LIVE FROM https://bermudafunk.org/sendungen/sendungen/switch-fuer-immer-punk.html STUDIO 1 ALTE FEUERWACHE, MANNHEIM 15102023 2300PM
it is fascination for me, how the shows how the pieces find together then when i go live! i am surprised which kind of music which kind of lyrics or thoughts appear or disappear,
so when i feel myself ok, with it, bingo, like otto krafft, german car engineer, who looked about every single car which leaves out the halls & got sold. i wish you the same fantastic feeling, how you spend your time, that you may meet also YOUR favourite talents in yourself & be open for all the life´s surprises*
stay focused! bleib fokussiert! fokus ta kal!
unbelievable, what a heart can all effect- unbelievable to what a heart is all able to do
unbelievable, to what a human is all able to do, or that consiousness?!
i name i say MY pineal gland, she told me her name is miranda <3 whereby mirinda was personally my favourite well, but she persisted on miranda . miaow...
and while the blessings of the energycenters, sometimes i bring them something by- one time, i brought flowers- crystals, rainbowcrystals, like them of
svarovksy, but clearcrystals- theyve looke so very beautiful, the bouquet of flowers, and miranda was very happy- and i with it. that was and is still such an
superlovely experience. what is reality?
* "the art of knowing
is knowing
what to ignore" rumi
* BOAHH EYY!! all in all 201.339 advertising offers and trackers blocked - wow-
* immediate relief- thanks my dear deep breath
a story about a micronanomillimeter glass splinter in my foot & somehow when i have little aches at my footies, i have to think everytime at soldiers (??)
=> ...was braucht es liebes leben, lass mich frieden in meinem geist bleiben* mitgefühl ändert alles
what is needed dear life, let me be peace in my ghost * sympathy changes everything - in german you say mitgefühl for sympathy- exact translated this means: with_feeling-i like that./ * sempati herseyi degirsir
...a story i lived in berlin with djhell <3
=> ...und- das kann ich nur als kind, eltern mitgeben, dass es ein unglaublich großes ding ist für ein kind, zu wissen, dass man immer einen ort hat, wenn man in not sein sollte. egal wie alt man ist, an einen ort, wo geborgenheit, verständnis und bedingungslose liebe wohnt / and - as a child, i can only tell parents that it is an incredibly big thing for a child to know that you always have a place when you are in should be necessary. no matter how old you are, to a place where there is security, understanding and unconditional love.
..a story about giving strangers with crutches a get well soon... => it really doesn't break anything - it doesn't cost anything and you even feel good about it -...
and who knows what else that might entail?
"when you watch at the stars at night, you will feel as if all the stars were laughing,because i live upon one of them, because i laugh upon one of them. you alone will see stars that can laugh." the little prince
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