switch - für immer punkcast

switch - für immer punkcast

Der Punkcast ist ein Live-Mitschnitt & die Weiterentwicklung von "Switch - Für immer Punk".


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* hallo sagen ist immer einfacher, als tschüss zum sagen
* hello saying is always easier, than saying goodbye
* merhaba demek herzaman daha kolaydir, alasmaglakik demeye

ssssagen nich mehr alle hallo!
nnnnnoot anymore everybody saying hello!
herkezzzzzz artik merhaba demiyor!

* erhärtet
* hardened
* sertlesmis

* gehts noch?
gehts doch?

* it works as yet?
* it works still-??

* bu hala mümkün mü?
* hala münkün mü?

* diyecek söz mu kaldi?
* gibt es noch etwas zu sagen?
* is there anything else to say?

* bunu herkez yapardi - okadar da emin olma
* das hätte jeder getan - sei dir da mal nicht so sicher
* this would have done everyone - be dont so sure about that

* ...wenns für irgendwas gut ist?
* ... if its good for something?
*...herneyzeye birsey iyi geliyorsa?

* wenns für irgendwas gut ist?
* if its good for something?
* herneyzeye birsey iyi geliyorsa?


* diyecek söz mu kaldi?
* gibts da noch was zu sagen?
* is there still anything else to say?

" you´re asking yourself:" why is brave so lacking on humans?"

this fact lays down on an absence of love. and you´re asking yourself:"

why so damn often there´s an absence of brave in myself?"

and i say to you: this fact underlies your denial, to dedicate yourself

with your soul your perfection and fountain head. it is a lack of love

for yourself and to your truth, with it you block every insight, what

prevents, that you can notice the happenings in the point externally.

internally as well externally. who is blind of its own truth, is detracted

also from the truth of this world.

..there it is like with the professional teethcleaning. there one must be
also proactive."

VYWAMUS <3 a rised master

"being love and light

acquire this quality, fit yourself with it.

do anything in love. you recognize,

that in any activity love is missing,

then you know: you are here wrong!

there, where devotion is not regulating,

where joy absences and the divine inspiration not appears,

there you are wrong!"


VYWAMUS <3 a rised master

* "with the knowledge, that peace is present as a powerful resource spring well in your being, it is just required, aknowledgeing
your faith into peace. if you by example, how many do it, have the wish after a peaceful mind, then you ve got also the faith, that
your mind is not a peaceful space, and peace in mind is outside your range or is inaccessible for you, otherwise you would just
realise, that you are peace- already. "

*...um dann durch fühlen denken zu lernen
*.. for then through feeling learning to think



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live at
09 APRIL 2022

it was a saturday- this time i was relaxed - but tired- the most thing ive wanted, was to sleep.
but i was invited from michele to celebrate the b-day- there ive seen some superlovely peoples & friends, ive seen long time not- michele´s soulfood is always so fucking delicious- an absolutely hammer-

i ate too much & then somewhen i felt, i had to go--to bar emma23- where steffen´s b-day night was-
days before i saw the flyer :) & saw, that arun draw me onto it- so that if i have lust to play records- i will play in case :D

this was a very nice punk train

so superlovely peoples there, too- behind the bar i saw two guys who were guests from data77112 and i was superhappy that i was on the other side of the bar

ive landed from michele in a whole different other environment -still tired & gorged now, too -
together with the resident dj & also dj tolschock & tobi
again im very grateful- could play there again these music in this volume <3
after 1 hour and 49 minutes the needles goes by to dj tolschock
thanks for being a part of this superlovely night!!

(ps: i was not long more longer tired*)

have fun with ashort fuse saturday in 74072 heilbronn at emma 23, salzstrasse 23 in april 2022
& then ...


