switch - für immer punkcast

switch - für immer punkcast

Der Punkcast ist ein Live-Mitschnitt & die Weiterentwicklung von "Switch - Für immer Punk".


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HI !
LIVE SWITCH-FUERIMMERPUNK! 160624 @ https://bermudafunk.org/hoeren/sendungen/switch-fuer-immer-punk.html?r=k&ts=1716069600 ALTE FEUERWACHE MANNHEIM <3


* vorgestern habe ich eine liebe grüße von dem meer über meinen papa ausgerichtet bekommen! live am telefooon! das ist soo schön-wenn man grüße ausgerichtet bekommt! wie sie einen erreichen-irgendwie! ich freue mich sehr darüber! * the day before yesterday i received a lovely greeting from the sea via my dad! live on the phonethat is so lovely -when you receive greetings! how they reach you- somehow! I am very happy about it! * * was habe ich dir gesagt? * what have i said to you? * sana ne dedim ben? * * oh,by an oversight ive pushed the wrong button.by an oversight ive pushed the wrong button. by an oversight ive pushed the wrong button? & hm?
*was opfere ich eigentlich noch von meinem authentischn selbst?* what am I actually sacrificing of my authentic self?*wo stehe ich im übergang und wie hingebungsvoll bin ich in allem? * where i stand in the transition and how dedicated am i in everything? * * 17 may 2024- tonight we are invited at the little hotel keskin, directly beside the wonderful sea, by selgün, ibrahim and fuat for dinner. they are our dear friends! aaauwww! live musicians are also there! aaa <3 double aauw gift! anyhow selgün hanim tells a story about haydar! haydar is a free dog and his hood is the beach near the hotel. but for a few months now he has found love and security with our friends. he simply started to guard the hotel and everyone for them - and since then he has been sleeping there too - but he is still free and can go out whenever he wants! LIKE SNOOPY!! there are also chickens and roosters living at the hotel - for fresh eggs and_ also their meat at some point :/ haydar and the rooster often played together and spent a lot of time together - but one day the rooster went under the knife & of course some of the meat ends up with haydar - which he dev-ours with relish every time but haydar smelled this said meat looked above at selgün hanim he wagged his tail very gently shortly, while sniffing the meat again and_he ran away from the food bowl. it was the same with the next rooster. they were his friends. oh man auw OH LOVEE!! it's sooo crazy, so beautiful, so wow - this love - what it does - what it can do -please, every creation here is allowed and has the right to be happy first!

nerveously for the first time ive shared at the radio a short method how to get into your heart`s
wisdom. it is soo crazy the time that we land in our hearts, from whose point of view we look at things and act & I am convinced that there are many of us - what are you saying? only to breath into your heart makes you feel more calm & relaxed & also your intuition will send you some genius impressions from your inner galaxy & wisdom, living inside of all of us- there are always solutions, our bordered mind can´t find the answers, they are living somewhere else in you ;)
i dont know how it was or will be to listen for you, i hope it is/was okey for you..at least when you listen you´ll have a tool how to get into into hm.. peace,love, freedom. if it is that what you´re lookin´for :)

thank you so much for your precious time, your trust & openness into me- * für morgen wünsche ich dir einen unvergesslichen wunderschönen moment * for tomoroww i wish you one unforgetable wonderbeautiful moment * yarina acayip güzel unutulmaz bir ani dilerim - ahoi, in love, switch fuerimmerpunk!


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Über diesen Podcast


hey there! my name is sibel and i speak that, what i think/feel: only the truth about my view, what happens/ed, what made me happy or unhappy or what have made me again healthy... about such things i talk sometimes with greateful guests which i met and know and not

i do speak in german --but also translate some lyrix in english and in some turkish* (could also be co(s)mical for you*)

presently during the show plays/ runs all music genres, tracks, which have safed me already my life, where you can dance or dream or flipp out maybe on it.

the punkcast is a LIVE- recording directly from the BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // usual studio 1 *// alte feuerwache in mannheim/ germany <3 & the future trend of switch-fuerimmerpunk-- or sets ive played or live shows....or ...

so you can expect everything - i try to get across, what being PUNK means to me.


to have nearly around your speakers or 13 KW isnt that bad within *)
much thanks for your precious time & listeningthingding***

on air: sibel taylan

my fountains/coaches are among others: *whole musicworld,*inventors&artistworld,*mother earth with all its beings,to name some: eckhart tolle, dalai lama, deepak chopra, dr.joe dispenza, anni wallstein, louise hay, gregg braden,younity,silkeschäfer,thichnathhan,animals,plants, bruce lipton,stones,carriers, myths *ghostworld,*otherworld,*our all ancestors and..poets..my own experiences; MANY MORE and YOU!! %


hallole!! ich heiße sibel und ich spreche das, was ich denke/fühlen tu: einfach die wahrheit über alles, was mir passiert(e)/ich erlebt habe schon/mich traurig oder glücklich oder wieder gesund macht. darüber quatsch ich dann manchmal auch mit tollen leuten, die ich kennengelernt habe. teilweise

dabei läuft musik aus allen genres, tracks, die mir das leben gerettet haben schon!! wo man tanzen oder träumen kann oder ausflippt vielleicht dabei-

ich spreche in deutsch-- und manche texte auch in englisch und in bischen türkisch :D
(es könnte etwas ko(s)misch vllt sein für dich *)

der punkcast ist ein LIVE-mitschnitt & die weiterentwicklung von "switch - für immer punk"--direkt aus dem BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // alte feuerwache// studio 1 // in mannheim <3 .. live shows, live musik sets oder....also kannste mit allem rechnen – ich versuche rüberzubringen, was für mich PUNK sein bedeutet.

ACHSO-- einen kopfhörer parat liegen zu haben oder 13 KW is nicht das schlechteste dabei*)

vielen dank für deine wertvolle zeit und zuhören!!
bleib neugierig,

von und mit Sibel Taylan


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