so i´ve started just & got more & more nervous- the first time, in an unknown place, unknown peoples- so my mind created the emotion of stress & my hands began to tremble, my heart beated wild & introduced myself--& as i told about the last liveshow, which were the day,a lightfestival of, for claudia, her goodbye into the space & the 27.8. was the anniversary of the death of my uncle it made it not better & had to swallow tears.. cooosmiccc <3
to get the audience into an state of being "here" to find silence for all, & let go of the experiences, thoughts of this day...- ive let run an relaxed sound firstly- which i did not was sure, if they will take this- i dont know aw, if they have silent moments in their life, practice medidation or..?? & also the bar business moved on at the same time, but they were silent as it is possible, too - after intuition i began to read- & to live again some emotions. its craze, sometimes, when i do read, first then i recognize, what i´m reading, offering others.. noticing this combined with this emotion leads really into an orgasm of feeling-& my expression. mostly into a STOP, a pause, barriere of text & TEARS - its like living this happening again through, & sometimes i am more cool or not so cool (: (its interesting, i wonder about myself-) then i am so very happy glad about the sound, i can play- to ease my feeling, state or wound or everwhat...& ive danced- NOT THAT UNRESTRAINED i want to be able- but yeah..
& many things ive wanted to say, i did not & some things ive added on this saturDay yet, ive read. happy that i have & can write so much things :D hehe in the hope, that all what i have to say, to share, is serving also for the highest good of all & for me!
by intuition ive finished the show & danced along--with some other dudes <3 THANK YOU!
some feedback from diverse peoples, some who knew me & from some did not:
" very very good* you´ve really touched my heart, you grandma with a soul & reading like a 12 year old one, go on stayin alive <3* very crazy-but superfine *i had to hide tears in my eyes when youve read about love & merlin* i really will get stuff with me into my home, it is strange, it is nearly like voyeur- to see you private in your living room* i´ve seen a lot of readings in my life through my job, but you are different, its just like you are to say, authentic, you are just living it, saying it, not playing a role or so.. but you are dangerous. for the audience & yourself -why? you show everything from you, you are now like touchable..& ive had tears in my eyes, & also you- but this i dont want to :/ to make people cry, flo! - no its not that, it is, you touch the hearts"
hm, yea, these are my first steps into a new future, new experience in my life. how i will, can reach people & do shows ?? is this my way my wish? i only know, that this celebrates my heart& soul somehow!
i am a master who is practising-
"you´ve started this evening with your music set & set the peoples into emotions, girl, well done, thanks!" :D the crowd got increased meanwhile
after then, pretty good artists made their show & it was just a very fine summerparty in the unknown at a beautiful space on mother earth in kromsdorf, near weimar in germany , where we´ve met superlovely unknowns celebrating one <3
unfortunately you´ll listen not much english or turkish.. in the radio it is different but..