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26- 27032o22

live at emma 23,HN // https://www.facebook.com/BarEMMA23/

after a fantastic superspacepowerduoconcert from rimojeki https://www.rimojeki.com/

my dear diary,
this saturday morning ive started fantastic into the day with a superlovely song and the sun and the coffeee- at work it was ok as usual, ive learned a lot about again of stones´healing and my own personality growed in a situation i´ve noticed, that ive made something different as in past- i just kept silent and had a special look in my face by looking at him- when someone triggered me- so this one said something sexuell into a objective situation- im sure, this answer arrived well at him, i dont know why people think saying sexual things for the other gender- do they really think, thats COOL or FUNNY? i will see how its gonna be in future days..but for now it feels good.

...although ive did not had a lot time for a longer pause...i was happy and thankful for the second coffee and one cigarette then in the sun, meeting surprisingly ilvy and philly walking by-
longer than expected we´ve had to work & ive noticed my batteries got lower- i´ve had also an unlovely meeting with my dear nephew and could´nt find directly peace & space & silence & a super solution for the future we would manage these conversations... there´s a lot to know how about to do the work-
accepting this time-mood- i droved with the bike then into the fields & eased my body-- after this, i ran into my sleeping room & listened still some records there, which i should play?
found some :) but still i was in felt "stress"- i ate something & after a shortsupershower i rest a while- although i knew i´d miss a bit from the bands playing there. but yea.. who to satisfy- when? - to/ the rest was so good. thannks for the timegodghost & my bodywisdom-

at 22pm i arrived finally at emma23- but really & unfortunately still not in the mood for playing records. there ive seen a lot of lovely pals & i was glad, went there...get another images-
then at ca 23pm rimojeki started the concert & they´d played a supershow - everyone was fine & corona virus, the world wide (inside)war were danced away- a lot by this spacespecialsweet couple*
i was little strange still & couldnt share all these- & wished that this emotion of i name it "tiredness" has an end.

2 h later ive started to play finally- the whole bar & room went outside, people getting rest & fresh air after 2 h rocking the house :)
i noticed, i had an expectation ! oh no, sibel :)
yes, that the peoples would dance on..but yeah, not on this night more..even some came & celebrated still & showed me, how much they enjoy-- my piratesister arun told and recognized me while looking at the dj area:" oh, you´ve built yourself a cage around!" ? i wasnt awared of... the record box was kind a border...arun:" yes, sometimes, you do this just unconscious, my love!" and hugged me strong <3
i pack this experience of weirdness, holding on, into my heart under the blessing of music- the night only could has been like this -
i dont even wanted to share this set anywhere- until ive listened it on monday- the exact day for me <3 so ive found out- a lot of ! &
tha...t everything will be good at the end- if it is not-
it is not the end
follow the energy

love and thanks for this special opportunity by klangvorhang asking me <3.
( now, i understand this word soundcurtain :) so,soo good) thank you so much!

and thanks you listening!


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* FLOWERS CANT SOLVE ALL PROBLEMS BUT THEY ARE A GOOD START ,flowery / * BLUMEN KÖNNEN NICHT ALLE PROBLEME LÖSEN ABER SIE SIND EIN GUTER ANFANG, blumenladen / * cicekler her dert cözemezler ama iyi bir baslangicdir, bahcivanlik / * machst du´s dir bequem in deiner überzeugung?! / * you make it comfortable for you in your belief?!/ * kendi inancinda rahat mi oturyormusun sen?! // * hier ein supermariostern, für dich! * here a supermariostar- for you!

* einst habe ich anderen einfach meine " NEGATIVITÄT" wie gedanken, sorgen oder krasse erkenntnisse einfach den leuten just in dem moment vor den latz geknallt! heute mache ich das nicht mehr. weil, manchmal ist vllt das gegenüber überhaupt nicht in der stimmung- also krasse emotionen oder was auch immer anzunehmen. heute frage ich, ob sie einen moment für meine bedürfnisse zeit haben oder bereit dazu sind, wie die kapazität is. /
* once ive just crashed banged my "NEGATIVITY", like thoughts, sorrows or crassls notifications immediately the peoples directly into their face and moment! today i do not. cause, sometimes, the in front of one is maybe not at all in the mood- to take on my crassles emotions or whatever else. today i ask, if they have got a moment time for my needs, or if they are ready, how it stands with their capacity.

