19102014 mega
i´ve asked myself, where has gone all the indians? everytime, or more, these times..when i was often in nature i think about them..then sometimes their power and wisdome somehow arrives in me i could feel their energy while feeling the wind .for example <3 maybe we should go more into nature.
* ALSO i thought about the snails! i mean, when it rains..then sometimes i see everywhere snails around. and sometimes, when it also rains, then i see NO snails! ?? how do they know come out stay in? frequency intuition connecting thing?
so...one day, in our garden, i saw a cute little one with a house,and it was dry dry dry the ground yet..so, i picked her up and took her to another end of the garden where is shadow.cause she would have took all the long day to come into there.. while doing this, i felt, play like kinda GOD or something bigger...?! i mean, i decided for her! and then i thought, oh shit! and what, when i now took her away from her friends or someone she is in love? or maybe a birdy would have eaten her? AHHH so then i dont want to be god. i just think, we can act through intuition. feeling. aeh, i mean, we are also a part piece of "god" fountainhead, nature..and but, what, if we
do have no more feelings? what could we do about? so much love and freedom i wish all for us./this show was
is dedicated to all of the dead one´s- all who let their wisdomes, music,lyrix, death,.. here for us- let me sit right now here in the studio- make us believe and trust and go further--
* read some poem from my "bible"-- my god =>this person wrote so much!!: bertold brecht born 1898-1956 i fell in <3 with him since the first poem i read - the morning monologue with the tree green (also one friend of mine, had an vernissage of his 10 paintings he draw just poets...and i just saw this portrait of brecht and felt stunned.without knowing who he actually is..i bought it immediately.!this poem i wrote a lot of times for some friends, but everytime just only with a lead pencil on snippets i find in my home.. cause, green, yes man, who was green?!
* poem b.brecht- you are like people who come to the beach shore- wanting across but you ve only got a spoon to ladle on the sea. or how people, who fall from a towerbuilding and think while falling about how they would be build higher. so, like you would live in big time. and so it is it.
* bertold brecht - the advice to an actor c. n. refresh yourself, girlfriend. from the water of the copperkettle within the ice pieces. open your eyes under the water. wash them. dry yourself with the rough towel and read from the paper on the wall the difficult letters of the role. know, that you do this for yourself- and do it exemplary.
1937 written also on a paper
* bertold brecht - ca 1937 "when allyearly in september when the schooltime begin again in the suburbs the skirts stand in the papershops to buy with their last pennies the new books and writepapers for their children-desperately they fishing their last pennies in their little worn out wallets. brawly, that the knowing is so much expensive though they don´t guess how bad the knowing is which is dictated to them*
* bertold brecht - the devil // the devil had got a blackberry field- "what do i do with it? what do i with it? there must something happen! " and because the devil was a devil therefore he invented the fence. the blueberries withered. my girl has got a big breast. "what she´s doing with it? what she´s doing with it? there must be happen something!"
here the space got full---
and a lot of more..and i will upload the whole told stuff ive told on www.bermudafunk.org/switchfuerimmerpunk on the date 19.10.2014 in english..
but yeah..enjoy the medicine musicsss-- and your TEA!