21012024 switch-fuerimmerpunk live @www.bermudafunk.org <3
* wieso gehst du jetzt?
* why are you leaving now?
* niye gidiyorsun simdi?
* insanlar birbirlerini esas ayrilirken tanir
* erst beim abschied lernt man sich gegenseitig kennen
* actually, people get to know each other first when they part
* manchmal tut es auch gut, zu frieren
* to be cold there and then, feels good, too
* bazan üsümek, iyi geliyor gibi
* benim mi bu seker?
* is this my sweet?
* ist der zucker für mich?
* gefällt mir schon!
* zaten hosuma gitti!
* i like it already! / * als ich die spucke aussspuckt dann während dem zähneputzen, DA WAR ICH SOOO SO FROH-
wohin es so langsam runterfließt- MEI!! ich bin allen erfindern und herstellern und den kanaldiensten so so sehr dankbar!/* when i spit out the spit while brushing my teeth, I WAS SOOO SO HAPPY-/where it slowly flows down - MEI!! I am so so very grateful to all the inventors and manufacturers and channel services!/* dişlerimi fırçalarken tükürüğümü tükürdüğümde ÇOK MUTLU OLDUM- yavaşça aşağı aktığı yer - MEI!! tüm mucitlere, üreticilere ve kanal hizmetlerine çok ama çok minnettarım*
there´s a daddy-long- legs/in this case a mummy-long-legs hahaa- living with me in my bathroom since few winterweeks up in the corner -one wednesday evening i just celebrated the radio again having a shower in the bathroom, and looked up to the spider- somehow, when i flit flat flut the room to another- i let the radio on playing.. <3 - if i am wrong i dont know, just came later and had to laugh, cause ive thought, she listens it fain, too- hahha this was and is a very beautiful moment. of recogniction. thanks! how i did find out her name? i asked her, and counted a lot a lot of names- and then- i have asked her to move herself a little, when it is the right name- hahhahah- lasted a short time..but ya, so this is- im grateful for her- the radio- ive bought in april 2010 in berlin at a fleamarket from an turkish older guy- for 8 euros- in berlin ive had not much money- i just had 5 euros by me--so ive asked the grandfather, to reserve it, that i will take the money from home and come again- ya and he said:" take it now with you- i trust in you!" and so... i went home, got the money and one and a half hour later i arrived finally at him- berlin is huge- i just thought, that he dont think, i wont come again...ah dear brain, dear human, he just smiled kindly at me- and this radio´s quality- STILL! WAOUW ! GRUNDIG!! THANKSSSS!!
and too: the story about my adventure with the most beloved shoes ive ever had: asics onitsuka tiger mexico 66, mens, midrunner - tokyo- wh/bl/rd <3
where moments, strangers, hearts, love were involved* this sentence is really real: when you give, (best the things, you want to keep actually, or give things away, which you would keep fain on your own) you´ll get huge surprises!!
in this story, or more now at this moment im writing, i recognize, that function of setting a cause and get the effect- in this case, i was unconscious of what ive done... well, it is just my heart or soul i just love my golden heart and the ability, to act like, like love would do. and listen to it.
PS. as ive listened to this show again, i noticed, that it could look like, how "sweet-tempered" i am.. well, when i do write and tell, it comes from my innerlife - and also as someone who is watching it all from above. in fact, you and me are unique, but im sure, you do things the same, just different!
"our heart knows the way -
run in this direction." RUMI <3
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