switch - für immer punkcast

switch - für immer punkcast

Der Punkcast ist ein Live-Mitschnitt & die Weiterentwicklung von "Switch - Für immer Punk".

19102014 mega

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i´ve asked myself, where has gone all the indians? everytime, or more, these times..when i was often in nature i think about them..then sometimes their power and wisdome somehow arrives in me i could feel their energy while feeling the wind .for example <3 maybe we should go more into nature.

* ALSO i thought about the snails! i mean, when it rains..then sometimes i see everywhere snails around. and sometimes, when it also rains, then i see NO snails! ?? how do they know come out stay in? frequency intuition connecting thing?
so...one day, in our garden, i saw a cute little one with a house,and it was dry dry dry the ground yet..so, i picked her up and took her to another end of the garden where is shadow.cause she would have took all the long day to come into there.. while doing this, i felt, play like kinda GOD or something bigger...?! i mean, i decided for her! and then i thought, oh shit! and what, when i now took her away from her friends or someone she is in love? or maybe a birdy would have eaten her? AHHH so then i dont want to be god. i just think, we can act through intuition. feeling. aeh, i mean, we are also a part piece of "god" fountainhead, nature..and but, what, if we
do have no more feelings? what could we do about? so much love and freedom i wish all for us./this show was

is dedicated to all of the dead one´s- all who let their wisdomes, music,lyrix, death,.. here for us- let me sit right now here in the studio- make us believe and trust and go further--

* read some poem from my "bible"-- my god =>this person wrote so much!!: bertold brecht born 1898-1956 i fell in <3 with him since the first poem i read - the morning monologue with the tree green (also one friend of mine, had an vernissage of his 10 paintings he draw just poets...and i just saw this portrait of brecht and felt stunned.without knowing who he actually is..i bought it immediately.!this poem i wrote a lot of times for some friends, but everytime just only with a lead pencil on snippets i find in my home.. cause, green, yes man, who was green?!

* poem b.brecht- you are like people who come to the beach shore- wanting across but you ve only got a spoon to ladle on the sea. or how people, who fall from a towerbuilding and think while falling about how they would be build higher. so, like you would live in big time. and so it is it.

* bertold brecht - the advice to an actor c. n. refresh yourself, girlfriend. from the water of the copperkettle within the ice pieces. open your eyes under the water. wash them. dry yourself with the rough towel and read from the paper on the wall the difficult letters of the role. know, that you do this for yourself- and do it exemplary.
1937 written also on a paper

* bertold brecht - ca 1937 "when allyearly in september when the schooltime begin again in the suburbs the skirts stand in the papershops to buy with their last pennies the new books and writepapers for their children-desperately they fishing their last pennies in their little worn out wallets. brawly, that the knowing is so much expensive though they don´t guess how bad the knowing is which is dictated to them*

* bertold brecht - the devil // the devil had got a blackberry field- "what do i do with it? what do i with it? there must something happen! " and because the devil was a devil therefore he invented the fence. the blueberries withered. my girl has got a big breast. "what she´s doing with it? what she´s doing with it? there must be happen something!"

here the space got full---
and a lot of more..and i will upload the whole told stuff ive told on www.bermudafunk.org/switchfuerimmerpunk on the date 19.10.2014 in english..

but yeah..enjoy the medicine musicsss-- and your TEA!

20102019 time

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*träume sind schön
* dreams are beautiful
* rüyalar cok güzel

*iwann kann die realität schöner sein als der traum- ich erlebe es oder ein paar schon
danke an mein mega tolles anderes bewusstsein!

*somewhen reality can be more beautiful than the dream- i live it or some already
thanks so much mega to my other amazing conciousness!

* bir zaman hakikat rüyadan daha güzel oluyiyor- ben yasiyorum simdiden, bir kac tanesi
öbür bilinc altiginima cook tesekkür ediyorum!

magsch du das nicht
sagst aber ja?
magsch du das
sagst aber nichts?

was suchst du?
was brauchst du?
was willsch du?
was liebst du?
was tut dir weh wann?

dont you like it
but say yes?
do you like this
but say nothing?

what you are searching for?
what do you need?
what do you want?
what do you love?
what is aching when?

ama evet mi diyorsun?
ama birsey söylemiyorsun?

neye ariyorsun?
neye ihtiyacin var?
neyi istiyorsun?
neyi seviyorsun?
neyin nezaman ariyor?

