* dankeschön an den knoten! am luftballon!
* thanks for the knot! at the baloon!
* düğümeye teşekkür ediyorum! balonun üstündekine!
* aha - das wort - entspannt ungemein
* aha - the word - tremedenously relaxing
* aha bu kelime - son derecede rahatlatiyor
wahrscheinlich, checkt man dinge erst dann so richtig mit allen körperundspeicherzellen- mit dem aha.
probably, one checks things firstly after then so really.. with all bodyandstoragecelles - with the aha.
heralde, biz birseyleri sadece onunlan gercekten ögreniyoruz, tüm vücutvebellekyerihücreleriyle- aha ilan.
One day an acquaintance approached the philosopher Socrates.
"Do you know what I just heard about one of your friends?" he asked.
“Wait!” said Socrates. “Before you tell me anything, I want to do a little test with you. Call him the three sieves.”
“Three sieves?” the man asked in surprise.
“Yes,” said Socrates, “let us see whether what you want to tell me passes through the three sieves:
The first sieve is the truth: are you really sure that what you are about to tell me is true?”
“No,” said the man, “I just heard it and just wanted to pass it on to you.”
“Okay,” said Socrates. “So you don’t know if it’s really true. Let's see if it at least gets through the second sieve, that of goodness. Is what you want to tell me about my friend something good?”
“No, on the contrary,” said the man hesitantly, “it’s a really bad thing.”
“All right,” Socrates continued, “so you want to tell me something bad and you’re not even sure if it’s even true. You can still pass the test because there is a third sieve, that of utility:
Is what you want to tell me about my friend useful to me?”
“No, not really,” the man admitted sheepishly.
“So,” said the wise man, smiling, “if it is neither true, nor good, nor useful, then let it be buried and do not burden yourself or me with it.”
This is an instruction manual for fair dealings with each other:
the three sieves of SOCRATES
The author of “The Three Sevens of Socrates” is not known.
* also in this time everything is possible, the AI is,can do soooo many things! not true? ! check carefully, in many different sources, whether this claim or information is true. feel well into yourself. you will then feel it - or/and know it! and socrates is by your side, too* HA! check, if your precious lifetime is worth of this- or if you can act in your peace in you and around you and in this collective consciousness*
* der kammeranwalt bei dem bezirksberufsgericht der psychotherapeutenkammer stuttgart / the attorney chamber of district court of psychotherapists in stuttgart - STORY*
it's about my report of a complaint at the time to the state psychotherapist chamber in stuttgart, where i had to report emotional abuse to the first psychotherapist i had to/was allowed to see - unfortunately after careful consideration and information. close a cycle- is useful- this story ive told 2 years ago in diverse this is the closing of this story-
short version: in 2021, for the first time, i ended up in depression without knowing what was wrong with me - i felt like i was 13 years old and stuck in a woman's body - back then i was very, very desperate and hoped that he would help me - consciously i was present on one level, watching myself fail or act, but inside i was frozen - and i no longer understood the whole world.
hey you, ive also said this here too, cause i find it important, to stay for yourself or others, which maybe cannot help themselfes. stand for them, too. free your fear, when wrong happens to you. take contact to your inner wisdome- ask, what is here the next step to do.
the answer will appear from inside- not the brain, and then, you´ll know!
nothing in this universe will get lost ever, calm your mind and trust into the laws in big space* we are all masters, who practice.
much love thx, sibel
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