switch - für immer punkcast

switch - für immer punkcast

Der Punkcast ist ein Live-Mitschnitt & die Weiterentwicklung von "Switch - Für immer Punk".


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so i´ve started just & got more & more nervous- the first time, in an unknown place, unknown peoples- so my mind created the emotion of stress & my hands began to tremble, my heart beated wild & introduced myself--& as i told about the last liveshow, which were the day,a lightfestival of, for claudia, her goodbye into the space & the 27.8. was the anniversary of the death of my uncle it made it not better & had to swallow tears.. cooosmiccc <3

to get the audience into an state of being "here" to find silence for all, & let go of the experiences, thoughts of this day...- ive let run an relaxed sound firstly- which i did not was sure, if they will take this- i dont know aw, if they have silent moments in their life, practice medidation or..?? & also the bar business moved on at the same time, but they were silent as it is possible, too - after intuition i began to read- & to live again some emotions. its craze, sometimes, when i do read, first then i recognize, what i´m reading, offering others.. noticing this combined with this emotion leads really into an orgasm of feeling-& my expression. mostly into a STOP, a pause, barriere of text & TEARS - its like living this happening again through, & sometimes i am more cool or not so cool (: (its interesting, i wonder about myself-) then i am so very happy glad about the sound, i can play- to ease my feeling, state or wound or everwhat...& ive danced- NOT THAT UNRESTRAINED i want to be able- but yeah..
& many things ive wanted to say, i did not & some things ive added on this saturDay yet, ive read. happy that i have & can write so much things :D hehe in the hope, that all what i have to say, to share, is serving also for the highest good of all & for me!
by intuition ive finished the show & danced along--with some other dudes <3 THANK YOU!

some feedback from diverse peoples, some who knew me & from some did not:
" very very good* you´ve really touched my heart, you grandma with a soul & reading like a 12 year old one, go on stayin alive <3* very crazy-but superfine *i had to hide tears in my eyes when youve read about love & merlin* i really will get stuff with me into my home, it is strange, it is nearly like voyeur- to see you private in your living room* i´ve seen a lot of readings in my life through my job, but you are different, its just like you are hmm...how to say, authentic, you are just living it, saying it, not playing a role or so.. but you are dangerous. for the audience & yourself -why? you show everything from you, you are now like touchable..& ive had tears in my eyes, & also you- but this i dont want to :/ to make people cry, flo! - no its not that, it is, you touch the hearts"


hm, yea, these are my first steps into a new future, new experience in my life. how i will, can reach people & do shows ?? is this my way my wish? i only know, that this celebrates my heart& soul somehow!

i am a master who is practising-
"you´ve started this evening with your music set & set the peoples into emotions, girl, well done, thanks!" :D the crowd got increased meanwhile

after then, pretty good artists made their show & it was just a very fine summerparty in the unknown at a beautiful space on mother earth in kromsdorf, near weimar in germany , where we´ve met superlovely unknowns celebrating one <3

unfortunately you´ll listen not much english or turkish.. in the radio it is different but..


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there i go -- in an rebuild old firewarden in kromsdorf /weimar, gemany where once fire trucks were controled.. there are living 15 superlovely peoples, together in various rooms- in 3 to one another buildings, among other things you find like tailoring, repairshop, cinema shows..where everybody is welcome in this place space (youll find a lot of mattresses lying) & where respect & mindfulness to each other is written big. they have an own pizza kitchen & do sell these superdelicious pizzas out,too..a place where you can exchange your clothes, a cafe & bar,& they cook & bake sooulfood & everywhere tiny flowers & garden & & oh so many more!!
a real nice place, to come down-to break free - get off- behind a selfmade wooden door which is leading into a biig space park, where you could find 2 castles & a lot of nature <3
a supernice place to be
they´ve just started to manage such festivals & everything is new hahah, just like the playstarts of these great aritsts for this evening..but no one was stressed or something...no, just with so much love, i am really so glad & apreciated a lot, that ive could play there, <3

