SUN 17072022 hi you!
* wo wolltschn hin?
* where you´ve wanted to go?
* nereye gitmek istiyordun?
* ...und dort habe ich nichts verloren!"
*...and i didnt lose anything there !"
* orada benim isim yok!"
* ..und dort habe ich nichts mehr verloren!"
*..and i didnt have to lose anything else there no more!"
* "wenn nichts anderes mehr hilft -
dann die wahrheit!"
* when nothing else does not help -
then the truth!"
* eger hic baska birsey yardim etmiyorsa-
o zaman gercegi!"
* ich glaube wir brauchen alle mal eine pause!
* i think we all need once a pause!
* bence hepimize bir ara lazim, degilmi?!
* das war echt nicht mit absicht!
* das war meine volle absicht!
* wahrscheinlich nur in bester absicht
* that was really not my intent!
* that was my full intent!
* probably just in best intent
* bunu gercekten istiyerek yapmadim!
* bunu tam istiyerek yaptim!
* heralde sadece en iyi niyette
* was ist dir die freiheit wert?
* ein bisschen sollte ihnen ihre freiheit schon wert sein
* what it is it the worth -of your freedom?
* a little bit it should be worth on you, your freedom
* bagimsizliginin degerin kaca?
* bagimsizligin birazda degerin olmasi gerek, öyle degil mi?
* wie du es wünschst. dein wille geschehe
* how do you wish it. thy will be done
* nasil dileyiyorsan. senin istedigin olsun
* brauchst du noch was?
* do you need some anything else?
* sana birsey lazim mi daha?
* wenn du kraftvoll in dir ruhen würdest, welche entscheidung würdest du deinem inneren kind
zuliebe jetzt treffen?
* if you would rest powerful in yourself, which decision you would meet now for the sake of your inner child?
* stell dir vor,dein inneres kind das liebeskummer hat, wie willst du ihm deine liebe zeigen?
* imagine, your inner child that have lovesickness, how do you want to show it your love?
* kannst du mit meinem vorschlag leben?
* can you live with my suggestion?
* teklifimile yasiyabilirmisin?
* ach, das is schad
* ah, that is a pity
* bischen zack, ja?!
* bit whip into shape, ya?!
you can also listen a story ive lived *..sometimes you just dont know what you are living in right now or la barriere, tournai, belgium 2013
and a cool meeting with *the temporary help pharmacist in the backyard of data77112 ( <3 pub)
delight your heart*
thanks spending your precious time with me <3
huggies never stop!
love, s
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