switch - für immer punkcast

switch - für immer punkcast

Der Punkcast ist ein Live-Mitschnitt & die Weiterentwicklung von "Switch - Für immer Punk".


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SWITCH - FUERIMMERPUNK! LIVE 15 09´24 @ https://bermudafunk.org/hoeren/sendungen/switch-fuer-immer-punk.html?r=k&ts=1723932000 THX!

hey fantastic dear unique one!! * verschüttete milch bekommste nich mehr in die milchtüte*spilled milk you can no longer get back into the milk carton*dökülmüs süt, bir daha süt torbasina geri koyamassin*

when i dance, then always automatically programmed, intensionized for the worldpeace* sometimes, when i dance..for few seconds inside arises a feeling-suddenly- i dance then shortly with a kind of rage* and i feel so very strong then it is like YEAH MOTHERFUCKERS FOREVER PUNK* it is like: THE PAST AND NOBODY HAS ANY POWER OVER ME ANYMORE.
NOW IN THIS MOMENT I CAN BE FREE. WHAT I THINK TODAY DETERMINES MY FUTURE. IM TAKING MY POWER BACK NOW! I AM SAFE I AM SECURE I AM LOVE I AM THE BANGER! THE FIRE CRACKER! AND I AM FREE AND YOU TOO!* the point of power lays always in the present." every moment has a special message" hazrat inhayat khan

* music is such a blessing- sometimes i listen to the songs of the kids & i wish i could exile some out of their playlist. or some videos pop up in youtube & my true jaquce, gut feeling says to me- or even my eyes say to me: FIE! simply fie! do you also asking yourself? who is the origin of this song? who is this source of this song? what´s their intention behind? what are the lyrix & what they are telling me? is it helpful? is it true? are women discriminated against? drugs, hatred and force titled as normal? am i being led on the wrong track? or or is it good for me?! does it nourish my dear soul? inspiring me? does it open my heart? and does every cell in my body really dance along and celebrate and do I feel joy & positive?! please be careful who or what you dedicate your valuable time to, whether it serves you in a positive way. whether as a video, podcast, track, film - try to avoid the things that ultimately don't feel good, that don't serve your soul..there was a song and he sang, repeated hisself the whole time - i am lost i am lost i am lost ..over and over - and what do you think gets ingrained in your subconscious? how will you be able to take such good care of yourself? & see that you are a really supergreat person and deserve everything beautiful that life has to offer? and are not powerless at all?!
repetition also influences behavior - we also remain curious and listen to the music of your kids - maybe show them the bands that had a vision, whose music opens you up and frees you and puts you in a good mood! HAE? also: kenne ich mich ganz gut? so: do i know myself quite well ?
it is all about FREQUENCY // ALLES IST ÜBER DIE FREQUENZ wo schwingst du? where are you swinging?

& i tell about all or some of the blessings, which life showed me, after i was asking it: "when i am really so blessed dear universe, then let them blessings show to me in my consiousness*"..

aaauww really believe in yourself in your inner guidance & avoid things, which doesnt serve you anymore- we came here for to express in the most greatest* that is what i believe, too. shining so bright as we can* bon voyage through this wonderful planet & galaxy- life is the greatest gift- isnt it?

(i want to ) keep asking the right questions*
much love & rainbowlights, yours truly, sibel*


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FULL TEXT THERE* live switchfuerimmerpunk! 1808´24 out of bermudafunk <3
HI YOU, * freut sich heute jemand? * is sombebody happy today? * bugün birisi mutlu mu?

* kann ich heute mein herz ein wenig mehr öffnen?
für die welt. für ein neues leben?
kann ich über mich hinauswachsen?

* can i open my heart a bit more today?
for the world. for a new life?
can i surpass myself?

* bugün kalbimi biraz daha aca bilirmiyim?
* dünya icin. yeni bir hayat icin?
kendimden gecebilirmiyim ben?

* "sarki söyle icinden ne geliyorsa, daha kolay olur öyle." anil
* " sing a song, what is coming from your inside, it will be more easy!" anil
* singe ein lied, das, was aus deinem inneren herauskommt, so wird das leichter." anil

dabei geht es um eine entschuldigung, wenn man sich bei jemandem entschuldigen möchte.
diese worte haben mich sehr berührt.

it's about an apology when you want to apologize to someone.
these words touched me deeply.

bu, birinden özür dilemek istediğinde özür dilemekle ilgilidir.
bu sözler beni çok etkiledi.

* baba, anne,
bu kelime nekadar yorgudu bizi, degilmi?
hosgörü olmak, hüzün, delilik ; COK SEVGI VE ANLAYIS EKLIYELIM- SIMDI!