THANKS MICHAEL WINKLER for asking me & TAMARA, VEDA, BERNHARD, JAN, JAKOB, ALI, ANKE, KASPER AAWW all these all other lovely peoples & DATA77112 <3

i was nervous didnt knew what to play--even then the voice of knatter flew in- "play just that what you want to listen to, sibel!" <3 and how long i should play & when i should start reading AHHHH..some came & sat & watched me playing records, this was also bit strange for me...but ok...hahha- even they didnt knew when i would start..then ive asked winkler & he said:"start when you want to..!" HAA <3
:D all fine, afterwards -




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HI ! LIVE 21 08 2022 switchfuerimmerpunk! bermudafunk*
.its possible, that i maybe effect on you kinda unsettling! but this is not my intention! SORRY! THANKS A LOT! FOR THE TRUST! your precious time and that you are escorting me a bit on my healing way! // "SOMETIMES YOU CAN BE VERY CRUEL COMMON VILE!! --ALSO IF YOU MAYBE WITHOUT KNOWING IT! --DEAR VACUUM CLEANER! // * if you could have a video from a situation from your life, which situation would you choose? // what you are doing, when you live an uncomfortable situation.for example with your body.or with any thoughts or other beings?-* me helps breathing.
brutals much.
if you wanna try once.. i breath full out- then i wait while breathing in counting to 4 - stop- holding for 4 x pipe down once - breathing out 4 seconds, maybe - waiting 4 x counting - and all 4 times hey- like a dicey and i do smile- that i forget sometimes really he! it shows our body, that we are relaxed.square practical good. this was inspired by thanks adriana meisser// * game of transformation the state of being-- game of chance -there are scores of breathingpossibilities, mady morrison, doc joe dispenza, eva kaczor inspiring me also much. find yours hm, cause, we need you! // with a werewolf, sergej & 5 other rednecks on wood from ljubljana, slovenia ( are skateboarders, musicians and artists,too)
i was spontaniously a convoy on their roadtrip in a little motorbus through suisse & belgium- well, we´ve passed a lot of cities- so that they can drive with their skateboards on or in the skateparks and bowls- a aim was a skateboard & punkrockevent in brussels, were they gonna to play- yea well- ... hope you can listen...it is a story about being an friendly alien on a roadrtip in belgium, who was in need of toiletpaper- knocking on a door- and made them fear with my being :/ ------....

so, this feeling of being alien, is really hard. when we think of humen, which have to escape from their beloved homes- caused by psychopaths making war,
and still i notice, that it makes a difference from where one flees- :( some are welcome, some n o t so much welcome that much.
when we think about the animals in zoos- how must they feel??

oh lord-and fear still is leading the masses- or what?
when we do wake up? remember who we are?

oh why not coconut?




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winged from the audience ive started to share what happend to me, what came into me, when ive thought about what to tell on this evening-- intuition thing -
told about the huge loss from our colleage claudia & a letter from her- also..
VYWAMUS <3 a rised master : "with the knowledge, that peace is present as a powerful resource spring well in your being, it is just required, aknowledgeing your faith into peace. if you by example, how many do it, have the wish after a peaceful mind, then you ve got also the faith, that your mind is not a peaceful space, and peace in mind is outside your range or is inaccessible for you, otherwise you would just realise, that you are peace- already."

my dad told me years ago, i should bring the audience to laugh- always again--: "some can, do laugh so less on this world,my girl..." /* draw your corners of your mouth upstairs & give yourself a smile/ *when should i say goodnight to the sun? / * whose hands trembles, when they do selfies?/ p like puke or-a world filled with a regardful, tender humanity-where everyone have got clear,flowing and also warm water- and enough to eat for disposal-..even when this one thought just exists in my fantasy--it saves me my life, or does good for me -what is this exactly for a destinationinvoicebill? is: finally dead? is: the end dead? is: finish dead? how will i know? WOULD YOU MAYBE PLEASE SOME TIMES JUST THINK THE SAME THOUGHT?/ i love adapter/ * irrecoverable/everything is a lie/false everythings empty when you do regret much / * this is not a dustbin 5x/ ive noticed- just speakin german there by feeling, also ive had more time- so ive searched after a short drinking pause for some more stuff by request :D // ive told also from the time, these same times june, july.. but 2021 when i had my depression -
after the show ive listened a lot, that this would be so brave, to share so intimate things, well ive also had to cry at the moment of reading. its just the moment- which knocks, presently, where all the past lived feelings included fall together - microseconds in micromoment & baaamm
when i do prepare.. i think, yes, this is ok, but then.. i also do believe that the radioshows are a huge part on my own healing journey- *.. for then through feeling learning to think
so good.