// * why you are telling me this? / * wesso erzählst du mir das?/ * bunu bana niye anlatiyorsun? // * ich bin so froh, dass du das sagst!/ * i am so glad, that you´re saying that!/ * bunu söyledigine cok seviniyorum ben! // * iyiki evet dedim ben!/ * gut, soo gut, dass ich ja gesagt habe! / * good, soo good, that ive said yes!// * der situation geschuldet /* owing to the situation // * ich gestehe ein, lösungen zu erhalten/ * i admit, receiving solutions / * careleri almami kabul ediyorum // * vorübergehend kein problem * passing by no problem

* when i was once driving with my dad in my car- 2018- and i drove too slow for themone behind, there he overtook me sick fast furious - whereby he has cutted me scanty and a car came scanty from the other roadway- ha--this was shortly wwaoww- my dad grumbled a bit louder :" ehh?? what happend?? look, my girl, he will now get a champion!"
of course one never knows exactly why someone have it hasty as you
but sometimes there is one then perhaps another one, if you arrive then somewhere.
wild pigs on the roads! ATTENTION!

*" erdboden- tu dich auf!" / "ground - do open up!" / "zemin - acil!" // * ICH GLAUB DIR! / I BELIEVE YOU! / SANA INANIYORUM!
"* even this will pass "/ not to dispute on something / not to judge on something / not to stick on something -- listened from eckhart tolle <3 and he got this from a story of a king..
yes, in practice, its a bit different. just being ovserver. to take this something on, not to judge why it came, and not to stick on this. it will pass. the emotion wants to be felt hoe?, she will pass well, if you breath. and connect with your body and your breath, a shower or ya and with mother earth. it is not neccessary to feel stressed, angry or sad. you´ve got the power to decide, what you want to think or what to feel. the unicorns hope, that you just in this moment decide feeling joyful.
ive seen a party, which real real superveryreal vampires made- the name of the party, which is every year on a constant date named: the " all is forgiven party!" :D here some extracts from a huge old vampire king speech:" all is forgiven, all is forgotten. all is seen today, like it has never happend. never. therefore we are here and promise not to remember above over the power like dispute, fight or sick tricks. forgiveness is cooling our anger- forgiveness gives us back our ease. forgiveness reminds us vampires, that all once had to become like this. no one will remember on fights- since today everything is forgotten-
read or listen full -




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1203 2022
second set

what a great dancing guestfolks aaaauuuuwwww

data = music = frequency = connects and substitutes dude
= love
ok, well, there i brought a lot of more vinyls..they were more PUNK and ROCK but then while playing, it was like that, even i would like to play one, two 3 songs..just to celebrate it there.. it was then
the choice, celebrate with the ghost of this evening
i can trust my sense

i´m still practising- listen to my heart

how bizarre, we are celebrating
and at the same time, in other countries are dying and fighting and peoples living in fear, in hunger, in the cold,

i work on it, to spread my love.--also in such places i cannot be with my body.
ive made an own mixed ritual ...maybe one day i will tell about-

to live in a world in peace
where everyone says this should be,
i believe that we must start with ourselfs.
personality developement.
yea, no strolling sometimes, so but
then- it is maybe also possible doing it with the neighbour
and if everyone would be just a little more in peace inside...then...

also, ive asked myself, why mr. w. w. putin does not play chess with his "enemy" ?
and who wins, is the winner and game over.
so, where has gone the honor? a honor, where a handshake means a word?
and no dead and fear and fuck and shits and zombies

asked myself why he isnt at the front of this war, why not on the streets?