* mom, dad,
how this word has already tired us, hasn't it?
happyness, sadness, madness , ADDING MANY MUCH LOVE & UNDERSTANDING INTO IT- NOW!
* mutter, vater, wie uns dieses wort schon müde gemacht hat, nicht?
freude, traurigkeit, wahnsinn;GANZ VIEL LIEBE UND VERSTÄNDNIS HINEIN- JETZT! * silahlari mi "hediye" veriyorsun sen? yada gül hediye ediyormusun? * was verschenkst du an andere? * what do you give away to others? * neyi hediye ediyorsun sen baskalara?*

no more fear of being afraid. why don't we actually talk to each other anymore? without being afraid of being rejected or turned down? from my own experience i can tell you that i've been at a point in my life where it cost me a lot of strength to hold on to something, i had a huge question mark inside me! where i just didn't feel good about it - with this interpersonal situation -in the first case that meant: so, if i open up now, take off my knight's armour - then a sword will be stuck in me, then i'll be completely naked - & i'll be hurt -admittedly, i didn't necessarily know all of this beforehand - i really didn't know what to expect! but yes, bingo! & i felt ouchywawha yes! in that moment, i felt something incredible inside of me, a huge energy - i've never felt that before - a huge pain in my heart, in my inner being - i thought it was going to burst, explode into thousands of pieces and tears were running down my cheeks - didnt know, what my body is experiencing & i cried & had to laugh too - what great energy was working inside me - that was being released -i don't know - where does this energy end up and how?! but afterwards - there was just silence - clarity - i felt so very liberated and at the same time felt different, stronger somehow?! i hugged myself. eric hugged me too. the sun shone on my head and i washed my face with ice-cold water and was so grateful to myself for having done it. i thanked my dragon lady who had helped me and for this special moment*& how did he react, you might be wondering - he didn't react at all - which was/is also an answer. since i sometimes have a long line, sometimes, i did a few things to this person afterwards. eduard-sissi still regrets these things today - because it is still very embarrassing for me. to see myself again confusing love with neediness and inside i sincerely apologized to this person many times for bothering him like that. but then, when i notice how i am again judging my inner child, my heart so negatively and am so ashamed of how ridiculous i have made myself, i hug myself again & am grateful - that i can do that at all, & see how pure love is looking at me, i simply didn't know any better back then. however, i regret asking him that first question for 0.000000 %



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ich empfehle dir, die musik, egal welche und wann du sie die du dir anhörst, wirklich wahrzunehmen, zuzuhören, wenn du kannst, den instrumenten, der stimme oder wörtern,dem fluss, es mit jeder zelle deines Körpers zu fühlen bewegst du dich dazu? schliesst du deine augen, möchtest du mit ihr weinen? inspiriert sein und frei und träumen? wie hörst du musik zu? was macht sie mit dir? diese momente, die musik ist NUR FÜR DICH DA! enjoy all you can. ahm auch diese radioshow. SIE IST NUR FÜR DICH GEMACHT! ICH DANKE DIIIIR!!! // i recommend you, the music, equal which and when youre listening, which äh switch hehe, which you are listening, to really perceive, listen it, when you are able, the loving instruments, the voice or words,the flow, to sense her with every cell of your body, do you move with her?do you close your lovely eyes? you wanna cry with her? or be inspired and free and dream? iam interested how you listening. what music makes with you? these moments, music is ONLY FOR YOU! enjoy all you can. ahm,and also this radioshow.IS CREATED ONLY FOR YOU! I THANK YOU!!! // * WO BIST DU JETZT HIN??* WHERE HAVE YOU GONE NOW?? * NEREYE GITTIN SIMDI?

* was empfindest du wenn du die türe öffnest? * what do you feel, when you open the door? * kapiyi actiginda neyleri his ediyorsun?

* "biz sokakta elma bile yemezdik, bazi ac olanlar göre bilir dige" safiye
* "wir haben damals nicht mal einen apfel gegessen in der öffentlichkeit gegessen, damit es hungernde nicht sehen könnten" safiye*
* we even did not eat an apple in public, so that hungry one´s cannot see this" safiye

* wann war das? when was it? ne zamandi?

if you would be a waterbottle, i would talk to you that-before ill drink you! hi :D "hello dearest spring water, i am so so so so very happy, that you are with me! were you have been yet so?i beg you, fill me with your wisdom, your purity and with your clarity- and with love, light and trust when it is possible?! &i beg you for clear flowing and also warm water for all humen.& thanks, that you catapult out of my luxurybodycellalarm all what isnt serving me anymore! THX KISS " sometimes i am so mega in love and im so grateful enthusiastically for of this privilege- and then allowed to drink spring water, too.that i almost shout into the bottle it must be shocked! there i beg for excuse!
actually ive made a test,yet :D drunk the water before ive talked to the water and after-& what do you mean, does it make a difference? one soo brilliant informationcarrier it is ive read hm maybe wanna try once?