regardful rainer maria rilke

:D merci for listening*


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3 lovely fellows embraced me with their lovely smile when ive arrived with the car in front of the subculture rooms, to put out the stuff - there´ve been less peoples - & my drama queen thought again, it would stay like that - during the day i was confronted with messages, were ive found out, that some very beloved peoples do not come - on special reasons. some told me before, they will go with the flow & dont know if they flow to me - it was really the first time, that no one of my beloved friends have been there. that is a new sight & feeling- but my family was there <3 so---shortly overwhelmed from different emotions & thoughts, i´ve found out at the end of this night- that i´ve stood good sober there with old thinking patterns, which tried to wake or provocate me up again- thank you dear braincelles & <3 , and that many other peoples, which ive never thought of, they would come- listened to me <3 also ive spoken before with universe & the other worlds, that this evening should serve for the highest good of everyone & ya, ive just noticed, that it was just like that- my, little brain realized the thoughts are just conditioning and not the truth- that all is goody.

so, oh wonder, & here i have the chance to share this evening, moment of a saturday, 23 july 2022 in weinsberg for those who are interested in, to beam you just there , ha hehe

hope you enjoy now some lovely records

(i think of those ones, who have made the instruments & who worked on jobs, or in good case get as a present-the instrument, had learned to play & get one with it, found other dudes to play together in a band; the sellers, i think of the one who had invented the records & player & needles & all this wonder & technology - AAAUUWWWW

so i can only say THANK YOU!!)



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SUN 17072022 hi you!

* wo wolltschn hin?
* where you´ve wanted to go?
* nereye gitmek istiyordun?

* ...und dort habe ich nichts verloren!"
*...and i didnt lose anything there !"
*..ve orada benim isim yok!"

* ..und dort habe ich nichts mehr verloren!"
*..and i didnt have to lose anything else there no more!"

* "wenn nichts anderes mehr hilft -
dann die wahrheit!"

* when nothing else does not help -
then the truth!"

* eger hic baska birsey yardim etmiyorsa-
o zaman gercegi!"

* ich glaube wir brauchen alle mal eine pause!
* i think we all need once a pause!
* bence hepimize bir ara lazim, degilmi?!


* das war echt nicht mit absicht!
* das war meine volle absicht!

* wahrscheinlich nur in bester absicht

* that was really not my intent!
* that was my full intent!

* probably just in best intent

* bunu gercekten istiyerek yapmadim!
* bunu tam istiyerek yaptim!

* heralde sadece en iyi niyette

* was ist dir die freiheit wert?
* ein bisschen sollte ihnen ihre freiheit schon wert sein

* what it is it the worth -of your freedom?
* a little bit it should be worth on you, your freedom

* bagimsizliginin degerin kaca?
* bagimsizligin birazda degerin olmasi gerek, öyle degil mi?

* wie du es wünschst. dein wille geschehe
* how do you wish it. thy will be done
* nasil dileyiyorsan. senin istedigin olsun

* brauchst du noch was?
* do you need some anything else?
* sana birsey lazim mi daha?

* wenn du kraftvoll in dir ruhen würdest, welche entscheidung würdest du deinem inneren kind
zuliebe jetzt treffen?
* if you would rest powerful in yourself, which decision you would meet now for the sake of your inner child?

* stell dir vor,dein inneres kind das liebeskummer hat, wie willst du ihm deine liebe zeigen?
* imagine, your inner child that have lovesickness, how do you want to show it your love?

