a last set - 1 / 2 -
where i have the ability to record them in the walls of data77112, this is from 01.01.2022
after 15 wild, lovely years we´ve decided to make a new choice in our life. time has come to transform and get new steps into adventure life.
still i have a lesson here, with a selfmade dreamwish, wich i cannot put in words. so little pub.
sometimes ive stood only outside the bar, a few moment of pause, the street filled with hundreds beloved, strangers, police and civilists and wildunknown which were celebrating ( 10 years of pub or a fleamarket..)
so, ive only could stand there, with closed and at the same time open or touching my mouth, silence - these enterings through my beloved eyes could only be understood by my heart-
incredible for my brain.
now, to let go, such a place of huge love, i´ve had a feeling, that i / we take this beloved place from all (of this city) yes, cause every shop is unique - where people did found each other, made a family, where children were born, were incredible records, bands, artists worldwide coming from and had a room to express-
a friend of mine, sascha has told me, that i/we do not take away a place- still a platform is there, that this pub lives in the hearts and memories...and that he likes to see me grew ..
now some others have room to build something new...
so, this must feel like a bit when parents let go of their child...
i leave this supercrassles experience with an crying and laughing eye and i am so much grateful. of so much. but first, at my lovely heart, from which idea this once was-
hopefull you enjoy now some records ive found in these 15 years , which are filled with my memories and tears and adventures and which have guided me as a medicine, still*
the first and last minute of this set arises from sergej vutuc, who has made a last spontanious performance with strange constallations- some plugs, cables, a half guitar, mobile....
and thanks for listening!
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