* SCHATTENTANZ / SHADOWDANCE* mensch sein.* das herz weiss.* bitte umarme nicht die hoffnungslosigkeit/* being human./the heart knows./please dont hugg the hopelessness/ insan olmak.* kalp biliyor.* lütfen umutsuzluga sarilma

& i speak about the superkindfantastic angels existence around us* how you can notice them & know that you aren´t alone here on your journey & that they want you to be happy & increase the trust in yourself*

enjoy yourself embrace yourself kiss and clap your hands* many beautiful things to you, PREPARE FOR A MIRACLE -IT IS JUST A BREATH AWAY* THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR JOINING
in love, SIBEL*

* uund vielleicht ziehst du jetzt deine mundwinkel nach oben und lächelst. dein ganzes system feiert das, erlebe es
* and perhaps you´re pulling up your mouthcorners and smiling* experience your whole system celebration
* ve belki simdi şimdi ağzının kenarlarını yukarı çevirip gülümseyeceksin* tüm systemin acayip kutluyiyorlar bunu*


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HI !
LIVE SWITCH-FUERIMMERPUNK! 160624 @ https://bermudafunk.org/hoeren/sendungen/switch-fuer-immer-punk.html?r=k&ts=1716069600 ALTE FEUERWACHE MANNHEIM <3


* vorgestern habe ich eine liebe grüße von dem meer über meinen papa ausgerichtet bekommen! live am telefooon! das ist soo schön-wenn man grüße ausgerichtet bekommt! wie sie einen erreichen-irgendwie! ich freue mich sehr darüber! * the day before yesterday i received a lovely greeting from the sea via my dad! live on the phonethat is so lovely -when you receive greetings! how they reach you- somehow! I am very happy about it! * * was habe ich dir gesagt? * what have i said to you? * sana ne dedim ben? * * oh,by an oversight ive pushed the wrong button.by an oversight ive pushed the wrong button. by an oversight ive pushed the wrong button? & hm?
*was opfere ich eigentlich noch von meinem authentischn selbst?* what am I actually sacrificing of my authentic self?*wo stehe ich im übergang und wie hingebungsvoll bin ich in allem? * where i stand in the transition and how dedicated am i in everything? * * 17 may 2024- tonight we are invited at the little hotel keskin, directly beside the wonderful sea, by selgün, ibrahim and fuat for dinner. they are our dear friends! aaauwww! live musicians are also there! aaa <3 double aauw gift! anyhow selgün hanim tells a story about haydar! haydar is a free dog and his hood is the beach near the hotel. but for a few months now he has found love and security with our friends. he simply started to guard the hotel and everyone for them - and since then he has been sleeping there too - but he is still free and can go out whenever he wants! LIKE SNOOPY!! there are also chickens and roosters living at the hotel - for fresh eggs and_ also their meat at some point :/ haydar and the rooster often played together and spent a lot of time together - but one day the rooster went under the knife & of course some of the meat ends up with haydar - which he dev-ours with relish every time but haydar smelled this said meat looked above at selgün hanim he wagged his tail very gently shortly, while sniffing the meat again and_he ran away from the food bowl. it was the same with the next rooster. they were his friends. oh man auw OH LOVEE!! it's sooo crazy, so beautiful, so wow - this love - what it does - what it can do -please, every creation here is allowed and has the right to be happy first!

nerveously for the first time ive shared at the radio a short method how to get into your heart`s
wisdom. it is soo crazy the time that we land in our hearts, from whose point of view we look at things and act & I am convinced that there are many of us - what are you saying? only to breath into your heart makes you feel more calm & relaxed & also your intuition will send you some genius impressions from your inner galaxy & wisdom, living inside of all of us- there are always solutions, our bordered mind can´t find the answers, they are living somewhere else in you ;)
i dont know how it was or will be to listen for you, i hope it is/was okey for you..at least when you listen you´ll have a tool how to get into into hm.. peace,love, freedom. if it is that what you´re lookin´for :)

thank you so much for your precious time, your trust & openness into me- * für morgen wünsche ich dir einen unvergesslichen wunderschönen moment * for tomoroww i wish you one unforgetable wonderbeautiful moment * yarina acayip güzel unutulmaz bir ani dilerim - ahoi, in love, switch fuerimmerpunk!