"truth hits everybody" -
the police

i recommend and follow and like <3
also on instagram..

enjoyyy with a lot of oi and

the power of vinyl - sponsored by KNEIPENFREUNDE


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12 03 2022
kneipenfreundee / pubfriendsss


a live set from monty at koenigskneipe in heilbronx


dome asked me if i want to play with 3 other ladies, in lady´s honor for the 8.of march for the 12.th but the 3 others refused on different reasons... so, dome asked me, if i would like to play still- and asked phillip knatter, too -

knatter, as also dome, i know from data 77112- there knatter made also sets... and we´ve become good dudes - data77112 magic

this time it was the first celebration, that ive played with him :D totally different music- but we
both suited very well - before we all have taken a dinner together-

the last two evenings and nights i was searching for records- i just found great treasures or had listened it first time --- this was fun, too and have thought, what could suit into this pub..
well, i just was there one time before, and there i had too much to drink
and lights out...

a sentence of knatter at me had helped me very:" just play what you up for, sibel!"

then, it was like that, and i had surprising guests and beloved ones- and some friends of good old data77112 were dancing with all the other unknowns in the middle of this supernice pub königskneipe <3

long time i´ve never played in front of others-- so...it was just great the reaction, party, feedback and love that i get and from all of there. ive never expected this.
magic moments-

delight your heart he <3

knatter began and then me and then knatter again and then me => find the second set soony here or on spotify or itunes and then played knatter the last supertracks

(even i didn´t knew then what to play and was unsure if i can make it)

the mixer was oldschool and i couldnt take a stick on it- so but my mobile recorder <3

so, klick from day 12.03 2022 to NOW!

do not eat your meal in rush, he*
enjoy and cheerss


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;D hi! well, another challenge from universe on these 20-february-2022
22:17 ohclock i found out, that my text wasnt copied on my stick! SHORTSHOCKPANIC! ADRENDALIN! whole body trembled - iwhat a luck- my nephews koray was awake and helped me through this and calmed me down and sent me an email- thank you technicssstrix
<3 and then a technical misunderstanding with the both connection between the 2 studios --- saw myself driving home again, cause there seemed no solution- but the superdoc jo from beside, helped me again so... i thank you soo so much, that you´ve listened it although!!


* .."also wenn man nicht blöd ist, dann wird man noch blöd !" eine lady in der saunaumkleide <3
*..."aehh..if one isnt stupid, then you will get yet stupid!" a lady in the saunachangingroom <3

* empfindliche geldstrafe(n)
* sensitive fine (penalty)
* kirilgan para cezasi

* das glaubt doch kein mensch mehr
* this believes no human any longer, he
* bunu hicbir insan inanmiyor ki daha

* "was ist denn immer wieder mit diesen abers?"
* " what is then always again with this buts?"

* wessen hände zittern, wenn sie selfies machen?
* whose hands trembles, when they do selfies?
* hangi eller titreyiyorlar, selfis yaparken?

* wissen wir das?
* do we know that?
* biz bunu biliyormuyuz?

* "gerry, das ist das beste für alle." -- "nein, nur für dich."
* "gerry, that is the best for all." -- "no, just for you."
* " gerry, bu herkez icin en iyi sekildir." -- " hayir, sadece kendin icin."

* besser isses * better it is * daha iyidir

* das kann kein mensch von dir verlangen!
* this no human can ask you to do that!
* hic bir insan bunu senden istiyemez!

* unausweichlich * inescapably * kacinilmaz

* was machst du jetzt? * what you are doing now? * simdi neyi yapiyorsun sen?

* untersagt * memnu * prohibit

* solls jetzt eigentlich dabei bleiben?
* should it stay like this actually?
* bu simdi böyle mi kalcak?

* habe ich was falsches gesagt? * have i said something wrong? * yalnis birsey mi dedim ben?

* eine weitere front * another front * bir baska ön

* wer unter druck steht- macht fehler
* who is under pressure- makes mistakes
* baski altinda duran - hata yapar

* "natürlich kann er das- er ist unser chef!"
* " of course he is able to do this - he is our boss!"
*" tabiiki yapabilir bunu - o bizim sefimiz!"

* "das dürfte für sie als mitarbeiter dieser firma doch kein problem sein, oder?"
* " for you, as a member of this company, it should be for you no problem, or?"