* kannst du mit meinem vorschlag leben?
* can you live with my suggestion?
* teklifimile yasiyabilirmisin?

* ach, das is schad
* ah, that is a pity

* bischen zack, ja?!
* bit whip into shape, ya?!

you can also listen a story ive lived *..sometimes you just dont know what you are living in right now or la barriere, tournai, belgium 2013

and a cool meeting with *the temporary help pharmacist in the backyard of data77112 ( <3 pub)

delight your heart*
thanks spending your precious time with me <3
huggies never stop!
love, s



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switch für immer punk! SUN 15 01 2017- * "i dont sense anymore with you!" that i ve been listen now. one braincell said goodbye to the others. so "but maybe i will come back in short moment,but just to watch what´s on...ciao!" "ciao ragazzi!!" one said:" yes ,go, really go!-"i wanna know how much this 1% did does weigh -i ll see what the others doing now with this declaration what i m gonna do right now without this cute braincell.. will some get connected with it? i have a lot of luck hey!! hahahhahahhaahahahaaa THX!!/ die liebe glut/ the lovely blace glow /!* sevimli siddetli kor / *"standing in front with the truth we are all helpless" -sun-
/*end drama *i ask myself, what my maybe 90% braincells are doing, when i am dont use them?? they are sleeping? in peace? how?? they are so cute! they are there. waiting maybe :) they are so cool hey!! i think of them :)/how i can get through?/ if i only use 10% of my braincells,(what´s told..) what i can do else??/ if u only use 10% of your braincells, (what´s told..), what you can do else??/ if we only use 10% of our braincells, (what´s told..), what we can do else??/ * dont you forget it * unutma bunu * vergiss das nicht/* die magie der erinnerung / the magic of remembering /* when does something get generality? when regulates a generalization? * zerstörung wird systematisch/ * destroyment gets systematic/* missgunst wird zu hass manchmal/ * malevolence gets to hate sometimes/ * "komm´, wir stehen auf!" mein herz zu mir <3/ * "come´, we stand up!" my heart to me <3 /you know it could fail- biliyorsun yanilabilirsin/ you try to open a systemdatafile. these files are used by operating system from diverse programs. working or change the data file can damage the system.ohmygod! i love my personal computer/ * "you, which are current living on the earth, are attestors & for a certain degree also creators of a world in transision." " you as an individiual influence through your thinking, feeling and acting in this world that collective. be aware of this. every human on this planet influences your collective awareness of reality & the possibilities your collective destiny. this happens of an microquantumlevel,& whereby it is true, that politician & religious creatures are able to influence more directly & apparently do have more power than other individiuals or groups of individuals,this circumstance transforms increasing in an illusion. i say this, cause your technology, do lend individuals to another kind of power- a kind, which from those, who created thistechnologies, never would have been dreamed of." sanat kumara - starshipcommandant/*"every creature, human or not, which wants to own your free will, should be avoided.- the most collapses on, to pursue onto their actions long enough, to be able to see the results. on the level from the quantummechanic they are not in the position, to keep alive the magnetizing thoughts, which do support their wished result." *" one of the barrier for your human potencial lies in the bordered persepective upon history. many of your religionshad uplifted creatures to gods, which were not supernatural, but nothing further as advanced alien races." ektara, science officer*" you wear the DNA from numberless intergalactic civilisations in you. & you do currently fast progressings there intodevelopement in your higher evolutionary potentials. you live in the presence- liquidate faults of the past & can choose onto, create a shining future. but when you choose against the higher swingings of your potencials, your past will be to bane, & you must live in a future, which isnt worth living." frephios, arcturian warrior/

we are like a radio, where it hangs upon, upon what reception we are on frenquenced.
joy & love create the highest swinging. so then live, love & die happy- cheers on that wishes come true so
make wish! NOW* THX!!


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SALVE!! TO JUNE 19, 2022

0307 0403 2021
There is freedom waiting for you,
On the breezes of the sky,
And you ask “What if I fall?”
Oh but my darling,
What if you fly?