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AAAAAUUUWWW!! really 10 years celebrating nervousness, music, letters & joy and loveee!

SWITCH-FUERIMMERPUNK! live at lovely alte feuerwache,

my beloved niece aleyna was by my side <3


* kennst du einen indianerhäuptling? das würde ich so gerne erleben- was möchtest du noch erleben?
* kizilderili cete reisini taniyormusun? bunu bir yasamak cok isterim - sen daha neyi yasamak istersin?
* do you know a saychem? i would soo fain live once this- what you want to experience yet?

* hm...yok olmadan kesfet*

:D hadi merakli kalalim

* hm.. entdecke es, bevor es verschwindet*

:D komm, bleiben wir neugierig

* hm..discover, befor it disappears*
:D come, let´s stay curious

*gehört da n punkt oder n komma hin?
*does a dot or a comma belong there?
*oraya bir nokta veya virgül ait mi?

* out of 18 12 2018 gedicht von lovely katyes <3

hope you are rolling in the house of love
at the end of the desert
when the fly is hiding in your clothes
climbing along like you would be the world forever
and water is rare
and you take your change
and you get yourself some water of the station
not knowing
the little fly is your only best friend
hiding in your clothes
thinking this is the only world existing
you hit the highway after you killed your thirst and you
feel the wind and you hope the wind is as free as you are
so take care and be kind to the time which is fading only to offer you a new moment <3

*"aleyna was möchtest du ins radio zu anderen sagen?"
" mach morgen 5 dinge, die dir guttun!" <3

"aleyna, was würdest du zu einem kleinkind mit auf den weg geben?"
" das sie an sich immer glauben, und nicht aufgeben, egal was passiert!" <3

"Aleyna, what advice would you give to a small child?"
"that you always believe in yourself and don't give up, no matter what happens!" <3

"Aleyna küçük bir çocuğa ne tavsiye edersin?"
"Her zaman kendine inan ve ne olursa olsun pes etme!" <3

von / from 16062019 die t-shirt story / the short t-shirt story

* in manchen fällen kannste noch so viel schokososse draufhauen, es wird davon nicht besser!

* in some cases you can put on chocolate souce on it and on it, it wont get better of that!

ive asked myself, which t-shirt i want to wear this night?? ouhhh yeahh! this one! then ive jumped upon my bike and drove to my pub for working.. when peoples saw me..
then sentences/ thoughts/ reactions from peoples...germans, immigrants, refugees, children, big and little, friendos,..
when they see me or passing me by ( i was smiling) "oh you? football? // fear i could see in their eyes// ???// coool // smileys//.. yo digger,ive been judged/ im in a horizon/ in a draw/

(but , im hey, aeh, just happy...and but now more conscious) // (why) i should answer? how should i feel? ive got this shirt from my sweet nephews, it was
a present, hae, im an galaxychild born here from immigrants in germany, i like football also, i love my nephews, i love germany too! ( im happy to get a gift to have
another feeling more!)
why im thinking so much?? damn!!! kick it!!!

after this session, in my bed, i ate some nutella /chocolate cream landed on that shirt- i slept with it- but ..i saw next morning..some chocolate at it and in bed ..then some light came into my braincelles:

sometimes, you can put so much and long chocolate sauce on it/ some things you dont like or you wont feel- but it will never gets better

rip.germany/ rest in peace world
always !
not only when you are dead!

*"it is only our mind, which makes us angry. we think other people doing that, but i say you, it is only always our mind who annoys us! "- sri sri ravi shankar* -

stay gold! <3 you are beautiful*


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hello you* live, 21.april 2024 at www.bermudafunk.org <3 THANKS ALWAYS!
* PLEASE CHECK THE VOLUME / * ...fast memory - individual_- streeetch- sensors - favorable opportunity - reflexive -emptying - aahhhhhwhat en enjoyment THANK YOU! so crazy - so brilliantly_done- wow;I love you, apex corpus fundus - lovely bladder! dearest automatism- what a blessing // * "ya ya ne nee, die stühle sind versichert!"-* wer von ihnen glaubt, was sie sagen?/ * "yes yes, no no..the chairs are insured!"-* who of them is beliving in what they say?/ *"ya ya, hayir hayir, sandalyeler sigortalidir!" -* kim söylediklerine inanıyor?//* bir ev duvarinda gördüm, yazilmis: COK , bu sözü- COK- bu sana ne yapiyor?/ * ive seen it written at a housewall in turkey: MUCH, this word - MUCH-what does that to you?/ * an einer hauswand in der türkei habe ich stehen sehen: VIEL das wort- VIEL-was macht das bei dir?
i had no idea how cosmic you could feel!!

