hey fantastic dear unique one!! * verschüttete milch bekommste nich mehr in die milchtüte*spilled milk you can no longer get back into the milk carton*dökülmüs süt, bir daha süt torbasina geri koyamassin*
when i dance, then always automatically programmed, intensionized for the worldpeace* sometimes, when i dance..for few seconds inside arises a feeling-suddenly- i dance then shortly with a kind of rage* and i feel so very strong then it is like YEAH MOTHERFUCKERS FOREVER PUNK* it is like: THE PAST AND NOBODY HAS ANY POWER OVER ME ANYMORE.
NOW IN THIS MOMENT I CAN BE FREE. WHAT I THINK TODAY DETERMINES MY FUTURE. IM TAKING MY POWER BACK NOW! I AM SAFE I AM SECURE I AM LOVE I AM THE BANGER! THE FIRE CRACKER! AND I AM FREE AND YOU TOO!* the point of power lays always in the present." every moment has a special message" hazrat inhayat khan
* music is such a blessing- sometimes i listen to the songs of the kids & i wish i could exile some out of their playlist. or some videos pop up in youtube & my true jaquce, gut feeling says to me- or even my eyes say to me: FIE! simply fie! do you also asking yourself? who is the origin of this song? who is this source of this song? what´s their intention behind? what are the lyrix & what they are telling me? is it helpful? is it true? are women discriminated against? drugs, hatred and force titled as normal? am i being led on the wrong track? or or is it good for me?! does it nourish my dear soul? inspiring me? does it open my heart? and does every cell in my body really dance along and celebrate and do I feel joy & positive?! please be careful who or what you dedicate your valuable time to, whether it serves you in a positive way. whether as a video, podcast, track, film - try to avoid the things that ultimately don't feel good, that don't serve your soul..there was a song and he sang, repeated hisself the whole time - i am lost i am lost i am lost ..over and over - and what do you think gets ingrained in your subconscious? how will you be able to take such good care of yourself? & see that you are a really supergreat person and deserve everything beautiful that life has to offer? and are not powerless at all?!
repetition also influences behavior - we also remain curious and listen to the music of your kids - maybe show them the bands that had a vision, whose music opens you up and frees you and puts you in a good mood! HAE? also: kenne ich mich ganz gut? so: do i know myself quite well ?
it is all about FREQUENCY // ALLES IST ÜBER DIE FREQUENZ wo schwingst du? where are you swinging?
& i tell about all or some of the blessings, which life showed me, after i was asking it: "when i am really so blessed dear universe, then let them blessings show to me in my consiousness*"..
aaauww really believe in yourself in your inner guidance & avoid things, which doesnt serve you anymore- we came here for to express in the most greatest* that is what i believe, too. shining so bright as we can* bon voyage through this wonderful planet & galaxy- life is the greatest gift- isnt it?
(i want to ) keep asking the right questions*
much love & rainbowlights, yours truly, sibel*