Erin Hanson <3



* "auf den herzen steht, wie auf manch anderen medizinen:"vor gebrauch schütteln." /mfg rainer maria rilke <3 /* "upon the heart is written, like upon some other medicines:" before use shake." rainer maria rilke /* "kalbinin üstünde yazalili, baska ilaclarindaki gibi:" kulanmadan evvel calkaliyin." rainer maria rilke //* after your measuring after my measuring// * woher weisst du das denn? * fromwhere do you know this? * nereden biliyorsun sen bunu?/* istiyorsan düsünme sen, sen bilirsin * if you like to do not think about it, youre knowing it * wenn du willst, denke nicht darüber nach, du weisst es ja
* what fictional character reminds you most of yourself? * // welcher erfundener charakter erinnert dich am meisten an dich selbst? * hangi uyduruk fiksiyon karakter seni kendi andiriyor? // * once 2013, at an aftermorningparty in mannheim, after dancing in the pub "blue", we all went in the pub after- those- where everyone goes then, mornings, after
dancing out. little flat damaged we all looking like, and i lean against the bar and have a beer. tim ( name imaginary) stands besides me - grined we are cheering- sunlight shines already through the foggy windows. music tones out from an original old jukebox little behind. one song/slice ive complied myself yet. full nice it is. tim looks from the side so at me, if he would like to say something to me, but isnt sure of that, i think..suddenly :" sibel, ey am i actually tiny hey?" with huge eyes im looking at him. first i couldnt had an answer. he is maybe 3 cm more tiny than me so.. and i am indeed big enough- aaaehhh but no 1,70 m- but then it came suddenly, ive thought about an ant. and :" no, i do not agree!" tim :" really now? oh come on, in comparison to others he i am tiny-" me:" well, but tim he, when now an ant would stand in front of you, she would say the same thing, too!" tim grined oh soooo very delicate and said nothing more and went just away. ;D ive had met such greatbig musicians yet like tim one is. im in love with his art. how he plays drums or bass hey auuuww! every drummer is the hammer! i hope, he will see this one day the same- how beautiful and big he is he <3 i hope, that we will stop judging us in the way we look- that we feel fine with our optic/body, fall in love with us & all the things, we think others do have more beneficial- able to see, how beautiful our heart is & what we may exhaust & can express with from it -

*& 1 of 3 (2,5) letters from my diary, where i´ve had a HUGE meeting!
not from this galaxy!! <3




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15 05 2022

hello you!
*there where you are,twitter tweettweettweet and sing the birdies, this year also somehow more much beautiful, as they do yet? / either this is a supersign- cause everythings going to become more awesome,
or is ist the last meal? -autschhh guessworks

