* trying to understand and fit in the technic at the studio1 in alte feuerwache / old firewarden --during the 1h haha :D
* " years ago one guy told me,one, in which i was in love,but has ended.. that i dance impossible,and to watch me dancing at the disco is horrible. then, i couldnt dance no more. i felt for years like standby mode. i never danced again, not at home.nowwhere. tragic.
then i said this years later to another guy, i felt gravity.
and ive said sad:" you know, i cannot dance, i dont feel it." and he answered easy out:" why sibel? dance just hey!"
:D and then, when i was alone in the streets, i put on my walkman and danced through.
(in this teaching times, ive went through views from peoples in the punk/hardcorescene, which i like a lot, on the dancing place..first.. no one danced,they stood just there and
nicked with their heads.. suddenly i let go the control and ive started to, cause the great music
just flowed through my bones and skin,and i was then brave and kinged my ego, my hurts, my stupid thoughts. i was just me. myself. and fucked off at the end. the music, the sound, the voice, the anger and power, the crowd all of them made me dancing . sometimes when i listen to hardcore i think they scream for me too. merci
i think, it depends on the carrier.
and how you are awake in this moment with your senses.
today i know- here, the first guy was teaching me actually to fuck off his opinion- but how, when you do not feel complete and loved by yourself? my inner was hurted.
and that i should have a look about myself. which tooks time...uhh ja tannenbaum..
the second mate´s easy friendly simple answer was like a PLAY button somewhere in me. and both iam so very thankful! dancing is healing.
* PUNKS would not exist, when our politics would exist in balance, regardful and heartly.
so..who to thank? :)
* all drummers are the hammers!
* the last song is dedicated to mother earth and its creatures- and all the animals ive been eaten yet.
we dont need to eat meat to survive..how it is with children in their development is, i dont know really.. just it tastes sometimes so gooody! fuck!! well, i do not eat very much meat.
for years ago i throwed out even bio eggsss!!!
i eat when it comes to me from alone. when i am invited or know where it comes from. or when some celles really really senses the urge. then, i go to my "trusted butcher" and thank the animal
for his power, his offering and vitamin. sometimes though i resist too. then i have too much respect from the animal, that i cannot eat it. hmmmm. i think, the time will come, where animals will
develope an enzyme, that they will be uneatable unenjoyable. otherwise why there are so many got lactose intolerant? why all the waiting rooms are full with depression human?
how do we treat them and us?
"bio products", what a word for it, of the huge companies, are not that "BIO" species- appropriate! it acts maybe about 3 cm more space..just that you know.
maybe you screw your animal consume a bit lower and feel, what makes this with your body.
maybe you will be awared, why you are eating. equal now what.
add love.
thanks for listening!
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