"so dass wir in dieser heutigen gesellschaft versuchen sollten, uns mehr in resilienz zu üben und zu leben.." ein cooler doc!
-- "was ist denn RESILIENZ ??" hab ich mich gefragt das wort

resilienz (von lateinisch resilire ‚zurückspringen‘ ‚abprallen‘) oder psychische widerstandsfähigkeit ist die fähigkeit, krisen zu
bewältigen und sie durch rückgriff auf persönliche und sozial vermittelte ressourcen als anlass für entwicklungen zu nutzen. mit resilienz verwandt sind
entstehung von gesundheit (salutogenese), widerstandsfähigkeit (hardiness), bewältigungsstrategie (coping) und selbsterhaltung (autopoiesis).
quelle // wikipedia



"..so that we are try to practice and live as a human in this society, currently, to be more in resilience, .....!!" a doc
"what is R E S I L I E N C E ??" ive asked myself this word

psychological resilience is the ability to mentally or emotionally cope with a crisis or to return to pre-crisis status quickly resilience exists when the
person uses "mental processes and behaviors in promoting personal assets and protecting self from the potential negative effects of stressors". in simpler
terms, psychological resilience exists in people who develop psychological and behavioral capabilities that allow them to remain calm during crises/chaos and to
move on from the incident without long-term negative consequences.
spring // wikipedia

fulltextssss or other great shows at bermudafunk.org.
ps: many thanks for listening!
and now: buona notte!

19042020 helps by

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* an welchem ort wärst du jetzt gern am liebsten?
* on wich place you would like to be fain in favorite now?
* hangi mekanda simdi olmak istersin en cok sevdigin olan yer?

* wie momente und "zeit" aufeinander wirken tun?!
* how moments and "time" effect on each other?!
* anlar ve "zaman" nasil birbirlerine etkileniyorlar?

* warum nicht
augenklappen zu --
affe tot

flieg flieg flieg

mit deiner fantasie
-was wohl passieren wird?

* why not
eyepatches shutttdown -
monkey dead
with use your illusion
-what would happen?

* niye
göz kapaklari kapa -
maymun ölü
hayal ilen ucucuc san ne olur acaba?

mmmmore text on: www.bermudafunk.org/switchfuerimmerpunkkkkk!

super 15122019

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short extraction from this-

* stimmt was nicht mit mir? stimmt was nicht mit dir? was stimmt nicht mit mir? was stimmt nicht mit dir?

* is there anything wrong with me? what is wrong with me? is there anything wrong with you? what is wrong with you?

#*ich kann nicht schlafen, weil ich so glücklich bin! * i cannot sleep because im so happy!* mutlu oldugum icin uyamiyorum yah !

*nein, vielen dank! find ich gut, wenn man das manchmal sagen kann * no, thanks a lot! i find it good, if you can say this some times * yok sagol, cok tesekkür ederim! bunu bazen söyleye bildigim icin mutluyum.

*where is the end? * wo ist das ende? *sonu nerde?

* wieso nervt mich daaass?? * why nerves me thiiiss?? * hast du aufgeräumt? * have you cleaned up?

*entstörung des geistes * fault clearance of the ghost*
thanks for listening!

(german, english, turkish..full text on www.bermudafunk,org)

wir haben über 50 billionen einwohner in unserem körper!
we have about over 50 billions resisdents in our body!
bizim vücutUmizin icinde 50 billion fazlasi halkimiz var!


kisskisssunday 19012020

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high you!

this is one urgent sentence my friend jorda said last winter to me:

"kann ich damit leben?" // "can i live with this?" // "bunlan yasiyabilirmiyim?"+++

* das höre ich gerne / this i listen fain / bunu severek dinliyorum

//nun...stell dir vor es sind die 80er! und du sitzt in der schönen türkei, im taxi und das radio ertönt//
die 80er geben mir iwie ne andere art von kraft. eine andere energie.
wie glücklich kann ich sein. :) ein amerikaner namens george frost, baute im alter von 18 das 1. autoradio. das war 1922. DANKE DIR FROST!
AH und ps:

imagine now it is the 80´s, and you are sitting in a taxi, in beautiful turkey and the radio sounds
the 80´s give me different kind of power. energy is different.
how happy i can be :)

18 the first carradio.that was 1922. :) THANK YOU FROST!

// 80 leri düsün türkiyenin taxinin icinde belki oturuyiyorsun ve dinliyorsun
80 ler bana cok degisk kuvvet veriyor. enerjisi deyisik.
ne mutlu bana :)
ah birde..18 yasindaki amerikali george frost, ilk araba radyioyu tesis etmis. 1922 senesiyidi :) tesekkür ederim frost!

feel free*

fulltext available wwwww.bermudafunk.org
<3 i love radio s

shotgun sunday 16022020

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short extraction of this meeting:

* durch unsere gedanken manifestieren wir etwas in unseren körpern, was emotionen sind, die spiegelung unserer gedanken! so..versuche ich sie einfach nur zu beobachten- der emotion zu
erlauben,einfach nur da zu sein- vllt auch einfach mal nicht weiterzudenken.
mir bewusst zu werden, was der gedanke mit mir vorhat. hatte.. zugegeben, es erfordert übung!