GARNICHTRICHTIG GEATMET x2,3/ I DID HAVE TODAY YANOTATALLRIGHTCORRECT BREATHED x 2,3../BUGUN BEN HIC DOGRU DÜRÜS NEFES ALMADIM BEN x 2,3..//* hoffen wir /* do we hope/ * umut edelim // * ben bu sevgiyi nasil elliyim ben ?/* how i may touch this love ?/* wie sollkann ich diese liebe berühren ?//* AMA SEN SANSLISIN- GECE SABAH DUA ET./ * ABER DU BIST EIN GLÜCKSPILZ- BETE NACHT UND TAG./* BUT YOU ARE A LUCKYSTAR - PRAY NIGHT AND DAY.//* das ist eine uniform. die kann man einfach ausziehen./* this is an uniform. the uniform, you can simply take her off/ * bu bir üniformdur. bunu sadece kolay kolay cikarabilirsiniz// * LEIDER!! / UNFORTUNATELY!! /MAALESEF!!//* VIELEN DANK,DASS DU MIR DASS NOCHMAL SAGST! * THANKS A LOT THAT YOU ARE TELLING ME THIS AGAIN! * BUNU BANA BIRDAHA SÖYLEMEN ICIN COK SAGOL!// * du änderst deine meinung jetzt aber nicht mehr, oder? * you will not change now but not your opinion again, or do you? * simdi sen düsünceyini birdaha ama degistirmicen, degilmi?// * "...but today i wasn´t afraid of the first time. equal, what may happen now, but go on like this is impossible. you feel sometimes like captivated from the family, cause it says, that is my mum, this is my brother, my nephew, my aunt, my grandpa..
und them i do love. but in actually you stay withit totally unprotected, totally incapabale of action the persons in front, which do not follow borders and which do not know what love is truly." muzaffer <3
* mit allem was kinder tun und sagen, fragen sie: SIEHST DU MICH? WERDE ICH GELIEBT? WER BIST DU? WER BIN ICH? mit allem was wir tun, antworten wir darauf. poppybird, instagram / * with all that what children do and say, they ask: DO YOU SEE ME?
AM I LOVED? WHO ARE YOU? WHO AM I ? with all what we are doing, we do answer on this./ cocuklar her neyi yaparlarsa ve söyleyiyorlarsa, bize sorarlar: SEN BENI GÖRÜYORMUSUN? SEVILIYORUMU? SEN KIMSIN? BEN KIMIM? her neyi yaparsakta,
onlara cevap veriyoruz
i speak about affectheuristic =
* affectheuristic is a mental shortcut, which enables humans, solve problems efficient and fast. it says also, that emotions (fear, joy, surprises,ect.) meet a role for decision making.
*it is a process, which takes place subliminal and leads to a faster decision. therewith humans can act, without must not constantly searching in their brain after relevant informations. it happens fast and inadvertend as an answer of a stimulus.( symphaty / antipathy ) * affectheuristic normally then comes into the game, when we weighing up the riscs and benefit of a thing, full in addiction off, which positive and negative feelings we do associate with an allure. to listen to the heart is in principle the same.* scientists found out, that you do with positive feelings on a matter probably do underrate and overestimate benefits. when your feelings of an activity are negative against, then you overestimate the riscs and you assume of less benefits.
* if we like it or not, our mind is prepared of, meet fast decisions, and includes thereby normally not all available informations within. actually we do often meet decisions, before we even are conscious, that we have done it.
do not confuse feelings with reality.

read full text here:www.bermudafunk.org or listen :D
ive had a chance to meet great teens in their school & told about some trix for the voice & how i create radioshows..


podcast children of kath.freies bildungszentrum st.kilian,heilbronx




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19 07 2015 HELLO,

in this show, i´ve noticed,i was really fed fu**ed uup with this world & its condition.
cant say truly, that its condition is today better. or more worse. ive jumped onto another lily pad.
learned more tools- how to react-more concsious, on this fedfu++cked up conditions still. melancholy.
somehow it supports me actually to go on with my radioshows

*follow your heart´s wishes universe will support you

*how can we drink and sit and look how everything goes before to the dogs??

* nicolas sarkozy allowed it, more than over 70% o deforeststation of forests. french forester- committed suicide therefore

* the fear of peoples- these filth of happenings, behaviors by human by human or against other creatures - no respect, no humankind,

* filth covers the world

* i want to die happy & healthy- & you?
do qigong / thai chi / meditation - youll need your body a while more- if your brain is tensed, then also your body is tensed
this will be good connection

* i´ve listened a huuge noise- we´ve seen from me in corner face of ca 100 m a huge, cementcoloured airplane, looks like draw from a child,
flying over our garden & hood- why?
i want, too - soon it bangs- in all - enjoy the moment, family , friends & presents you have

*" all wars get won in heart
there is the showplace, where you stand against you
little dusty there, what?!
there starts the way of faith
there you open the gate to freedom"
christinearana fader <3

(i think, we all want that
but we are not all that really, yet
can i only live as an eremite somewhere on an isle, cause i cant take anymore these awful faces, from these filth from some men-
be happy you´re not a girl sometimes- it all has become so primitive just-you can listen to music- where im thinking, if i do punk myself
but then i know, that there are also many real sickbosscool humans which still have honor & respect)

* look directly with your beautiful eyes into the lovely sun when sunset & sunrise for a while-
act with your stomach intution

how you can go into silent sleep & take people into such conditions??
shame on you
* i was so hard shocked for a guest of data77112- well, he had to take special pills- they gave him for his diagnosed mental illness-
new ones. he talked so strange & had to gasp sick for getting air!!! "you
pharmaindustry is crazy!- how people can look themselves in mirror or are blind?
on what do docs sware?theyre dealing with souls-
also of course there are soo many docs who act so kind from their heart-
where lies the cause?