"kisses on your heart" dearest phillip kionka shouted it to me as a goodbye - over the counter in the middle of the noise from the full Data7712 a few years ago -i heard that for the first time and never before then - i fell so much in love- with this sentence- in this gesture. yes <3 & also never i´ve experienced that before personally - on saturday, when i was finally resting in bed,halfawake,after a while, it suddenly occurred to me, like this is actually happening to me! from the distance and
on my heart somehow, i felt something new, some unique, it was like that! oh maaan!!that's how it felt at least! i don't know who made it either, but it is just wonder wonder beautiful. thank you very much!/oh mhmmm how does it feel like, for 3d real? ohh! so, um,and then i´ve thought about.. if you have a child or a beloved one,and you´ve didnt just kiss once the heart...ahm, do you think it will harm?* love is soooo a perfect dream!

* hangesine hayir?hangesine HAYIR!!/* to what no?//to what NO!!//* zu was nein? zu was NEIN!!//
* alles was ich nicht bewerte, ist frei. es ist diese freiheit, die uns stark macht. legen wir den inneren schleier der bewertung ab/* all what i do not judge, is free. it is this freedom, which gives us power. let´s lay down, take off the inner veil of judgement/* yargirmadiğim her şey serbestdir. bize güçlü yapan bu bagimsizlik. yargının iç perdesini kaldırıyorum//* du hast dich doch schon so auf das alles gefreut! jetzt denk dir doch nich alles kaputt!..* you were so happy looking forward to all of this! now don't think until it all will brake..!//* bütün bunları o kadar sabırsızlıkla bekliyordun ki! Şimdi her şeyin bozulucagna kadar düşünme!/* auf der anderen seite der angst ist mut auf der anderen seite von schmerzen is freiheit, ganzheit auf der anderen seite von groll und wut ist liebe und mitgefühl es ist dieselbe energie nur ist sie im körper gefangen- dankeeee doc joe dispenza/* at the other side of fear is brave at the other side of pain is freedom, is oneness at the other side of grudge and anger is love and compassion it is the same energy, she only is stucked in the body thankkk you doc joe dispenza



PHILOSPHAIRE_instagram <3
ciao ragazzi! grazie! hope i can pick you up & i like the word: UNFOLD <3 & U?
i want that.


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* dankeschön an den knoten! am luftballon!
* thanks for the knot! at the baloon!
* düğümeye teşekkür ediyorum! balonun üstündekine!

* aha - das wort - entspannt ungemein
* aha - the word - tremedenously relaxing
* aha bu kelime - son derecede rahatlatiyor

wahrscheinlich, checkt man dinge erst dann so richtig mit allen körperundspeicherzellen- mit dem aha.
probably, one checks things firstly after then so really.. with all bodyandstoragecelles - with the aha.
heralde, biz birseyleri sadece onunlan gercekten ögreniyoruz, tüm vücutvebellekyerihücreleriyle- aha ilan.

One day an acquaintance approached the philosopher Socrates.

"Do you know what I just heard about one of your friends?" he asked.

“Wait!” said Socrates. “Before you tell me anything, I want to do a little test with you. Call him the three sieves.”

“Three sieves?” the man asked in surprise.

“Yes,” said Socrates, “let us see whether what you want to tell me passes through the three sieves:

The first sieve is the truth: are you really sure that what you are about to tell me is true?”

“No,” said the man, “I just heard it and just wanted to pass it on to you.”

“Okay,” said Socrates. “So you don’t know if it’s really true. Let's see if it at least gets through the second sieve, that of goodness. Is what you want to tell me about my friend something good?”

“No, on the contrary,” said the man hesitantly, “it’s a really bad thing.”

“All right,” Socrates continued, “so you want to tell me something bad and you’re not even sure if it’s even true. You can still pass the test because there is a third sieve, that of utility:

Is what you want to tell me about my friend useful to me?”

“No, not really,” the man admitted sheepishly.

“So,” said the wise man, smiling, “if it is neither true, nor good, nor useful, then let it be buried and do not burden yourself or me with it.”