es ist so wichtig, dass wir uns selbst positive nachrichten senden hey- weil alle kaputt unsoo..
nicht nur durch selbstgesprächen, wir können auch liebevoll zu uns sein, wenn wir im flow unseres lebens sind und unsere umstände in jedem moment akzeptieren.
widerstände auflösen, indem man im fluss des lebens ist- da gibts sovieles angestautes zeugs hey,...beispiele..abgespeicherte probleme loslassen

täglich zu meditieren ist eines meiner favorisierten werkzeuge dieses ruhigen rythmus zu kulitvieren.
deepak chopra

text & my medicine music
fulltext available wwwwwwwwwww.bermudafunk.org/ switchfuerimmerpunk!

beneath other things...

* "we have manifest as matter of our thoughts in our bodies,which are => emotions, the reflection of our thoughts so..i try just to observe them- allow the emotion just to be there, and get
what this thought wants to transact/ transacted with me... declaared, it requieres practice! or maybe just do not going on with thinking.

which is why it is so important that we send ourselves positive messages...cause we are all a bit damaged and so...
not only through selftalks, we can also be kind to us, when we are in the flow with our life and accept our circumstances in every moment.
dissolve oppositions, by being in the river of life- there is so many back uped stored stuff hey...stored problems let go.
to meditate daily is one of my favorite tool to cultivate this calming rythm.
- deepak chopra -

sunday 15032020

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*yo attacksss---

*facility services & mainentances

text german english, turkish & some of my healing songs

full text on www,bermudafunk.org//switchfuerimmerpunk!


thank you for joininggggg

Switch - Für Immer Punkcast: The Early Years Pt.1

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* heyhey, this is my applicationdemoshow for BERMUDAFUNK.ORG i should give them 1 demo hour... so :
it took 8 hours in the private homestudio, (liverecording) with and of my good friendo dj tollschock //dreamworldrecords/heilbronx <3 ...then the telephone appeared--and i was not sure at the live cut go on for the lovely phone-- but it was so urgent sounding- the ring- then i saw who called---my sis´- well, she was in a little trouble and it was not a usual time she would call...so-----at least i found out, that it is spooky- should i open up the phone, or let it ring ?! when i do eat, mostly i call then back.. it was not even a feeling who could say, that this call is emergency urgent or not---so...LUCK! ? !
even it is maybe not luck- i couldn t find the suitable word...for the luck. cause we do think, there exists LUCK ! cause things running either "good positive" (f.e. passed driving-test..) or things can run in a "bad negaton" way to us ( f.e. car-crash..)
so--- who says, that a car crash cannot be luck? or a passed driving-test/driver licence is good? so...i think everything what happens to us could be luck. how many times we had luck without knowing it?
if you are too late to arrive somewhere urgent---this has a meaning-which we in our little superbrain cannot grasp in this moment. so it is easier to stay calm, sitting easy in the car when its traffic alarm--enjoy it. if we have lost something from ourselves i think that this huge love_ luck -that is always leading us to love.

and love is not always packed in golden loopies!!

love shows herself in every situation in the best way, she can in this moment. and neccessary for the effect.

* my little nephews told us when he was 4 years, in the car, suddenly:" you can call me florian! this is my name for the next 3 weeks." hahahaha best!

and when i was living with them for some years, i ve recognized, how nice good well superduper it is, when a child cries in the night for his mama. and the mama stands up and have a look or a love. someone who cares.
and i thought of all the lonesome, orphan institutionchildren, or stolen children

* extremely painful matterissue _ a longshort story about a knee_
<3 english version not yet in the internet!

... i do not know time just flew..and after ca 07:55 hours he just touched and connected quite fast some craze buttons on his craze desk machine with its some buttons-- and just said : yes, its done- we´re finished- :D and he also made for me this jingle---
hahha 20 minutes left but after the radio councils listening they said OK to meee juhuu**

this is yobacktothefuturenowww*
04 2014


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* trying to understand and fit in the technic at the studio1 in alte feuerwache / old firewarden --during the 1h haha :D

* " years ago one guy told me,one, in which i was in love,but has ended.. that i dance impossible,and to watch me dancing at the disco is horrible. then, i couldnt dance no more. i felt for years like standby mode. i never danced again, not at home.nowwhere. tragic.
then i said this years later to another guy, i felt gravity.
and ive said sad:" you know, i cannot dance, i dont feel it." and he answered easy out:" why sibel? dance just hey!"
:D and then, when i was alone in the streets, i put on my walkman and danced through.
(in this teaching times, ive went through views from peoples in the punk/hardcorescene, which i like a lot, on the dancing place..first.. no one danced,they stood just there and
nicked with their heads.. suddenly i let go the control and ive started to, cause the great music
just flowed through my bones and skin,and i was then brave and kinged my ego, my hurts, my stupid thoughts. i was just me. myself. and fucked off at the end. the music, the sound, the voice, the anger and power, the crowd all of them made me dancing . sometimes when i listen to hardcore i think they scream for me too. merci

i think, it depends on the carrier.
and how you are awake in this moment with your senses.

today i know- here, the first guy was teaching me actually to fuck off his opinion- but how, when you do not feel complete and loved by yourself? my inner was hurted.
and that i should have a look about myself. which tooks time...uhh ja tannenbaum..
the second mate´s easy friendly simple answer was like a PLAY button somewhere in me. and both iam so very thankful! dancing is healing.