*why i cant look sometimes i cannot look into peoples eyes?
cause i see myself? fear.
minutes(moments) are so good hey. im so glad about my eyes health, im thanking my sphynxes often.

* hope some get lighted

* i dont want to say too much worse, im sorry, ok.

* as sometimes a taxidriver ive seen in the nights a lot of overdriven foxes,wildpigs´babies, hedgehogs,
please drive with 30 or 50 km/h


* im happy for my world´s best dentists <3 this is the only doc i never neglect

* saying acab makes nothing better - there are fucked up cops(human), fearful cops (human) also, which do abuse their uniforms-
which have forgotten what is definition of cop(human), sorry i cant say police to such

* please slip onto the others boots & walk a while-
change persepectives

* you cannot expect from someone everything but you can also expect everything from someone. all is possible
* please let us love our children unconditionally, let us learn from, with them. be, live love- no slaves-
* helicopters have to fly so & so often, that they are still economic- authorized to fly persmission * walk upright or like a king, cause you are one
* look 2 times behind you while walking( alone on lonely, unknown places)
* if you see a streetfight- walk relaxed by-
(if you are more, then stop & look- maybe ask, where is the stomachache of someone.
what happend with the face)

Über diesen Podcast


hey there! my name is sibel and i speak that, what i think/feel: only the truth about my view, what happens/ed, what made me happy or unhappy or what have made me again healthy... about such things i talk sometimes with greateful guests which i met and know and not

i do speak in german --but also translate some lyrix in english and in some turkish* (could also be co(s)mical for you*)

presently during the show plays/ runs all music genres, tracks, which have safed me already my life, where you can dance or dream or flipp out maybe on it.

the punkcast is a LIVE- recording directly from the BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // usual studio 1 *// alte feuerwache in mannheim/ germany <3 & the future trend of switch-fuerimmerpunk-- or sets ive played or live shows....or ...

so you can expect everything - i try to get across, what being PUNK means to me.


to have nearly around your speakers or 13 KW isnt that bad within *)
much thanks for your precious time & listeningthingding***

on air: sibel taylan

my fountains/coaches are among others: *whole musicworld,*inventors&artistworld,*mother earth with all its beings,to name some: eckhart tolle, dalai lama, deepak chopra, dr.joe dispenza, anni wallstein, louise hay, gregg braden,younity,silkeschäfer,thichnathhan,animals,plants, bruce lipton,stones,carriers, myths *ghostworld,*otherworld,*our all ancestors and..poets..my own experiences; MANY MORE and YOU!! %


hallole!! ich heiße sibel und ich spreche das, was ich denke/fühlen tu: einfach die wahrheit über alles, was mir passiert(e)/ich erlebt habe schon/mich traurig oder glücklich oder wieder gesund macht. darüber quatsch ich dann manchmal auch mit tollen leuten, die ich kennengelernt habe. teilweise

dabei läuft musik aus allen genres, tracks, die mir das leben gerettet haben schon!! wo man tanzen oder träumen kann oder ausflippt vielleicht dabei-

ich spreche in deutsch-- und manche texte auch in englisch und in bischen türkisch :D
(es könnte etwas ko(s)misch vllt sein für dich *)

der punkcast ist ein LIVE-mitschnitt & die weiterentwicklung von "switch - für immer punk"--direkt aus dem BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // alte feuerwache// studio 1 // in mannheim <3 .. live shows, live musik sets oder....also kannste mit allem rechnen – ich versuche rüberzubringen, was für mich PUNK sein bedeutet.

ACHSO-- einen kopfhörer parat liegen zu haben oder 13 KW is nicht das schlechteste dabei*)

vielen dank für deine wertvolle zeit und zuhören!!
bleib neugierig,

von und mit Sibel Taylan


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