* "keine weiteren fragen." * "no further questions." * "baska sorular yok."

i share some experiences with homeless ...--
* in berlin, in huge cities, homeless are more visible- than in a little city- you see more, at one heap- it is alike another number- instead of maybe 20 here in
a little city, in a darknumber more.. well, enough- humans dont have to hold out this situation in their lifes- besides they do it really voluntary and do not want it
other style, but who wants help, we should help really- you do not look?-
in berlin i saw that jaded peoples- they do not longer see them.that. or care about- i saw no sympathy- i do not know, how i would handle this, when i would live
in a huge city. accept this. eat my dinner.
i think it depends on your state of being in this moment. what you want to share from your heart. and i think, often
a simple smile is enough too.

im grateful. so much. peoples. ya.

aloha,ciao, stay punk!!


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* "im moment nichts, danke!" * "su anda birsey degil, tesekkürler!" "nothing at the moment, thanks!" // * "was wollen sie trinken?" * " neyi icmek isterseniz?" * " what would you like to drink?" // * "im moment nichts, danke!" * "su anda birsey degil, tesekkürler!" * "nothing at the moment, thanks!" -- * JA! / YA ! // * was macht dein lächeln mit dir? * what makes your smile with you? * gülümsen seninle ne yapiyor? //* unwiederbringlich * irrecoverable // * wie möchte ich es haben? * how i want it to have? * ben nasil istiyorum? // * was, wenn alles möglich wäre? * what, when everything is possible? * ne, hersey olabilirse nasil olur? //
* "robert, du musst dich konzentrieren,sonst wars das!* "robert, you have to be focused, otherwise this was it!" // * wie jeder was weiß.. // * how everybody knows something... // * herkez birseyin bildigi var ya.. // * liebe ist die beste kosmetik * love is the best cosmetic
* in the ca 3 past years, im following german l gonzalez a- on youtube- he sometimes posts music or albums, which do create feelings or
thoughts in me, which i wasnt aware yet-
also this supermusicianman of guitar, singer, producer and songwriter adrian kelvin borland, which arrived in london at 6.december 1957 until
26. april 1999

- since ive first listened to his music- everytime i get very sad, melancholy- in some tracks,
i get gooseskin-and also tears- i dont know what this is, sympathy- call it love- somehow i feel adrian borland so near.

end of the 70´s he´ve started with the british band the outsiders-
with a new musicstyle and extended occupation he played with the band the sound until 1987-
beside projects followed...and also a solo carrier--
adrian suffered since the middle of the 80´s visible on depression, probably released from a schizoaffective error.

2 saturdays ago ive watched a documentary about his life- there ive had to cry and cry-

behind several tries of suicide, he also warned his dad, that the one- inside of him,
will kill them- and what was true- a nurse who had wanted to make a documentary of his illness have said, that she feels very sad, cause
of the loss of their son. that he one day will get successful in his suicide try-

oh how must this feel like for parents, or friends.

sometimes he was in a psychiatry, also during the producing of albums- but he get out fast after taken the medicine--
he drunk a lot too, and everytime, he got a guitar in his hands, he got well- he thought, that caused of the medicine and pills,
he wasnt able to sing well... so... he did not use them always
and deciced himself for music- adrian borland was in the middle of the records of his new album harmony and destruction,
as he has fallen hisself into the front of a train on an early mondaymorning in april 1999 in wimbledon and has died.
the album got released without adrian borland in 2002.

ive cried maybe also, caused, on a situation which ive got with my sister- and that i am very glad, that the similar illness and
suicide try of her, wasnt successful- that she´s alive- and also glad, that my depression got away the end very "fast" or
faster than by others.

i dont know, when do a soul decide to go such oneway street? i mean, what can one at last time do, to change the soul´s game, where
is the endpoint? when are too much braincelles got ill?

are we authorized ?
do not life/ CREATOR send us always signs and help?
while writing it came to me, that we are all part of the creature / fountain head--
so is this the free willy ?!?
i wish, that adrian borland is very fine there wherever he might be now-
and that YOU take good care of your beautiful self-

thank you!
* vielen dank an deine wertvolle lebenszeit.. das du mir zugehört hast. <3
* thanks a lot of your precious lifetime...that you´ve listened to me. <3
* beni dinledigin icin cok tesekkür ederim...degerli hayat süreyigin icin. <3


