19 12 2021 2300 <3
* "doubts
this i have written, with chalk, on a huge blackboard by, for my lovely all braincelles <3 ive asked my inner child, if it want and would like to draw something for them, too- my inner child have painted them a picture- on it you could have seen a red heart, besides a sunflower- and blue was the background <3 i love my forestmysticgarden / meditation
it is much more better now! also a bath with salt was very appreciating!
if that had effected on the doubtcleaning, too?
for what do you feel ahshamed, mother?
1990 :" under no circumstances i´ll go with you like this to the city! immediately you´ll go and change your dress on something else!"
this happened a lot, partially until today- and even f.e. 2003 by my first friend, i wasn´t free to wear what i´ve wanted to,listen to guns
n roses, when we´ve had a shoeshop, what was my personally favour. admitting, sometimes im dressed bit unusual,it was also once a silently tornt into pieces long menunderwearpant.. but all pieces, do have got still their own history and worth for me. 2021 i´ve seen a nice couple, they´ve walked hand in hand. and he´d looked lovingly at her. thereby ran slowly a lot of tears over my cheeks. my heart tightend together. and i´ve recognized, until i´ve never been was taken by the hand from someone.
if ever somewhen someone will take me like this so kindly by my hand and look so after me? * gefährten der hoffnung * hope companions
this ive asked my lovely therapist, when i´ve told her about my last days how they went.. she answered:"no, this is not at all ridiculous to get sad about- holding hands is something very beautiful- but this is quite normal, sibel-
your mum never had given you the feeling, that you are quite right and precious, just exactly how you are. she felt ashamed for you, never
took you by the hand. holding hands means also: im with you, i stay for and by you. so you´ve never known this feeling. so, this is why you can not imagine this." "under new beneficial tears " ok, and so it will maybe change, when i work on my self-worth?- fall in love with all what i am how i am,
respect myself ?" she nodded kindly with her nice smile at me-
again, with this i do not want to condemn my lovely mama. she´s done the best she can. and iam in the awareness, that she hasn´t got the
knowledge then- it may serve here just illustration what these patterns could make with you in childhood in the adulttime- why something
doesn´t work or happens again- and maybe the one or other knows such situation... or is a mum or dad-
"eh hey hülya, aeh- there is a mouse!"
"hae? what? where, noo!"
"na look once there!"
outrage on the eve of a sunday in september 2021
read full text at /switch fuerimmerpunk <3
in could find some good sites of dear humans which can translate the language of the animals, or of colours or of plants message they ve got for youif youre open for this of course and pay attention on such things which arise to you- animals are very funny and the best and they have got their own tricks to can reach you- they give you so much- this is full beautiful. being one.
may they may day?? :)
ach, love
thanks for listen and your precious time!!
there´s much love to give,