para- sympathetic activity * lay one hand onto your belly and the other onto your chest - while breathing mainly the lower hand should move * chest breathing in contrast
* stimulates the sympathetic nerve=" fight-escape-impulse = nerveous system which stands under stress* slowes down your diegestion * increases your heartfequency DONT DO ;) !! * before you are eating, breath in deep and slowly 10x through your nose into your belly- breath 3 sec in and 5 sec out. it stimulates your parasympathetic nervous system and within the nutrient uptake <3 * before you go to sleep, while laying down breath 20 x deeply through the nose into the belly. this supports stress reduction, so that you can find a relaxed sleep
HALLELUJAH lovely peoples <3
www.bermudafunk.org clickclack

Über diesen Podcast


hey there! my name is sibel and i speak that, what i think/feel: only the truth about my view, what happens/ed, what made me happy or unhappy or what have made me again healthy... about such things i talk sometimes with greateful guests which i met and know and not

i do speak in german --but also translate some lyrix in english and in some turkish* (could also be co(s)mical for you*)

presently during the show plays/ runs all music genres, tracks, which have safed me already my life, where you can dance or dream or flipp out maybe on it.

the punkcast is a LIVE- recording directly from the BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // usual studio 1 *// alte feuerwache in mannheim/ germany <3 & the future trend of switch-fuerimmerpunk-- or sets ive played or live shows....or ...

so you can expect everything - i try to get across, what being PUNK means to me.


to have nearly around your speakers or 13 KW isnt that bad within *)
much thanks for your precious time & listeningthingding***

on air: sibel taylan

my fountains/coaches are among others: *whole musicworld,*inventors&artistworld,*mother earth with all its beings,to name some: eckhart tolle, dalai lama, deepak chopra, dr.joe dispenza, anni wallstein, louise hay, gregg braden,younity,silkeschäfer,thichnathhan,animals,plants, bruce lipton,stones,carriers, myths *ghostworld,*otherworld,*our all ancestors and..poets..my own experiences; MANY MORE and YOU!! %


hallole!! ich heiße sibel und ich spreche das, was ich denke/fühlen tu: einfach die wahrheit über alles, was mir passiert(e)/ich erlebt habe schon/mich traurig oder glücklich oder wieder gesund macht. darüber quatsch ich dann manchmal auch mit tollen leuten, die ich kennengelernt habe. teilweise

dabei läuft musik aus allen genres, tracks, die mir das leben gerettet haben schon!! wo man tanzen oder träumen kann oder ausflippt vielleicht dabei-

ich spreche in deutsch-- und manche texte auch in englisch und in bischen türkisch :D
(es könnte etwas ko(s)misch vllt sein für dich *)

der punkcast ist ein LIVE-mitschnitt & die weiterentwicklung von "switch - für immer punk"--direkt aus dem BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // alte feuerwache// studio 1 // in mannheim <3 .. live shows, live musik sets oder....also kannste mit allem rechnen – ich versuche rüberzubringen, was für mich PUNK sein bedeutet.

ACHSO-- einen kopfhörer parat liegen zu haben oder 13 KW is nicht das schlechteste dabei*)

vielen dank für deine wertvolle zeit und zuhören!!
bleib neugierig,

von und mit Sibel Taylan


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