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a last set - 1 / 2 -
where i have the ability to record them in the walls of data77112, this is from 01.01.2022
after 15 wild, lovely years we´ve decided to make a new choice in our life. time has come to transform and get new steps into adventure life.

still i have a lesson here, with a selfmade dreamwish, wich i cannot put in words. so little pub.

sometimes ive stood only outside the bar, a few moment of pause, the street filled with hundreds beloved, strangers, police and civilists and wildunknown which were celebrating ( 10 years of pub or a fleamarket..)
so, ive only could stand there, with closed and at the same time open or touching my mouth, silence - these enterings through my beloved eyes could only be understood by my heart-
incredible for my brain.

now, to let go, such a place of huge love, i´ve had a feeling, that i / we take this beloved place from all (of this city) yes, cause every shop is unique - where people did found each other, made a family, where children were born, were incredible records, bands, artists worldwide coming from and had a room to express-

a friend of mine, sascha has told me, that i/we do not take away a place- still a platform is there, that this pub lives in the hearts and memories...and that he likes to see me grew ..
now some others have room to build something new...

so, this must feel like a bit when parents let go of their child...
i leave this supercrassles experience with an crying and laughing eye and i am so much grateful. of so much. but first, at my lovely heart, from which idea this once was-

hopefull you enjoy now some records ive found in these 15 years , which are filled with my memories and tears and adventures and which have guided me as a medicine, still*

the first and last minute of this set arises from sergej vutuc, who has made a last spontanious performance with strange constallations- some plugs, cables, a half guitar, mobile....
and thanks for listening!

Über diesen Podcast


hey there! my name is sibel and i speak that, what i think/feel: only the truth about my view, what happens/ed, what made me happy or unhappy or what have made me again healthy... about such things i talk sometimes with greateful guests which i met and know and not

i do speak in german --but also translate some lyrix in english and in some turkish* (could also be co(s)mical for you*)

presently during the show plays/ runs all music genres, tracks, which have safed me already my life, where you can dance or dream or flipp out maybe on it.

the punkcast is a LIVE- recording directly from the BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // usual studio 1 *// alte feuerwache in mannheim/ germany <3 & the future trend of switch-fuerimmerpunk-- or sets ive played or live shows....or ...

so you can expect everything - i try to get across, what being PUNK means to me.


to have nearly around your speakers or 13 KW isnt that bad within *)
much thanks for your precious time & listeningthingding***

on air: sibel taylan

my fountains/coaches are among others: *whole musicworld,*inventors&artistworld,*mother earth with all its beings,to name some: eckhart tolle, dalai lama, deepak chopra, dr.joe dispenza, anni wallstein, louise hay, gregg braden,younity,silkeschäfer,thichnathhan,animals,plants, bruce lipton,stones,carriers, myths *ghostworld,*otherworld,*our all ancestors and..poets..my own experiences; MANY MORE and YOU!! %


hallole!! ich heiße sibel und ich spreche das, was ich denke/fühlen tu: einfach die wahrheit über alles, was mir passiert(e)/ich erlebt habe schon/mich traurig oder glücklich oder wieder gesund macht. darüber quatsch ich dann manchmal auch mit tollen leuten, die ich kennengelernt habe. teilweise

dabei läuft musik aus allen genres, tracks, die mir das leben gerettet haben schon!! wo man tanzen oder träumen kann oder ausflippt vielleicht dabei-

ich spreche in deutsch-- und manche texte auch in englisch und in bischen türkisch :D
(es könnte etwas ko(s)misch vllt sein für dich *)

der punkcast ist ein LIVE-mitschnitt & die weiterentwicklung von "switch - für immer punk"--direkt aus dem BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // alte feuerwache// studio 1 // in mannheim <3 .. live shows, live musik sets oder....also kannste mit allem rechnen – ich versuche rüberzubringen, was für mich PUNK sein bedeutet.

ACHSO-- einen kopfhörer parat liegen zu haben oder 13 KW is nicht das schlechteste dabei*)

vielen dank für deine wertvolle zeit und zuhören!!
bleib neugierig,

von und mit Sibel Taylan


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