FULL TEXT THERE* live switchfuerimmerpunk! 1808´24 out of bermudafunk <3
HI YOU, * freut sich heute jemand? * is sombebody happy today? * bugün birisi mutlu mu?
* kann ich heute mein herz ein wenig mehr öffnen?
für die welt. für ein neues leben?
kann ich über mich hinauswachsen?
* can i open my heart a bit more today?
for the world. for a new life?
can i surpass myself?
* bugün kalbimi biraz daha aca bilirmiyim?
* dünya icin. yeni bir hayat icin?
kendimden gecebilirmiyim ben?
* "sarki söyle icinden ne geliyorsa, daha kolay olur öyle." anil
* " sing a song, what is coming from your inside, it will be more easy!" anil
* singe ein lied, das, was aus deinem inneren herauskommt, so wird das leichter." anil
dabei geht es um eine entschuldigung, wenn man sich bei jemandem entschuldigen möchte.
diese worte haben mich sehr berührt.
it's about an apology when you want to apologize to someone.
these words touched me deeply.
bu, birinden özür dilemek istediğinde özür dilemekle ilgilidir.
bu sözler beni çok etkiledi.
* baba, anne,
bu kelime nekadar yorgudu bizi, degilmi?
hosgörü olmak, hüzün, delilik ; COK SEVGI VE ANLAYIS EKLIYELIM- SIMDI!
* mom, dad,
how this word has already tired us, hasn't it?
happyness, sadness, madness , ADDING MANY MUCH LOVE & UNDERSTANDING INTO IT- NOW!
* mutter, vater, wie uns dieses wort schon müde gemacht hat, nicht?
freude, traurigkeit, wahnsinn;GANZ VIEL LIEBE UND VERSTÄNDNIS HINEIN- JETZT! * silahlari mi "hediye" veriyorsun sen? yada gül hediye ediyormusun? * was verschenkst du an andere? * what do you give away to others? * neyi hediye ediyorsun sen baskalara?*
no more fear of being afraid. why don't we actually talk to each other anymore? without being afraid of being rejected or turned down? from my own experience i can tell you that i've been at a point in my life where it cost me a lot of strength to hold on to something, i had a huge question mark inside me! where i just didn't feel good about it - with this interpersonal situation -in the first case that meant: so, if i open up now, take off my knight's armour - then a sword will be stuck in me, then i'll be completely naked - & i'll be hurt -admittedly, i didn't necessarily know all of this beforehand - i really didn't know what to expect! but yes, bingo! & i felt ouchywawha yes! in that moment, i felt something incredible inside of me, a huge energy - i've never felt that before - a huge pain in my heart, in my inner being - i thought it was going to burst, explode into thousands of pieces and tears were running down my cheeks - didnt know, what my body is experiencing & i cried & had to laugh too - what great energy was working inside me - that was being released -i don't know - where does this energy end up and how?! but afterwards - there was just silence - clarity - i felt so very liberated and at the same time felt different, stronger somehow?! i hugged myself. eric hugged me too. the sun shone on my head and i washed my face with ice-cold water and was so grateful to myself for having done it. i thanked my dragon lady who had helped me and for this special moment*& how did he react, you might be wondering - he didn't react at all - which was/is also an answer. since i sometimes have a long line, sometimes, i did a few things to this person afterwards. eduard-sissi still regrets these things today - because it is still very embarrassing for me. to see myself again confusing love with neediness and inside i sincerely apologized to this person many times for bothering him like that. but then, when i notice how i am again judging my inner child, my heart so negatively and am so ashamed of how ridiculous i have made myself, i hug myself again & am grateful - that i can do that at all, & see how pure love is looking at me, i simply didn't know any better back then. however, i regret asking him that first question for 0.000000 %
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