This is an instruction manual for fair dealings with each other:

the three sieves of SOCRATES

The author of “The Three Sevens of Socrates” is not known.
* also in this time everything is possible, the AI is,can do soooo many things! not true? ! check carefully, in many different sources, whether this claim or information is true. feel well into yourself. you will then feel it - or/and know it! and socrates is by your side, too* HA! check, if your precious lifetime is worth of this- or if you can act in your peace in you and around you and in this collective consciousness*

* der kammeranwalt bei dem bezirksberufsgericht der psychotherapeutenkammer stuttgart / the attorney chamber of district court of psychotherapists in stuttgart - STORY*

it's about my report of a complaint at the time to the state psychotherapist chamber in stuttgart, where i had to report emotional abuse to the first psychotherapist i had to/was allowed to see - unfortunately after careful consideration and information.
..to close a cycle- is useful- this story ive told 2 years ago in diverse radioshows..so this is the closing of this story-

short version: in 2021, for the first time, i ended up in depression without knowing what was wrong with me - i felt like i was 13 years old and stuck in a woman's body - back then i was very, very desperate and hoped that he would help me - consciously i was present on one level, watching myself fail or act, but inside i was frozen - and i no longer understood the whole world.

hey you, ive also said this here too, cause i find it important, to stay for yourself or others, which maybe cannot help themselfes. stand for them, too. free your fear, when wrong happens to you. take contact to your inner wisdome- ask, what is here the next step to do.
the answer will appear from inside- not the brain, and then, you´ll know!
nothing in this universe will get lost ever, calm your mind and trust into the laws in big space* we are all masters, who practice.
much love thx, sibel


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18 02 2024

sagen kann man: DU bist hinreissend und bezaubernd!
und man kann sagen: ICH bin hinreissend und bezaubernd!

one could say: YOU are gorgeous and enchanting!
and one could say: I am gorgeous and entchanting!

birisi diyebilir: muhtesem ve büyüleyicin!
ve birisi diyebilir: ben muhtesem ve büyüleyicim!

how easy we do forget-
how wel and blessedl we can be - how important is the water, flushing all your dirt away in toilette f.e., implicitness- for you---...........well, youll just feel better, with that consiousness - and gratefulness-

* again more! i am unbelievable thirsty at the moment, and i was too lazy to take the bottle of water with me- so
now i am here in the forest, but it is so great- but i decided to stay here for making qi gong- with the blessing to know,
that i have water at home-
that i can drink. later.
now i am so very grateful for it, even though i appreciate it every day yet- just_only_more!

so..." wollen wir vielleicht ein stück zusammen gehen? "
so.." we want to walk together a bit maybe?"
ahm.." biz biraz beraber yürüyelim mi?"

* "istedigin yere otur!"
*" have a seat where you want to!"
* "setze dich hin wohin du möchtest!"

when we break through some own set limit- some box in the brain?
well is it easy to surrender? - to the box?! the lack?!
what are these automatic thoughts and feelings which support my behave in this state?
how would life be, when i take things easier?
how would my future self then respond, think, feel or do when challenges appear?
how, what where i am looking?

* what is right now?
* reality shows what's true - we don't actually have to make a decision anymore.
- well, ya- maybe just for being happy!! act like, what love would do!
so then bandit- in me, i saw through you! that was it- ciao raggazzi! and: thanks!

=> starting daily again if its needed - notice always the bandit in you-trying to let you tiny and feared- breakthrough old keeping habits, its an experiment with yourself- but please sealed with humor! be kind to yourself*

i tell you about marie <3 mummy longleg spider, a dear friend who´s left into the wild again*

:( :/ :D life is about that,too: one crying one laughing eye- not?

then happend a time crash - in the next radioshow ill tell about :

yet sooo long ago i wanted to share with you this story and close it within - thanks a lot till from this bermudafunkshow hörspielplatz who
asked and remembered me, of this and if its possible to listen to that past case and radioshow again- also for you: listen to the most
of the past radioshows on: switch-punkcast.podigee.io-.... i tunes, spotify : switch-fuerimmerpunkcast and in your dreams*

it's about my report of a complaint at the time to the state psychotherapist chamber in stuttgart, where i had to report emotional abuse to the first psychotherapist i had to/was allowed to see - unfortunately after careful consideration and information.

"universe, stop! you didnt listened this, yea?! " fuck- no, yes, it listened it :

* you cannot reverse a thought
goes only one way - the thoughttrain!
you can work on with it at most or transform..haa craze

* bir düsünceyi geriye alamasin
tek yollu :) - düsüncetreni!
sadece sonradan onla calisabilirsin, yada transforme edebilirsin- hhaa cilgin
* man kann einen gedanken nicht mehr rückgängig machen
geht nur in eine richtung- der gedankenzug!
man kann ihn danach höchstens bearbeiten oder transferieren.. haa verrückt !

embrace yourself* umarme dich selbst* kendine saril* you´re so much love/ du bist so viel liebe*/ okadar cok sevgisin sen ki*


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21012024 switch-fuerimmerpunk live @www.bermudafunk.org <3

* wieso gehst du jetzt?
* why are you leaving now?
* niye gidiyorsun simdi?