* PUNKS would not exist, when our politics would exist in balance, regardful and heartly.
so..who to thank? :)

* all drummers are the hammers!

* the last song is dedicated to mother earth and its creatures- and all the animals ive been eaten yet.
we dont need to eat meat to survive..how it is with children in their development is, i dont know really.. just it tastes sometimes so gooody! fuck!! well, i do not eat very much meat.
for years ago i throwed out even bio eggsss!!!
i eat when it comes to me from alone. when i am invited or know where it comes from. or when some celles really really senses the urge. then, i go to my "trusted butcher" and thank the animal
for his power, his offering and vitamin. sometimes though i resist too. then i have too much respect from the animal, that i cannot eat it. hmmmm. i think, the time will come, where animals will
develope an enzyme, that they will be uneatable unenjoyable. otherwise why there are so many got lactose intolerant? why all the waiting rooms are full with depression human?
how do we treat them and us?

"bio products", what a word for it, of the huge companies, are not that "BIO" species- appropriate! it acts maybe about 3 cm more space..just that you know.
maybe you screw your animal consume a bit lower and feel, what makes this with your body.
maybe you will be awared, why you are eating. equal now what.
add love.
thanks for listening!

first on air radioshow

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20 minutes more than the demo!
my friend heiko my demo maker :) also made this jingle*
escorted me and filmed me while ohu-- i was fucking nervoussss, he did not said a word and smiled like a witch*
the two operating tracks lovely kollegas martin and jo from studio 2 helped me at the beginning hahhaha
i saw myself starting with the demo--
i was surprised how the last song suited so perfectly into the end*

sun 18 05 2015 2300pm

Über diesen Podcast


hey there! my name is sibel and i speak that, what i think/feel: only the truth about my view, what happens/ed, what made me happy or unhappy or what have made me again healthy... about such things i talk sometimes with greateful guests which i met and know and not

i do speak in german --but also translate some lyrix in english and in some turkish* (could also be co(s)mical for you*)

presently during the show plays/ runs all music genres, tracks, which have safed me already my life, where you can dance or dream or flipp out maybe on it.

the punkcast is a LIVE- recording directly from the BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // usual studio 1 *// alte feuerwache in mannheim/ germany <3 & the future trend of switch-fuerimmerpunk-- or sets ive played or live shows....or ...

so you can expect everything - i try to get across, what being PUNK means to me.


to have nearly around your speakers or 13 KW isnt that bad within *)
much thanks for your precious time & listeningthingding***

on air: sibel taylan

my fountains/coaches are among others: *whole musicworld,*inventors&artistworld,*mother earth with all its beings,to name some: eckhart tolle, dalai lama, deepak chopra, dr.joe dispenza, anni wallstein, louise hay, gregg braden,younity,silkeschäfer,thichnathhan,animals,plants, bruce lipton,stones,carriers, myths *ghostworld,*otherworld,*our all ancestors and..poets..my own experiences; MANY MORE and YOU!! %


hallole!! ich heiße sibel und ich spreche das, was ich denke/fühlen tu: einfach die wahrheit über alles, was mir passiert(e)/ich erlebt habe schon/mich traurig oder glücklich oder wieder gesund macht. darüber quatsch ich dann manchmal auch mit tollen leuten, die ich kennengelernt habe. teilweise

dabei läuft musik aus allen genres, tracks, die mir das leben gerettet haben schon!! wo man tanzen oder träumen kann oder ausflippt vielleicht dabei-

ich spreche in deutsch-- und manche texte auch in englisch und in bischen türkisch :D
(es könnte etwas ko(s)misch vllt sein für dich *)

der punkcast ist ein LIVE-mitschnitt & die weiterentwicklung von "switch - für immer punk"--direkt aus dem BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // alte feuerwache// studio 1 // in mannheim <3 .. live shows, live musik sets oder....also kannste mit allem rechnen – ich versuche rüberzubringen, was für mich PUNK sein bedeutet.

ACHSO-- einen kopfhörer parat liegen zu haben oder 13 KW is nicht das schlechteste dabei*)

vielen dank für deine wertvolle zeit und zuhören!!
bleib neugierig,

von und mit Sibel Taylan


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