* insanlar birbirlerini esas ayrilirken tanir
* erst beim abschied lernt man sich gegenseitig kennen
* actually, people get to know each other first when they part

* manchmal tut es auch gut, zu frieren
* to be cold there and then, feels good, too
* bazan üsümek, iyi geliyor gibi

* benim mi bu seker?
* is this my sweet?
* ist der zucker für mich?

* gefällt mir schon!
* zaten hosuma gitti!
* i like it already! / * als ich die spucke aussspuckt dann während dem zähneputzen, DA WAR ICH SOOO SO FROH-
wohin es so langsam runterfließt- MEI!! ich bin allen erfindern und herstellern und den kanaldiensten so so sehr dankbar!/* when i spit out the spit while brushing my teeth, I WAS SOOO SO HAPPY-/where it slowly flows down - MEI!! I am so so very grateful to all the inventors and manufacturers and channel services!/* dişlerimi fırçalarken tükürüğümü tükürdüğümde ÇOK MUTLU OLDUM- yavaşça aşağı aktığı yer - MEI!! tüm mucitlere, üreticilere ve kanal hizmetlerine çok ama çok minnettarım*


there´s a daddy-long- legs/in this case a mummy-long-legs hahaa- living with me in my bathroom since few winterweeks up in the corner -one wednesday evening i just celebrated the radio again having a shower in the bathroom, and looked up to the spider- somehow, when i flit flat flut the room to another- i let the radio on playing.. <3 - if i am wrong i dont know, just came later and had to laugh, cause ive thought, she listens it fain, too- hahha this was and is a very beautiful moment. of recogniction. thanks! how i did find out her name? i asked her, and counted a lot a lot of names- and then- i have asked her to move herself a little, when it is the right name- hahhahah- lasted a short time..but ya, so this is- im grateful for her- the radio- ive bought in april 2010 in berlin at a fleamarket from an turkish older guy- for 8 euros- in berlin ive had not much money- i just had 5 euros by me--so ive asked the grandfather, to reserve it, that i will take the money from home and come again- ya and he said:" take it now with you- i trust in you!" and so... i went home, got the money and one and a half hour later i arrived finally at him- berlin is huge- i just thought, that he dont think, i wont come again...ah dear brain, dear human, he just smiled kindly at me- and this radio´s quality- STILL! WAOUW ! GRUNDIG!! THANKSSSS!!

and too: the story about my adventure with the most beloved shoes ive ever had: asics onitsuka tiger mexico 66, mens, midrunner - tokyo- wh/bl/rd <3

where moments, strangers, hearts, love were involved* this sentence is really real: when you give, (best the things, you want to keep actually, or give things away, which you would keep fain on your own) you´ll get huge surprises!!

in this story, or more now at this moment im writing, i recognize, that function of setting a cause and get the effect- in this case, i was unconscious of what ive done... well, it is just my heart or soul i just love my golden heart and the ability, to act like, like love would do. and listen to it.

PS. as ive listened to this show again, i noticed, that it could look like, how "sweet-tempered" i am.. well, when i do write and tell, it comes from my innerlife - and also as someone who is watching it all from above. in fact, you and me are unique, but im sure, you do things the same, just different!

"our heart knows the way -
run in this direction." RUMI <3



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* komm doch mal bischen weg von der lehne?! * come a little bit away from the backrest?! * arkaliktan biraz uzaklassana?!// *...was macht des eigentlich aus? * what does this actually matter? * aslinda ne önemi var?
* sometimes, when i am somewhere, at toillette in a club, cafe or restaurant, at a stroll walk, at a shop or..f.e.then.. i leave this place much more beautiful than i found it. there are many possibilities..if it is to fill up the toilet paper, or leave there tissues or a sticker, or paint with chalk at a busy or unbusy street, or hide somewhere a tiny animal toy or so, or put somewhere flowers that is somehow beautiful. sometimes. then i but i dont do it either.

i like it, that peoples know, which value they have -yeah so, what the klf what
lets answer & see where we can be more kindly to ourselfes/ schau mal, wo du mit dir freundlicher sein kannst?!
* bin ich selbst meine schlimmste kritikerin? * am i my own worst detractor?//* kann ich mir selbst verzeihen? * can i forgive myself?//* kann ich mich selbst in den arm nehmen und trösten? * can i hugg myself, solace myself?//* nehme ich meine bedürfnisse ernst? * i take my needs seriously?//* sehe und wertschätze ich meine leistungen?* i see and appreciate my performances?//* denke ich freundlich über mich? * am i thinking kindly about myself?//* benutze ich nette worte, wenn ich über mich selbst spreche?// * do i use lovely words, when i am speaking about myself?//* kann ich lob und komplimente annehmen? * can i take praise and compliments?

* the story of the two wolfs tells of the both sides, which we carry in ourselfes. it is up to us - at our alignment and our attitude-what we want to carry into the world and how she will meet us in turn. it also depends in our attitude, what we want to express in other people.

the story of the two wolfs
one evening around the campfire, an old cherokee indian told his grandson about a battle that rages within everyone. he said:" my son, the battle is fought by two wolves that dwell within each of us. one is evil. he is the anger, the envy, the jealousy, the worry, the pain, the greed, the arrogance, the self-pity, the guilt, the prejudice, the feelings of inferiority, the lies, the false pride and the ego.the other is good. he is the joy, the peace, the love, the hope, the serenety, the humility,
kindness,the benevolence, the fondness, the generousity, the sincerity, the compassion and faith." the grandson thought about his grandfather´s words for several time, and then asked:" which of the two wolves will win?" the old cherokee answered:" the one you feed."

frau und mann / woman and man

a woman`s highest calling
is to lead a man
to his soul so as to
unite him with source.

im leben einer frau gibt es keine
höhere berufung als die, den
mann zu seiner seele zu führen,
damit er sich mit seinem ursprung
verbinden kann.

a man`s highest calling
is to protect a woman
so she is free to walk
the earth unharmed.

im leben eines mannes gibt es
keine höhere berufung als die, die
frau zu beschützen, damit sie frei
und unversehrt auf erden wirken

- cherokee - <3

let go of all what is keeping you in a cage- cleaning & releasing from too much old baggage.
already in 2023.

wish you resolution, radical honesty, true freedom and true love, and a pony!
sana kararlılık, radikal dürüstlük, gerçek özgürlük ve gerçek aşk ve bir midilli diliyorum!

erinnere dich: du kannst immer und zu jeder zeit an der türe deines herzens klopfen. es wird sofortigst seine türen öffnen.
NUR FÜR DICH! (es gehört zu dir!)

and remember: you can always and at any time knock at your heart´s door! immediatetely it will open its door.
JUST FOR YOU! (it is part of you!)




Über diesen Podcast


hey there! my name is sibel and i speak that, what i think/feel: only the truth about my view, what happens/ed, what made me happy or unhappy or what have made me again healthy... about such things i talk sometimes with greateful guests which i met and know and not

i do speak in german --but also translate some lyrix in english and in some turkish* (could also be co(s)mical for you*)

presently during the show plays/ runs all music genres, tracks, which have safed me already my life, where you can dance or dream or flipp out maybe on it.

the punkcast is a LIVE- recording directly from the BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // usual studio 1 *// alte feuerwache in mannheim/ germany <3 & the future trend of switch-fuerimmerpunk-- or sets ive played or live shows....or ...

so you can expect everything - i try to get across, what being PUNK means to me.


to have nearly around your speakers or 13 KW isnt that bad within *)
much thanks for your precious time & listeningthingding***

on air: sibel taylan

my fountains/coaches are among others: *whole musicworld,*inventors&artistworld,*mother earth with all its beings,to name some: eckhart tolle, dalai lama, deepak chopra, dr.joe dispenza, anni wallstein, louise hay, gregg braden,younity,silkeschäfer,thichnathhan,animals,plants, bruce lipton,stones,carriers, myths *ghostworld,*otherworld,*our all ancestors and..poets..my own experiences; MANY MORE and YOU!! %


hallole!! ich heiße sibel und ich spreche das, was ich denke/fühlen tu: einfach die wahrheit über alles, was mir passiert(e)/ich erlebt habe schon/mich traurig oder glücklich oder wieder gesund macht. darüber quatsch ich dann manchmal auch mit tollen leuten, die ich kennengelernt habe. teilweise

dabei läuft musik aus allen genres, tracks, die mir das leben gerettet haben schon!! wo man tanzen oder träumen kann oder ausflippt vielleicht dabei-

ich spreche in deutsch-- und manche texte auch in englisch und in bischen türkisch :D
(es könnte etwas ko(s)misch vllt sein für dich *)

der punkcast ist ein LIVE-mitschnitt & die weiterentwicklung von "switch - für immer punk"--direkt aus dem BERMUDAFUNK.ORG // alte feuerwache// studio 1 // in mannheim <3 .. live shows, live musik sets oder....also kannste mit allem rechnen – ich versuche rüberzubringen, was für mich PUNK sein bedeutet.

ACHSO-- einen kopfhörer parat liegen zu haben oder 13 KW is nicht das schlechteste dabei*)

vielen dank für deine wertvolle zeit und zuhören!!
bleib neugierig,

von und mit Sibel Taylan


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